//------------------------------// // Luna's Change // Story: The Filly & The Changeling // by Finnie Nara //------------------------------// Day 2 Luna paced around her room. For the past day she had tried to locate Twilight Sparkle in her dreams. However, she could not seem to find her. She tried again and again yet as she wandered the dreamscape endlessly, she could not find Twilight Sparkle. The only reasoning behind this was that Twilight Sparkle had lost her memory and thus breaking Luna's dream spell. The spell only worked if the receiver remembered the user or heard about her. But this could not be possible, Luna reasoned to herself, why would Twilight Sparkle wipe her memory clean? Yet this was the only possible reason as to why Luna could not access Twilight's dreams and was unable to locate her. Luna decided to keep on looking for her. Eventually, she would come across the purple mare. Month 8 week 3 day 6 Celestia walked alongside Luna asking her about her search for Twilight Sparkle as she always did. It would be all that Celestia would talk about during supper and just about any occasion that they met. But that didn't mean that Luna did not care for Twilight, she just wished that she could have a normal conversation with her sister again. Sometimes Luna would wish that she did not find Twilight but would eventually find herself horrified at herself for even thinking about that. It was the Nightmare Moon part of herself she reasoned as she could not and would not take it if it actually was a part of her talking that way. After asking Luna about her search, Celestia quickly said goodbye to Luna and left, probably to look for clues of Twilight's location. Luna understood why Celestia needed to find Twilight so badly, without Twilight, the Elements of Harmony would not work and Twilight was also Celestia's personal student. But Luna sincerely hoped that Celestia would pay more attention to her own sister. Celestia did not notice that Luna was getting thinner, nor did she ever realised what Luna was doing during the day. Luna even asked Celestia if she knew what Luna was doing during daytime but Celestia confessed that she had absolutely no clue. Had Celestia paid any attention to Luna, she would have noticed her changing into a common unicorn after lowering the moon to help out in Canterlot and occasionally Ponyville. Luna sighed and walked back into her room, her head drooping as she opened the door's. She took off her royal jewelry and dropped into bed. Surprisingly, Luna felt tears seeping into the pillow, she had not felt herself crying at all. I need to keep check of my emotions, thought Luna, as she slowly got up. However, as she got up, she hit a furry texture just above her. "Hello there Lulu," teased Discord "He-Hello Discord," Luna stuttered as she wiped her tears away although she still had puffy red eyes "Well? Care to tell uncle Discord what's wrong?" asked Discord half teasing and half concerned "Nothing's wrong," said Luna "When a Princess cries and tells you straight in the face that there's nothing wrong, the least a pony could do is to help her," commented Discord," after all who actually likes to cry?" Luna stayed quiet for awhile as she asked herself if she should tell anything to Discord for fear of him spreading it around, then she asked herself what's the worst that could happen. "As you know i am the head or one of the heads for the search of Twilight Sparkle," Luna started professionally," But now all Tia does is ask me about Twilight. Twilight this, Twilight that. She never asks me how my night was or how i'm doing it's all just Twilight to her and i've been trying to keep my emotions bottled up because royalty should never let their emotions affect their decisions. But i can't help but feel jealous of Twilight Sparkle, she is an Element of Harmony and that automatically makes her very influential but is that enough for her? No she just also happens to be Tia's personal student and guess what? Twilight has been Tia's student for only 15 years and i've been her sister for over 2000 years yet she still cares more for Twilight than she does me!" confessed Luna "Hmm... maybe Celestia does care for you but she just doesn't show it because of her status and Twilight means alot to her and she doesn't have to worry about you because you're not lost or turned evil even if you have done so in the past," commented Discord," or maybe you're just insane and you're just imagining all of this, maybe you're not even a pony, maybe you created this world in a coma to occupy yourself in until you wake up and when you do you'll forget all about this fantasy land because guess what? it was all a dream. Ever wondered why this world was so perfect?" Luna was shocked at Discord's statements yet they struck home, the world was too perfect to be real. "Because both of you rule it with an iron hoof, not letting anypony do what they want if it were out of social expectations. Imagine if a pony created a device that could make anypony able to talk with each other over long distances or able to fly albeit with training? would you accept it? or would you call it insane and beat down the idea into nothingness as if it were a virus because it was simply too different? Look at how slowly we've been advancing for the last few millennia ever since you princesses started to rule Equestria. Technological advances have been slowed to a stop, changes that are made are crushed before it can be debated upon. You may not notice it but Celestia subtly influences everything even you. She influenced you to be her loyal sibling, agreeing with whatever she says essentially becoming her minion albeit a very powerful one. Remember when you had that little temper tantrum? When you became Nightmare Moon and threatened to change things? Remember how she reacted? She banished you to the moon for simply stating an idea, a pretty dumb idea but an idea nonetheless. And when she turned you back, remember how quickly she sought to appease you? to make you her loyal minion again until the end of time," lectured Discord, "and i am the embodiment of chaos or if you will change. I want to make this world different whether for better or for worse i don't really care, the thing is i am willing to make a few changes and help ponykind while making some changes that won't Celestia is the embodiment of order, of the consistency where the world is predictable and everything is boring. So i ask you which do you prefer? change or consistency?" Luna thought about Discord's lecture for quite awhile, Discord made quite a few good points, Equestria hadn't changed much ever since Celestia came to rule she read enough of history books to know that before Celestia and Luna ever came into rule, ponykind was advancing very quickly but ever since Celestia came into power, it all stopped, everything stopped. In the dark ages, Celestia would hang ponies for mentioning or suggesting change just to keep everything in order. Even though Celestia banned the death penalty, everything was as it always was, peaceful and happy, predictable and boring, consistent and static. Luna kept thinking and eventually found her answer. "Equestria has had enough consistency for quite awhile, it's time they moved forward and changed a few things," said Luna as she felt a familiar tingle starting in her chest. Pieces of armour swirled together starting from Luna's chest much like how her Nightmare Moon armour looked like, except a few changes here and there. She still had full control of her thoughts and emotions unlike when she was Nightmare Moon and only felt anger which clouded all her thoughts, and her only desire was to change Equestria, preferably for the better. "Discord i will help you in your quest to change Equestria but only if you promise to never hurt a pony's soul and... if you will rule with me, for advising of course. I'll need some help ruling Equestria of course," said Luna. "Alright... but what about Celestia?" asked Discord "Oh nevermind about her for now," said Luna as she changed her form back into her normal self,"She comes later."