Friendship is Shining: The Ticket Disaster

by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Offers He Can Refuse

Rarity took Shining Armor into Carousel Boutique, shutting the door as soon as they were in. The stallion shivered from being soaked by the rain, resisting the urge to shake himself dry. Rarity removed the outfit she wore with the attached umbrella and set it aside to dry.

"Just wait here," the mare said as she walked out the foyer, "and I'll be right back with some towels."

"Okay." The stallion stood where he was as best he could, trying to keep from getting too much of the boutique wet. As he stood there, having a puddle develop underneath him, he looked around the boutique that he could see. The main room of the boutique was round and spacious. In one are were three sewing dummies that were completely uncovered that stood near the doorway to Rarity's drawing and sewing room. There were some more sewing dummies that were dressed, showing off the outfits that the mare had made. Along another part circular room, a dressing screen was set up.

"Here you are darling," Rarity called out as she returned, handing Shining the towel.

"Thanks." Taking the towel, Shining wrapped it around himself and started drying off his fur.

"Of course," she responded as she wrapped another around Spike. "After all we are the best of friends, are we not?"

Shining Armor froze as he heard that, shifting to look out from beneath the soft terrycloth to look at the mare. The words were different, but the tone sounded similar to the one he had heard from Rainbow Dash earlier.

"And you know what friends do, right?" Rarity asked as she looked at him with her big blue eyes. "They help each other. Speaking of help, I believe you could help me by trying on an outfit I've been working on."

Shining only had enough time to let out a yelp as he was yanked into the main room of the boutique. Before he could even register what was going on, the stallion found himself behind the changing curtain as Rarity basically shoved him into an outfit.

"There," Rarity said as she took the curtain away. "Now don't you look simply handsome." She brought a full length mirror to stand in front of the stallion, letting him see himself.

Shining Armor found himself in a scarlet colored dress jacket, with two rubies on the lapels. Underneath was a lavender dress shirt. Around his neck was a two-tone electric blue tie that matched his mane with a silver and sapphire tie-clip to hold it in place. He would probably look perfect in it if he combed his mane a little.

"And you," Rarity squealed as she turned to Spike. "Oh Spike, I have a dandy little outfit that's just perfect for you." Once more the dressing curtain was pulled out as the mare assisted in -- and insisted on -- dressing the target of her attention. When the curtain was pulled away, Shining had to place a hoof to his mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

The purple and green dragon had been dressed in a pair of blue bloomers and coat with gold trim and sash. The cuffs and of the jacket were fringed with white frills. Glossy black leather straps had been put around Spike's feet, with big shining gold buckles. The entire thing was topped of by a wig of long flowing blond hair that went down past his shoulders.

"Now you just need a hat," Rarity said as she re-appeared with one, setting it on the young dragon's head. The hat was black, with gold detailing, and a large feather protruding from the band.

"Ugh," Spike said as he looked at himself. "I want nothing to do with this girly gala gunk. See you back at the library." Stripping out of the outfit as quickly as he could, the dragon took off as fast as he legs could carry him.

"Oh, who needs him anyway?" Rarity gave a wave of her hoof before pulling the mirror in front of Shining Armor once again. "This is all about you, and how fabulous you'll look at The Grand Galloping Gala.

"And, oh, my goodness." Running, she moved to one of the pony dummies that had been hidden earlier by the changing curtain. "What a coincidence. I happen to have an ensemble of my own that would accentuate yours perfectly to a t. We would be the talk of the ball, you and I." Moving up, she pressed against him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Everyone would be clamoring for our attention. All eyes would be on us! And then everyone would finally know, the most beautiful, most talented, most sophisticated pony in all of Equestria, is Rarity the unicorn!"

During her speech, Rarity had tightened her grip on the stallion, pulling him down as she moved to stand up her hind legs more and more. As she talked, he found himself pressed against her barrel, one air pinned against her and listening to her heartbeat mixed with the sound of her voice. A part of him thought that, under different circumstances, it would be kind of comforting.

As it was, he was just annoyed. His free ear shifted to pin against the side of his head. Tilting his head, he looked up at Rarity with narrowed eyes as his lip bent down into a scowl.

Rarity caught sight of the look on his face and let him go, moving back slightly but still on her hind legs. She smiled at him, giving an embarrassed chuckle.

"And Shining Armor, of course." She gave him a gentle pat on the head.

"So," Shining said slowly, "this was just a way to try and flatter me into giving you the extra ticket." His horn glowed brightly as he started to undo the outfit. "Well it's not going to work. You're just going to have to wait for my decision just like everybody else." He tossed the outfit at one of the dummies. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other places to be." With that, he left the boutique, slamming the door shut behind him. Walking away from the business, he let out a snort.

"Hey there, Sugar cube," Applejack called out.

You have got to be kidding me, the stallion thought as he let out a groan of frustration. As he turned to look at the orange mare, she grabbed him and brought him over to a cart filled with baked goods.

"I thought that after lunch, ya could use some dessert," the orange earth mare explained. "I got: apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplins, apple crisps, apple crullers, aaand, apple brown betty! Uh, the dessert. Not my auntie. What d'ya say there best friend?"

"I say," Shining growled, "that I'm getting tired of all these favors in an attempt to persuade me into giving my ticket. I just want some time to be left alone, and all this attempts to try and get me to choose one over the other is making it harder." Before he get a response, Shining Armor took off, running as fast he could do for the library.

" that a maybe?" Applejack asked after him as she stood next to her cart of baked goods.