Thunder and Rain: Raining Changelings

by Ferntail12

Chapter 3: Changeling Invasion

“Dash! Come quick! Princess Twilight… Changelings… The Elements… Spitfire…~”said Cloud Kicker until Dash cut her off.
“See you ponies later!!!”

Dash shot out the still-open window like a bullet out of a gun. She had to get to the Elements before the Changelings did. The sonic cone formed around her body and she didn’t even care. Five Sonic Rainbooms later, she found herself inside the castle wing with the Elements, which an unfortunate few Changelings had made an outpost in. They were easily dispatched with a few swift kicks. After grabbing the Elements she clasped her own around her neck and zipped toward the balcony where her friends, the full squad of Wonderbolts, and Spitfire were fighting against a horde of Changelings. ‘Not good’, she thought. The 17 ponies were pinned down in the middle of the balcony while a solid ring of Changelings advanced from left, right, up, front, and back. There were even more Changelings surrounding Canterlot, but Dash didn’t see the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. ‘Good’. she thought.

After touching down, Dash handed out the Element necklaces and Twilight’s crown to her friends, and joined in the fight back-to-back with Spitfire and Blaze. The Elements would do their job in a few minutes.The Changelings, she soon found out, seemed sore from their last defeat. They fought more viciously than the last time she remembered.
“C'mon, Elements. Do your job,” she mumbled to herself. Then a Changeling in the form of Wave Chill knocked her to the ground. Years upon years of combat training kicked in and the unfortunate Changeling went flying off the balcony in its natural form, taking a few of it’s comrades with it. One of the precious few Royal Guards not trapped in green Changeling goo dispatched it as it hit the ground. Fluttershy and Applejack were single-handedly, but barely holding off a group of Celestias, and Twilight, Pinkie, Rapidfire, and Lightning Streak had a mixed group of Lunas, Twilights, Applejacks, and Soarins to keep at bay. The rest of the fighters were randomly matched against themselves or forms of their partners and friends. Fluttershy and Applejack seemed the worst off, so Dash jumped into the fight with them and was immediately surrounded by about twenty Celestias. The Elements had to kick in soon, otherwise the fight would be lost. As if answering to what everypony was probably thinking, Fluttershy’s, Applejack’s, her’s, Rarity’s, and Pinkie’s necklaces began to glow. Twilight’s crown was glowing brightest, and the six started to rise into the sky, much like the times that they had defeated Nightmare Moon (twice), Discord (twice), and Demon Sunset Shimmer. Suddenly, to Dash’s complete and utter surprise, Spitfire began to rise too. Spitfire had an adorably confused “what-the-hay-is-going-on-i’m-not-using-my-wings” look on her face as the six became seven. Just in time, it seemed. Queen Chrysalis could be seen about ten thousand meters away, flying into the city with reinforcements.
“You cannot hurt anypony now, Queen Chrysalis. Nor can your Changelings. The true power of friendship will prevent you from coming any further,” said Twilight. “You and your Changelings will be gone, banished to the Arctic North with the windigoes. You have chosen the wrong path. And soon you will be destroyed. Goodbye, Chrysalis.”

A solid stream of rainbow poured from the seven and formed into a tornado around Chrysalis. Small side streams targeted each group of Changelings and reverted them to natural form. The green goo vanished, and the Changelings went flying off into oblivion. Still faintly glowing with a pink aura, the seven floated back to earth.
“What happened there?” asked Spitfire.
“I have no idea,” said Twilight, who was actually stumped for once. “I think you became an Element of Harmony, Spitfire!”