The Chronicles of Saber Strike, Warrior of Equestria/ Chronicle 1 - The Dark Emperor and the Sword of Harmony

by Kid Chaos 64

Ch 1 - Arrival in a new world.

Ch 1

“What happened?” he said to himself.

All he could see right now was black.

He was dizzy to say the least. One minute he was reading a book, the best he had read in a while, Then next a big black hole came out and swallowed him up. After being stranded in a big empty space for a few seconds, he now settled down.

His vision started to clear up. It appeared that he was outside. There were white fluffy clouds in the sky and he could hear the rushing of a small river next to him as well as a forest behind him.

He was laying on his belly and he lifted his head up. He saw a while way from where he laid what looked like a small town.

Looking on he could make out a four-legged creature trotting up to him.
At first he could not see exactly what type of animal was approaching him. Soon, however, he could make out a purple horse. No, too small to be a horse. A pony with a horn on its head.

A unicorn? He thought. He must have fallen asleep while reading and is dreaming all this. Then he saw the pony spread out a pair of wings.

Wait a unicorn horn and pegasus wings, he really must be dreaming.
Soon the pony got up close to him. “Oh, my are you okay?” It said in a kind female voice.

“Whoa it talks!” he yelled.

“Of course I can talk. So can all ponies,” the purple pony said, “You must have hit your head hard when you landed.”

“Landed?” he asked.

“Yeah I saw a black hole open up at the edge of town and you fell out. I saw it all from the castle balcony”

Did He fall? He didn't remember that.
“I feel weird,” he said. He tried to stand up and get his footing, but he couldn’t get up on two legs. He could only stand on all fours. Billy looked down at his hands and feet only to see a set of four hooves.

“Ahhhhh” he shouted looking all over his body, seeing that it had been turned into that of a dark blue pony with a blonde shaggy mane and tale with black highlights.
“I'm a.... I'm a.... pony!” he said out loud.

“Okay calm down,” the purple pony tried to say, but he started to have a panic attack and was starting to get out of hand. He then started to babble nonsense “That's enough of this,” she said as her unicorn horn light up bright. He stopped moving and was held up in the air glowing purple.

“Hey, I can't move,” Billy exclaimed.

“I've got you in a magic lock,” Twilight explained. "Now take some deep breaths and calm down."

Billy took in a deep lung full of air, held it for a few seconds, and exhaled. Then he then did it again about five or six more times. The panicking feeling started to subside.

“You okay now?” she asked.

“Yeah I think so. He answered.

She broke her hold of him and he fell back to the ground.

When he landed it actually hurt a little. Meaning that he was not dreaming.
“Oh sorry about that.” the purple pony said, “I forgot to float you back down.”

“That's okay,” he said standing up. At least he now knows he's not dreaming. He really is a pony.

“I should introduce myself. I am Twilight Sparkle.”

“My name is Billy Krumroy” he replied as he tried to walk. But he couldn’t make it far before he started to stumble. He tried a second time only to fall again.

“Is there something wrong Billy?” Twilight asked.

“It's just that I'm not used to walking on all fours,” Billy replied.
“What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “All ponies walk on all fours.” Then it dawned on her. The shock that ponies could talk, the panic attack, and this struggle to walk on four legs.

“You're not from this world, are you?”

“I would say I'm not,” said Billy. “My world isn't this colorful. And in my world I was a human.”

“Did you just say human?!” Twilight asked with shock.

“Yeah. Is that a problem?” Billy wondered.

“No, it's just that it's been awhile since I've had to deal with humans.” Twilight accounted.

“Would you please come with me to the library?” she asked Billy, “Maybe there we can find out what's going on here.”

Billy thought. Should he go with this strange pony he just met? It seemed kind of risky. But there was something about this purple pony, this Twilight Sparkle that seemed kind and caring, that he could trust her.

“If it will give me some answers as to what I'm doing here I will go with you,” Billy said.

Twilight smiled, “Good. Follow me.” she said and they both started to walk into town.

“So.... what is this town called?” Billy asked.

“Oh, I forgot. This is Ponyville.” Twilight answered. “Are you getting used to walking on all fours now?”

Billy took a stumbled step then regained his balance. “I still trip every once in a while, but I'm getting better.” Billy responded.

