The Filly & The Changeling

by Finnie Nara

Twilight Goes Home

Twilight walked through the dense forest heading in the direction of what she hoped was the way back to her sister and home. As Twilight waled through the forest, she noticed that alot of the trees were badly scraped, perhaps whoever dragged her to the empire was rather clumsy and left quite a mark on the trees but that couldn't have been true. The stallion claiming to be her brother must have had the pegasus guards carry her on a chariot to the Crystal Empire.
So what are these markings? Twilight asked herself. Perhaps they'll lead me home, Twilight thought to herself, nothing to lose right? So instead of continuing her current path, she followed the marked trees looking back, Twilight could only see a hint of the Crystal Empire because it shined its rays like a rainbow in the sky. Twilight looked back to the front making sure to follow the marked trees, she would find her sister and their old home and nothing could stop her.
When the marks on the trees became less and less obvious, Twilight had to follow her gut and eventually, the grass became shorter and shorter. Twilight looked up and saw the field where her old house was. There was one difference however. The house was burnt into the ground.
Twilight's eyes became watery as she slowly made her way to the place where her house had once stood. Not one thing had been spared from the wreckage. even the swing that was being built had been burnt and all that was left were ashes.
At this point, Twilight was straight out crying her eyes out. She thought that maybe Alecia could have made it out of the house in time. So Twilight began to search around the area trying to find clues. When Twilight didn't find any, she flopped onto the ground and began to sob hysterically. She kept on crying until the sun started to set. No that Twilight didn't have anything to lose, she laid on the grass, mourning her sister and thinking of what to do next.
The next morning, Twilight woke up at sometime around noon judging from the position of the sun. Twilight walked around the house searching for anything salvageable as expected there was nothing in the house that could be used at all. Twilight sat down, tears started to form in her eyes as she closed them, only to be hit in the head by a piece of parchment. Twilight quickly opened it and read its contents quickly. It said:
Dear Twily,
I fear i may have been caught in quite the situation you see i am currently being held under arrest for foalnapping and if this message reaches you i just want to say... i love you i want you to know that before i am in court i can't tell you how much you mean to me on paper Twily but let's just say that you are the joy of my life. I managed to steal this parchment and pen from a guard, he's looking at me weird right now but i want you to know that i'll always be there for you whether physically or spiritually, i'll never leave your side so that you never have to be alone again. When you get this message you'll probably be wondering where i am. well i can tell you that by the time you get here, i'll probably be in prison for life but if you want to know where i am. I'm in the Crystal Empire. Don't try to save me Twily i'm doing this so that you can be happy and lead a normal life and forget everything that has happened in the past year. I... i love you Twily and nothing will change that.
Love forever,
Twilight finished the letter, tears soaking through the parchment. No, she told herself, i won't be happy without you Liloo, i'll never be happy without you. And with that, Twilight made her way back to the Crystal Empire as quickly as she could.
In the Crystal Empire courtroom, a female changeling was on her way to a court hearing.