//------------------------------// // The Changeling and The Princess Of Love // Story: The Filly & The Changeling // by Finnie Nara //------------------------------// Alecia looked up slowly as she heard a door being opened somewhere. the guard had fallen asleep long ago and had not heard the door opening. "Are you... the changeling?" asked Princess Cadance "Well i am a changeling not sure if you're looking for me but since i am the only one here you might as well be so yes i am the changeling," replied Alecia "Um okay what's your name?" asked Cadance politely "Call me Alecia," replied Alecia "Well i guess you already know my name?" asked Cadance "Yeah princess Cadance is it?" asked Alecia "Yes it is" Cadance smiled "Okay Alecia do you mind if i cast a spell on you it won't hurt i promise," asked Cadance "Well i got nowhere to go and nothing much left to lose so it's fine by me," Alecia shrugged "Okay then," said Cadance Cadance lit up her horn and cast it at Alecia. While Cadance had said that the spell wouldn't hurt, Alecia still flinched when Cadance had cast it. When Cadance had cast the spell, a little heart appeared above Alecia and it grew larger and larger until Alecia thought it would burst. But the heart stopped growing just as it was about to blow up. "You really do love Twilight..." Cadance muttered under her breath "Yes i meant every word that i said your highness," replied Alecia "maybe if i ever get out scot-free which as unlikely as it is, i'll apply for citizenship just so i'll be able to be with Twilight." "Cadance will do just fine Alecia," said Cadance "Well then call me Liloo, Princ...Cadance," replied Alecia "So you're Liloo..." said Cadance "Yes i am why? have you heard of me before?" asked Alecia curiously "Yes Twilight mentioned you several times when she was awake and asleep," replied Cadance "Twily's here?!" asked Alecia excitedly "Well not anymore," replied Cadance "What do you mean 'not anymore'?"asked Alecia "She was foalnapped or at least we think she was," replied Cadance sadly "Foalnapped?!" exclaimed Alecia "HOW?!" "We don't know but we think the foalnapper grabbed Twilight from the window when she got too close to it," replied Cadance "and we don't have any other leads" "Do you think maybe she just ran away?" asked Alecia "Why would she do that?" asked Cadance "Well maybe she was worried about the house and a certain changeling that she cares about and you kept her locked up in your castle while she worries her heart out wanting to find this changeling that has made an impact on her life and is the only person she cares about?" suggested Alecia "That...that explains alot more than the story my husband cooked up," replied Cadance "But how did you describe it so well?" "Because that's how i felt when Twilight was away," replied Alecia "You really care for Twilight like a sister," commented Cadance "Of course just like how she cares for me," replied Alecia "I didn't know it was possible for changelings to love others," said Cadance "And you didn't even know changelings existed a year ago," replied Alecia "True," replied Cadance "So am i free to go now or what?" asked Alecia "No you're still going to court but... the sentence may or may not be reduced but you certainly will have my backing," replied Cadance with a smile, "you care for Twilight as much as or maybe more than even i do she's probably the most important pony in your life and anypony who has Twilight that high is fine with me." "Well thanks anyway even if i do go to jail or something at least i know i'd have at least 2 ponies who believe in me and that's good enough for me,' replied Alecia with a grin "I must go now my husband would be very worried for me by now," said Cadance " maybe not all changelings are bad after all, if you ever get out scot-free maybe we'll have a drink." "Yeah sure thing..." replied Alecia who was looking slightly bummed "Cheer up if everything you say is true nopony will be able to fault you," said Cadance "It's not that i'm worried about court its that anypony who see's me will judge me because of what i am and not who i am i can tell you that there will be no happy ending for me with ponykind," said Alecia "Maybe but the crystal ponies have never seen nor heard of changelings so i think you'll do just fine here," replied Cadance "Yeah maybe," Alecia said looking slightly happier "Well see you in court!" Cadance said happily "Yeah see you in court," Alecia repeated By now the sleeping guard was awake and held the door for Cadance. "Y'know maybe i was wrong bout you changelings maybe you guys ain't that bad after all," said the guard as he closed the door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few miles away, Twilight Sparkle raced across the forest hoping to find Alecia before it was too late.