He thought back to his world. He read a book once that it takes (in his world) a foul about an hour to start walking after being born. But he is no baby and these aren’t normal ponies. After just a few minutes, Billy was starting to get the hang of walking on four legs.

“So Ponyville...” Billy pondered. “Does a lot happen here?”
“Well, the town stays pretty busy during the day,” Twilight explained. “And all kinds of ponies live here, earth ponies unicorns and pegasi.”

Unicorn, pegasus Billy thought. “Twilight may I ask you something?”

“Why do you have both a horn and wings? Actually, what would you call that? I've seen paintings in my world of such creatures, but I don't know what they're called. A unisus a pegacorn....”

“Well, I am what is known as an alicorn. I was born a unicorn but was later turned into one. The story of how that happened is kind of long and I'd gladly tell you some other time, but now we have more pressing matters at the hoof.” Twilight answered.

“Oh yes, of course, the library.” Billy realized. But at least he now knew what an alicorn was.

And Billy did notice that Twilight used the word hoof instead of hand. But he figured that was a pony thing seeing as ponies don't have hands. He wondered if the ponies had other such horse puns that they used in everyday life.

A few more minutes passed and soon the two ponies reached the front entrance to town. A medium sized yellow metal gate.

Twilight turned to Billy raising a hoof to point the way and said proudly “Welcome to the town of Ponyville!”

Billy stepped thru the gate and was struck with awe. Indeed, the town was busy. Billy saw all three kinds of ponies walking around, earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. Some were shopping at market stands. Others were heading off to work. And all were different colors and had unique hair styles, well make that mane styles.

The buildings of Ponyville were also amazing. The cottages that lined the town's cobblestone streets were a yellowish color with visible brown cross beams along the walls. And the roofs seemed to be made out of hay and straw.

“Woe...” was all Billy was able to say for the first few seconds of being in town.

“We need to get going.” Twilight reminded him “I'll give you a proper tour later.”

“Right,” Billy said as they started walking into town, or would it be trotting he wondered.

A few minutes passed and Billy was slowing taking it all in. This place certainly looked more exciting than his home world. If things turned out okay he might stay here a while. He could be someone, or somepony as the case is, new. A more confident social person. Er, pony now.

As they passed thru town square Billy noticed a big stage being constructed, as well as several other ponies gathered around the stage playing various instruments.

“What's happening here?” Billy asked Twilight.
“There preparing for the upcoming music festival,” Twilight answered.
“Music festival?” said Billy curiously.

“Oh yes. There will be all kinds of music played there. Like classical, blues, rock, and others.”

“Sounds interesting.” said Billy wondering how ponies could play instruments with hooves.

Soon after they left the square Twilight turned to Billy. “Hold on for a second,” she said.

“What's going on?” he wondered.

He looked ahead and he saw a pony, a pink earth pony with a mane that looked as if it was made out of cotton candy.

The pink pony pranced up to Twilight and Billy. “Hey Twilight!” it greeted
“Hello, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight responded.

“What are you doing today?” The pink pony apparently named Pinkie Pie asked Twilight.

“Aw you know, this and that.” The alicorn answered.

“That sounds great.....” Pinkie Pie was saying when she caught sight of Billy. She ran over to him with a flash. “Hello there. I don't think we've met. I'm Pinkie Pie and I'm so happy to meet you.” she said holding out her front hoof.

Billy took a step back. This was sudden. His shyness started to get to him, but he thought this was his chance to be more confident and social. Besides this Pinkie Pie seemed to know Twilight, she must be trustworthy, so he stepped back up. “I'm Billy, nice to meet you too.” He said

“Billy, like in billy goat?” Pinkie shouted out.

“Uh, no just plain Billy. I'm not a goat,” said Billy confused.

“Oh. And I wanted to call you Billy Goat. Billy Goat, Billy Goat, Billy Goat. But it's fine if you don't want to be called that. Now don't leave me hanging.” Pinkie then said excitedly.

He saw the outstretched hoof and wondered how ponies shake hands considering ponies don't have hands, so he decided to wing it and held up and bumped his hoof against Pinkies. Pinkie smiled a big grin so it must have worked. That was kind of like a bro fist from his world he thought.

“Yeah, a new pony in town,” Pinkie exclaimed “Now I get to throw another welcome to Ponyville party!”

