JetStream Origins

by LunicStream1105

JetStream Origins-Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Old Wants

As they were trotting off to the opposite direction of the hotel, looking at trees, they seemed to spread out, looking at many other different things. Walking, from first to last, Colas, Colas, Twister, and... JetStream was a little off, but decided to ask anyway.

"What was your name?" he looked at him, gaining a confident smile and replying.

"The name's, Slash." JetStream started to wonder off somewhere else.

"Slash..." The trees seemed to block the sun's cream-yellow light, letting its appearance go ever so slightly when it hides behind the tree's leafs. Soon after Colos went ahead to speak as they all slowed to a walk.

"... So, JetStream..." he was choking on his own words, so he coughed, "How were you the past years...?" JetStream looked to the sky, hoping the clear sky could give him clouds to form answers, then looked back at him.

"Well, the first thing is that I actually moved here." Colos suddenly got a sharper glare, Colas looked at him, and he continued, "Well, when did you move here, to Altamare?" JetStream scratched his chin, "From what my Mom and Dad told me, about three years ago." he stared off into the horizon smiling. He suddenly remembered the glassed hill, maybe he could go back to it and check around, maybe actually get to-.

"Hey." One of the pony's waving their hoof in front of his face, "Equestria to JetStream." He shook his head and turned back to them.

"I nee- want to go somewhere, for a little while, but I'll be back hopefully before the thing starts." he said as he pointed at the hotel.

"Alright." they all said in unison, but had a questioning tone. But anyway, JetStream took off, Myriad saw him heading for Altamare, but he knew he could trust him, they gave each other a good sign before he was out of sight. And as soon as he passed everything with the hotel, the burning feeling rising, rushing his heart to pace, an open field, green grass and a dirt road to Altamare. And before you knew it, he was off, blasting like a rocket, galloping as fast as a grown stallion would have. JetStream couldn't believe it, entering the city before he knew it. He soon reached the train station and passed it with winds following, about five ponies were at the train station, each had a wide mouth just staring at an average, four year old colt going four times fast as he should. But out of those five, one of them broke a sentence to another, "I think we've found Myriam's earth counterpart." the other just nodded. Meanwhile JetStream was back at his house, 1308. He then preceded to the backyard and down the hill, then suddenly shifted forward and started galloping again. And as soon as he got to the top, the door once again opened, and fell through, but this time landing on all fours and sliding with dirt being tossed. JetStream remembered it from last time, so he kept galloping, he practically ran thorough it flawlessly, he referred back to when he said glassed hill.

"That's what I'll name this..." he entered the same room as before, "The Glassed Hill." he was happier than before, and felt like greeting it, but before he could think, "I'm back!" he shouted to the ceiling. The door that was once again closed, opened up for another time, and it occurred to JetStream that this hill has maybe adapted to him in some way. Suddenly a staircase was revealed to go up to the huge glass window.

"Whoa! I'm able to see a good part of the town." he looked around for a good while, but then something small caught his eye, "Wait, is that Twi- Twister! How long has it been!" he needed to get a reality check. He then leaped off th-, "Oww..." he had to get out there, it was a bigger fall than he thought, he made his way to the door, and once again everything went white and back at the backyard. He made his way to the front of Altamare next to the stone path, Twister sees him, and waves, telling him to hurry on back up here, they then galloped back to the hotel, side by side, Twister was keeping a good eye on the ground so it wouldn't trip him.

"The event will be starting soon, that's why I came down here. And we need to get there as soon as possible." JetStream nodded.

"We sure do." They continued to head in the direction of the hotel, hoping they didn't start just yet.

~~~Chapter End~~~