//------------------------------// // The Escape // Story: The Filly & The Changeling // by Finnie Nara //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle woke up at 1am in the morning just as planned, she kept some of the utensils that she stole when her meals were given to her. She was determined to see Alecia back at their home. She must be worried sick, Twilight thought, just like i was. So using the fork as a lever, she managed to pry open the window of her room and looked out at the city beneath her. It was beautiful especially in the night when the moonlight reflected off the crystals. Normally Twilight would appreciate the scenery but she had a plan and nothing was going to stop it from succeeding, nothing. Twilight looked around, trying to find some sort of ledge to climb out on. Luckily there was one that lead to the main tower of the castle but it was very thin and was starting to crumble due to a millennia of neglect. Twilight took a deep breath and climbed out the window onto the ledge. She used her fork as a grip onto the wall and slowly made her way to the roof of the main tower of the castle. Just as Twilight was a 3 meters away from the roof, she felt a piece of the ledge crumble underneath her weight and fell away, in that split-second, Twilight took a leap of faith and jumped towards the roof. "Oof" groaned Twilight in pain as her waist smashed onto the edge of the roof Crash! the piece of stone smashed against the entrance of the castle, no doubt somepony would be investigating the noise which meant that Twilight had even less time to escape. As Twilight walked along the roof looking for any sign of a hatch to climb through. The things i do for family... she thought to herself. She spotted a hatch camouflaged from you guessed it all the years of neglect. Twilight hastily set charges that she made from the oil she squeezed out of her meals, and some other stuff you don't want to know. She ran for cover and counted to ten before she heard the explosion and galloped into the hatch. Once down the ladder, she was met with a incredibly powerful stink of musk and dampness. She had to cover her nose and hold her breath to even begin walking through it. She spotted the exit but it was locked so she looked around desperate to find something to break the door open she found a slightly rusted crowbar, apparently people had been here before to store stuff. She picked up the crowbar with her levitation spell, jammed it in the gap between the door and the door frame and pulled as hard as she could. After what seemed like forever, the door started to give and broke off its lock. Deciding that it would be a waste, twilight kept the crowbar with her while galloping onto what she hoped was freedom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armour was woken by the sound of shouting and an explosion. Being a soldier, he was immediately alert to his surroundings. He walked out his room and asked a guard who was galloping at full speed what was going on. "Sir there's been an explosion in the main tower and a guard who was on patrol saw a large piece of stone falling from the left wing," the soldier replied throughly "The left wing... that's where Twilight is! Go get a guard over there to check on her i need a full descriptions of the damage caused and i want troops on high alert if there's an intruder in the castle we can't let him or her get away!" Shining Armour ordered concerned that Twilight might have been foalnapped. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight rushed down the stairs careful to stay in the shadows and minimise the noise emitted from her hooves. Whenever she thought she heard voices, she would quickly scout the area for a hiding spot and rush towards it. Once she even hid in an empty cardboard box with convenient eye holes which allowed Twilight to sneak past most of the guards. After what seemed like hours of intense hide-n-seek, Twilight found the window that led to the backyard of the castle and she was on the ground floor meaning she wouldn't have to risk breaking anything. It seemed too good to be true but there it was and so she ran out the window and galloped at full speed into the forest infront of her, desperate to find her sister. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sir we could not find Twilight Sparkle sir we suspect that the intruder has foalnapped her!" announced the soldier Shining Armour's worst nightmare came true, Twilight was foalnapped and it was all because he didn't give her enough security. The pony who managed to cause all this problems was even more dangerous than he had ever thought possible and it seemed that Twilight was an essential piece in her plans. "Double security and commence a full city-wide sweep i want that intruder brought to me preferably begging for mercy," instructed Shining Armour. Twilight where are you and what have you gotten yourself into asked Shining Armour to himself worried sick for his sister.