//------------------------------// // JetStream Origins-Chapter 18 // Story: JetStream Origins // by LunicStream1105 //------------------------------// Chapter 18: The Twilight Forest JetStream's attention was drawn to the sky, he was mildly worried about the fact that it is cloudy, much to quick than he thought. The sun soon shined its last before hiding behind a cloud, and dulled. Colos grew worried, "There's usually a team of ponies around here that control the weather... And this doesn't seem to fit right." JetStream turned to him. "What?" he responded almost as he didn't believe what he heard, "Ponies can do that?" Colos gave a single laugh, he acted like he had raised a hoof to gesture. "Well, the Pegasus ponies of course." Slash turned to the group. "Yeah, he's right. And ever since I saw them, I wanted to do it too." Colos turned to Slash. "There is more than one group, you know that right?" Slash blushed. "Well, when I saw them I didn't mean four years ago, that wouldn't be right." he motioned thought. Soon enough there were tall bushes lining up with the route, and there seemed to be some forest behind it. And animals seemed to jump out every now and then. Colas grimaced. "Weather sure looks rough." Colos nodded. "Yeah, we might want to be careful." The two fillies from before were staring at JetStream, like they were trying to use telepathy, but anyway JetStream noticed it, then quickly looked away. He was getting awkward, but the sky was to worry about. There was a sudden fog building, and soon could only see 20 feet ahead of them. 'Okay, I'm going to slow down a bit.' Only the circle of the five ponies could see one another. But suddenly a random thought flashed across him, 'Wait, doesn't fog-' there was a sudden screech. "My mane!" JetStream high-hoofed himself. 'Yup it does...' Suddenly JetStream could hear the other ponies mumbling throughout a good area. But as JetStream slowed himself, he was looking into the fog, and noticed something, "What is that?" he kept his vision still, the others just looked ahead. "What's what?" "The color, the glow, it's back, I'm seeing it again..." everypony around him had a certain colored glow, Twister's was orange, Colas's was a pure green, Colos's was a clear red, and Slash's was a lemon-like-yellow. JetStream desired to wonder what color his was, but he blinked, "It's gone!" he said and shouted at once. "What is?" Colos and Twister were both curious. JetStream just shook his head. "Well, it doesn't matter now." They both gave JetStream a dubious look. And went back to the group conversation. JetStream, as of now, was the friend off of the sidewalk. He decided to look at himself to see his colors, but instead, he felt the ground tug at his hoofs, and fell to the right. And the side of the route in this part was steep enough for him to slide down, he stopped on the outer brim inside the forest, covered in dust and dirt from tumbling. And everything seemed to fade to black. Things like echoing chirps and calls could be heard, but finally, he was able to see once again, he realized what he was seeing and looked full circle, "Nononono. How do I get back??" he looked at every corner, he just fell apart, the fog was really dense, and JetStream looked like on the verge of tears. He just sat there, gazing at one of his hoofs, "... Can I get out of here?" he asked himself, but suddenly he saw the same as before, JetStream's eyes widened as if he saw hope, "It's back... b-but it isn't a blue, it's... a dark grey..." ...You see it... I can sense it... Fear is boiling in the body... That voice, it was a ghostly yet audible voice, JetStream frowned. "Get me out of here!" ...My, my, it is like you met somepony like this before... Haven't you?... JetStream looked around in a panicked manner, looking for a place to exit the forest, and get back on route, but the forest seemed to go for miles. "Whaddo you mean?" ...I'm usually mistaken for a pony that, supposedly pranks other ponies, in the position you're in for example, but you think other wise... I like that... JetStream grit his teeth. "And I do not like the sound of that." he perked up, "Show yourself! I'm warning me!" JetStream knew what he said, but why say the whole thing, he had no idea what he was messing with. ... As thou wishes... JetStream tilted his head at the sudden change in tone, then, from under the trees, a mass of transparent purple-like liquid was in front of him, floating only a foot in the air, JetStream decided to take a couple steps back, he stood there and concentrated, the fog should defiantly help him this time. The glow around this object was so weak it was almost invisible. And it's color was black. He looked at his chest. Speaking quite softly. "Nopony has that color... and if that glow or, Aura, from what I heard, is almost invisible..." he pointed his right hoof to the purple liquid, "... Then you are not actually here, are you?!" he sounded unsure of himself. The voice just chuckled. ... Remember what I said earlier...? JetStream frowned. "That I have met somepony like you? You obviously would be telling a lie..." ... Yes, you are a good listener... I like those who listen carefully as well... JetStream was starting to sense a pattern, and prepared for anything. "So yo-... Wait..." JetStream looked back up, "The first night, that wind I ignored... That was you?" The blob suddenly started circling around JetStream, it was as big as a stallion, and it felt really cold. ... Yes, that was me... JetStream pulled himself together, for the final question. "...What are you trying to tell me?" there was a long pause. ... To tell, I am coming back... JetStream got worried, but before he knew it, the substance caved in on him, JetStream tried to jump out of the way, but it was stuck to him, making him fall flat on the floor, right on his stomach, and after that it went black once again. And something he could feel that was so cold it stung. "W-where am I...?" ~~~Chapter End~~~