“Pinkie” Twilight chimed in. “I'm afraid the party will have to wait.”
“What?!” Pinkie yelled “Why?”

“A situation has come up,” Twilight said, “It's best I tell everyone at once. Pinkie while you're here could you get the others and meatus at the library?”

“Oh all right. The new library right?” Pinkie asked.
“Yes, the new one.”

“Oke Doke Loke, you can count on me.”

And with that Pinkie darted of into town leaving Billy bewildered. He turned to Twilight. “Is she always like that?” he asked.

“Aw that's just Pinkie being Pinkie.” answered Twilight

“Are there other ponies here like that?” Billy asked as they started to walk again.
“This place does have some wild characters,” said Twilight “but mostly everyone here is very nice. Don't worry, you'll make lots of friends in no time.”

Friends, Billy thought. He didn't have many friends in his home world. The few he did have he wasn’t too close with. He was too shy to talk to new people. Now he thought, that will be different. He will meet and talk to new people. Or should he say ponies.

After a few more minutes, Billy and Twilight caught sight of a big building they were approaching. “Aw, the library.” The purple alicorn said.

Billy looked up at the building. It was a two-story cylindrical building with a green cone roof. The sides were the same yellowish color as the majority of the towns housing. Complete with the brown crossbeams. And circular windows lined the sides of the structure.

“Impressive,” Billy said out loud. “You and Pinkie said something about this being a new library?”

“Yes well...” Twilight started to say. “The last one kind of uhh... blew up.”
“It blew up?!” Billy shouted. “How did that happen?”

“It's another long story,” Twilight said as she stepped up to the libraries rounded front door. Her horn glowed purple as did the doors handle and it opened.

“I have to admit that magic you do sure is cool,” Billy admitted

“Thanks,” Twilight said gracelessly as she stepped thru the door. “Maybe if you end up staying you can learn some yourself.”

“Me... no, I doubt I could do magic,” Billy said embarrassed. “Besides only a few ponies can do magic right.”

“Actually all unicorns can use magic,” said Twilight. “And you might not have realized this yet, but you just happen to be a unicorn.”

“What?” Billy asked shocked as he reached a hoof up to his forehead and as Twilight said he felt a horn adopt his cranium.

As Billy went into the library a million questions went thru his mind. But they were soon silenced when he saw the buildings' interior. Shelves of books lined the walls. All the walls. He wondered how many of the books were adventure stories. Maybe some took place in space. He then wondered if the ponies have ever been to outer space. He was thinking of new questions now.

The shelves were a brownish color and Billy could see green rafters in the roof. There were additional bookshelves in the interior of the library. As well as tables set up for ponies to sit down and read the many books.

“It's not my old library, but it will have to do,” Twilight explained to Billy. “After the old library well... you know, of course we needed a new one. But the town only had so much money and they said no to the new library I designed, said it was 'to complex' for their funds. So they went with this simple design. But the observatory would have been so cool.” she said as she held up her hooves up to her face, it scrunching up as a squee sound came from her.

This kind of surprised Billy. The squee that is. Where did that come from?

Twilight composed herself and turned to Billy. “Well now that we are here let's get to business. Let's find a quiet spot. Luckily there aren’t many other ponies here.”

They found a quiet secluded corner and the two sat down at a small table on cushions that adorned a lot of the library floor.

This must be how ponies sit down at tables. Billy figured as he and Twilight began to talk.

“So you're a human?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, I've already told you that.” Billy responded.

“It's just that this hasn’t happened before,” said Twilight. “Do you know anything about Equestria?” Twilight then asked.

“Equestria... nope never heard of that. What is it?”

“It's the land we ponies live in. Ponyville is a part of Equestria.”

“I see. So I'm in Equestria.” Billy said with realizing tones in his voice.

“Yes. Now do you know anything about Canterlot High?” Twilight asked.

“No.” Billy responded. “If you're asking about what school I went to I went to White County High. Home of the Warriors.” Billy said proudly. “But why would you ask that? Is it important in some way?”

Twilight decided that she better tell him. “A while ago I traveled to a world inhabited by humans. I needed to retrieve something of mine that was taken there. While there I was turned into a human. Like how you have been turned into a pony. A focal point in this world, I went to was a high school called Canterlot High.”

“So that is why you know about humans.” Billy realized. “But sorry I've never heard anything about any Canterlot High.”

