Your Voice

by marineproductions100

Your Voice

Your Voice


Written By: Cameron a.k.a. marineproductions100

Film Maker's house.

Film Maker laid on his bed silently. His unpreened wings were spread across the sheets. His red mane was a mess. His brown coat was more darker than usual without its proper wash. His eyes were gazed on one thing in his whole room. A picture frame that sat on a desk in front of his bed. The picture frame was next to a small CD player that played the same song over and over. Its lyrics were sinking into Film Maker's emotions and memories of his best friend. The picture frame had him and a red coated stallion pegasus with a black mane. The red coated pegasus had a gray jacket with a hood covering half of his black mane. Film Maker had his hooves wrapped around Shadowblaze and Shadowblaze smiled at the camera while Film Maker had his eyes closed and a small grin plastered on his face.

A tear escaped Film's left eye as he remembered the day that the photo was taken. He remembered how much Shadowblaze allowed Film to cuddle with him. How much Shadowblaze kept on smiling and small jokes that made a lot of ponies laugh. He remembered Shadowblaze being so happy. Happy. Such a foreign word to Film Maker nowadays. He's been in his room for a week straight without the care to feed himself or even get himself hydrated. He didn't care to wash his coat that started to stink of a pony who just got out of the gym. Even though Film never really worked out. That's what his coat started to smell like; sweat.

A gentle knock came from Film's door bedroom. Along with a motherly voice. "Film, honey, are you okay?" Film knew that voice. His mother was checking up on him like she has been doing for the past week. She'd stop by his room with some food and water to make sure her son wouldn't get sick from dehydration and starvation. "I brought you a daffodil and daisy sandwich. I-Its your favorite."

Film didn't move at all. He just laid there, listening to the song that just repeated itself for the hundredth time or so today. The door slowly opened and Film's mother slowly walked in with a plate that had a daffodil and daisy sandwich on it. She slowly placed the sandwich next to the CD player and picture frame. She saw Film's attention was gazed on the picture frame. She gently placed the picture frame facedown and looked at her son. Film Maker still didn't move his gaze. He still stayed still with a few tears escaping his eyes.

Film's mother placed her hoof on his mane and slowly began to rub it. Her coat was the same color as Film's but her mane was blue. Her eyes were the same color as her son's; sky blue. A sniffle escaped her nose. "Filmy, you have to talk to me, please." His mother would come in and beg everyday. She understood how Film felt. She understood it too well. "Filmy?"

That nickname was one of Film's favorite that his mother gave him. She'd never use his nickname whenever he was in trouble. She never dared to. Film slowly lifted his head to meet eye-to-eye contact with his mother. "Yes mom?" Film whispered out a sob.

"Filmy, honey, I know how much you miss him, trust me." Film's mom looked around the room and spotted Film Maker's camera. The camera that she bought him. The camera that he made movies with his best friend: Shadowblaze. The movies that always had laughs. The movies that always brought back happy memories of her watching her son filming with a bunch of other ponies. It hurt her so much to see her son in so much pain. So much sorrow. She looked back at Film's eyes and completely forgot on what she was about to say. So she improvised. "When you feel that your done, come talk to me." A small smile crept up on her face. "Okay?"

Film looked down at his hooves. "Okay mom," he whispered. Film Maker's mom slowly got up from the bed and walked to the door. She walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

Film looked at his CD player and pushed tue pause button on it. The only actual activity he has done since the beginning of the week. He slowly got up from his bed and walked towards the camera that his mother kept staring at. He picked it up and walked back to his bed. He laid down and pushed the power buttons on the camera. He scrolled through the categories of films he made in his lifetime. He selected a video that he wasn't sure he even record and started to watch it.

Film saw the smiles that he had on his face during the video. He saw Shadowblaze smiling and being awe-struck by Luna's moon and the twinkling stars. Film was wrapped in Shadowblaze's wings while Shadowblaze just kept on staring at the stars. A small chuckle came from behind whomever was recording at the time. A small smile slowly plastered itself on Film's face. But was soon replaced by a quivering lip and tears streaming down his cheeks. Film quickly turned off his camera and placed it on the floor next to his bed. He close his eyes, trying to prevent tears from slipping past his eyelids.

Film, please stop crying, come on bro. Your not as fun as you are when you cry. A voice spoke in the back of Film's mind. Film slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to see nopony. Why do you have such a sad face today? I'd never leave you, bro.

"Shadowblaze?" Film whispered.

Buck yeah bro! I maybe dead but that doesn't mean I left you.

"I feel like its my fault. I should have been there." Film closed his eyes. "I should have known that your dad was drunk." Film sobbed.

But you didn't know.

"But I should have told the difference between sober and drunk. I should have known that he was gonna do something like that to you. I should have known that he was going to........kill you." Film Maker laid his head in his hooves and tears started to slip past his eyelids and down his cheeks.

It's not your fault, ya know?

"You don't get it." Film raised his head and looked at the picture frame that was still facedown. He flipped it back up and stared at Shadowblaze's image in the photo. "I have to live everyday in my life knowing that I let you go through those doors. Everyday I live hearing the screams you made before he stabbed you. Everyday I have to live with the memory of your dad digging that knife into your throat. Everyday I have to live with the image of your lifeless body laying in my hooves." Film sobbed. "" dad got what he deserved. We didn't know how much he had before I walked through those doors. I still remember you trying to save me.

"But it wasn't good enough.....I'm weak."

Your anything but weak. You gave it your best and that's all that I asked for.


Hush now. You should probably try to eat some food before you die of starvation.

Film looked at the plate with the daffodil and daisy sandwich on it. He picked up the sandwich with his hooves and started to slowly eat it. I'm here to help you move on, Film. Until you do, I'm stuck with you.

"Maybe I don't wanna move on," Film said after swallowing his mouthful of food. "I don't wanna forget your voice."

The voice won't matter as long as you remember me, okay?

"I guess." Film took a big bite of his sandwich. And before he knew it, the sandwich was gone.

It's time to talk to your mom. She'll know what to do.

"I miss you, Shadowblaze."

I do too. I always lets get you back on your hooves.

The End

Written By: Cameron a.k.a. marineproductions100

"No one is truly dead as long as we remember them in our hearts."