“Than that means you are from another world, one that also has humans,” said Twilight excitedly. “I wonder how many other worlds there are out there? This is so fascinating.”

Billy decided he had better ask some questions too. “Twilight, how many other ponies beside yourself know about humans?”

“Just my friends. I did tell them about my adventures in that world.” Twilight answered. “Oh, and the princesses.”

“Wait princesses...?” Billy asked. But before Twilight could answer the library door opened and five ponies walked in. Pinkie Pie among them.

“I've got everypony here Twilight. Hey, where are you?” Pinkie said hoping the way.
“Were over here.” Twilight waved over to her friend.

“Oh there you are.” said Pinkie

Billy saw the ponies as they walked over to him and Twilight. He recognized Pinkie, but the other four were a complete mystery. One of them, an orange earth pony with a blond mane and tail and was wearing a cowgirl hat stepped up to them.

“What's this about Twi? I was close to breaking my apple baking record when Pinkie stormed up here saying we all needed to see you.” Billy noticed she was speaking with a southern accent.

“I too am curious as to what you need us all to know,” spoke another pony. This one, a unicorn, with a white coat and a purple curled mane and tail, which Billy had to admit was rather pretty. “I'm close to finishing up my new line of vests for stallions.”

“Allow me to introduce you all to somepony new here,” Twilight said She gestured to Billy. “This is Billy Krumroy. He is a human from another world.”

Billy stood up. “Uhhh.... Hello...uhhh everypony,” he said shyly. Meeting all these other ponies at once was a little unexpected. He was caught off guard by this and his shyness got the better of him.

“Did you just say human?!” the orange pony said shocked “Like the ones you told us about?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied. “But he is from a different world that has humans, separate from the one I went to.”

Another pony, a light blue pegasus with a rainbow striped mane spoke up. “That's cool Twilight. I've always thought humans were cool when you told us about them. And now we have one here in Equestria. That's awesome!” she said hovering up a few feet in the air.

Billy got his nerves together and gathered his courage to speak to the assembled ponies. “Yes I am human and I would like to say hello to all of you. But, first of all, can I get all your names?” he said, ”You all seem to be friends of Twilight here so...”
“Oh of course.” Twilight realized. “Sorry Billy, let me introduce you to my friends.”

Twilight gestured to the orange pony. “This is Applejack.”

“Howdy there Billy, pleased as punch to meet you,” Applejack said to Billy while she tipped her hat. Billy nodded back to her.

Twilight then pointed her hoof to the white unicorn. “This here is Rarity.”

“It is indeed a pleasure to meet a human. And might I add that your coat is a marvelous shade of navy blue,” said Rarity with regal in her voice.

“Thanks” Billy replied. “my mom always said I look good in blue.”

“And this...”

Before Twilight could introduce the rainbow mane pony, said pony darted up in the air, did a few flips and a barrel role, all while still in the library, and then landed gracefully in front of Billy and spread out her wings out wide. “ Get ready, for I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash, the greatest flier in all of Equestria. Pretty cool huh?” she said.

Billy was flabbergasted. He had never seen an animal perform such stunts. Indoors no doubt. He stood their mouth agape as he tried to say “Yea cool...”

“Rainbow!” Twilight said to the blue daredevil pony. “I was just about to get to you.”

“Sorry,” Rainbow Dash responded “but I had to make a good first impression.”
After Twilight looked over at Billy and seeing the expression his face she said, “Well it looks like you succeeded in that.”

Twilight continued, “Pinkie Pie you've already met.”

Pinkie jumped up “Hi Billy Goat. Oh sorry. Wait, I've never asked, is it okay for me to call you Billy Goat?”

“Just Billy is fine. I'm not a goat.” Billy replied.

“Okay,” Pinkie said sounding a little disappointed.

Billy then noticed the last pony, a light yellow pegasus with a long pink flowing mane, standing back behind the other ponies. She looked rather nervous.
“The last one here is Fluttershy.” Twilight was saying as Billy looked at her.
The name said it all.

He approached the nervous pegasus. “Hello there. I'm Billy,” he said to her. She took a step back. “Don't worry. I know what it's like to be shy, not being able to talk to others because of nerves. Being afraid that others won't accept you because of whatever reason. It's hard. But you learn to get past it. To find the courage to meet new people... ponies. The courage to make new friends.” he then held out a hoof to Fluttershy. She looked at the hoof for a second. Then something clicked as she held out her hoof and took Billy’s.

“Humans sounded scary from Twilight’s stories.” she said in a soft voice.

“It's okay. I guess ponies who’ve never heard of humans who then learn of them would be scared. But I can assure you I'm a nice guy... Pony now.” Billy said as he smiled at Fluttershy who then returned the smile and then let Billy lead her forward to the rest of the group.

The other ponies all had looks of awe in their faces as Billy looked upon them. Twilight spoke up, “Billy that was beautiful. I've never seen anyone
get Fluttershy to open up like that so fast. You must have a lot of friends in your world.”

Billy felt embarrassed. “Not really,” he admitted looking down.
“Well you have friends here.” said Twilight.

“We've all just meet you,” Applejack put in, “but seeing you with Fluttershy there... Yes, we would all be tickled pink to be your friends. Welcome to the herd sugar cube.”

Billy felt great happiness flow over him. He had only been in this world for... well he had lost track of the time, but now he had six new friends. A tear started to well up in his eye. He tried his best to hold it back.

Right then the library door opened and a small reptilian creature stormed in. “Sorry, I'm late Twilight. There were a few scrolls that needed organizing at the castle and I couldn’t leave until the job was done,” it said.

Pinkie gasped, “Oh yeah Twilight, Spike said he was going to be delayed getting here.”

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Twilight said annoyed and rolling her eyes. She then turned to the reptile. “Spike I was wondering where you were.”

“Pinkie told me to go with her to the new library, but I still had duties that had to be done. By the way did you find that pony you saw fall out of the sky,” the reptile said.
“He's right here. I want you to meet him.” Twilight said as she showed this creature to Billy.

The reptile was short. Shorter than even the ponies. From its voice, it sounded male. He was purple with green plates going down along his head, back, and tail. “Hi there,” he said to Billy. “I'm Spike.”

“Hi,” Billy responded. “May I ask what kind of creature you are?”

Spike looked puzzled. “What? You've never seen a dragon before?”

Billy was surprised. “You’re a dragon? There are dragons in this world?”

“Yes. There are lots of creatures here in Equestria.” Twilight explained. “dragons, manticores, hydras, and tons more.”

Billy was now puzzled. “But Spike here doesn’t look like most dragons I'm familiar with.”

“Well, right now I'm just a youngster,” Spike said. “But don't worry, someday I'll be big and ferocious.”

Billy smiled. This small reptile saying he'll turn into a big dragon someday was rather cute. “I'll look forward to that day,” he said to Spike as he raised a hoof and gave Spike a light noogie on the head.

Spike blushed. “Thanks,” he said.

Billy was getting used to his new pony body.

“Now that introductions are out-of-the-way I think it's about time the princesses know about Billy's arrival here in Equestria.” said Twilight.

Billy remembered “You mentioned princesses before.” he said.

“Yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Together they rule Equestria.” Twilight explained.

Billy should have guessed that this fantasy world would have princesses.
Twilight looked over to Spike. “Spike, take a letter,” she said.

Billy looked at Spike and saw him take out a quill and paper seemingly out of nowhere, how that works he had no idea and started to write as Twilight spoke.
“Dear Princess Celestia,” she said. “A matter of grave importance has come up. Somehow a human has arrived here in Equestria. I do not know what this means and we could use your insight on the matter. Still, with much devotion Twilight Sparkle.”

“You get all that?” Twilight asked Spike.

“Got it,” Spike replied.

“Good. Now send it”

With that, Spike rolled up the paper and blowed out a stream of green fire at the paper incinerating it, the fire going up and headed out of an open window.
“Who what you do that for. I saw a mailbox just outside the library. Why destroy the letter?”

“This is how we send mail to the princess,” Spike explained. “It's magic!”
After about a half minute Spike burped and a puff of the same green fire came out and forming up in it was another rolled up paper which Twilight picked up with her magic up and began to read.

“That was a fast response,” Spike said

“Not to mention a little gross.” Billy chimed in.

“You get used to it,” said Rainbow Dash. “So what's it say Twilight?” she continued.
Twilight looked up from the letter and said, “She wants to see us all in Canterlot right away. She says she wants to 'meet the human.'”