//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Thunderlane, Dewdrop, and Dash // Story: Thunder and Rain: Raining Changelings // by Ferntail12 //------------------------------// Dash stood in the doorway, stunned as if she had been rammed over the head with one of Soarin’s pie tins as she watched two of her senior team heads going at each other with blazing glares. After a few moments she broke out of her trance, slammed the door, and stalked toward her subordinates. “WHAT in the name of FEATHERING CELESTIA is going on in here?!” Thunderlane and Dewdrop’s right hooves shot up to their brows in picture-perfect salutes upon hearing Dash’s furious voice. She stifled a laugh at their faces. Dewdrop performed an excellent about-face that would’ve made Spitfire proud and came to stand by Dash’s side. The two advanced on Thunderlane, who backed away from the fire glowing in Dash’s eyes (inherited from Spitfire) and the lightning glowing in Dewdrop’s (grown from years of dealing with problems). “All right, Thunderlane, Your game is up. What have you done?” asked Dash. “I have some questions for you too. Why is it always MY things that you mess up? Who messed up my surprise for Dash? You. Who thought it was fun to mess up my perfectly organized papers? You. And now this?! I have half a mind to give you a one-way ticket to Tartarus with my own four hooves!”, yelled Dewdrop. “Oh, Dewdrop? It was Raindrops who messed up your papers, not me. I saw her doing it. You can ask her.”, said Thunderlane. “Okay. But why did you get rid of my shade? It’s shade, for Celestia’s sake!” said Dewdrop. “Well, I thought we were having a feathering STORM today!” yelled Thunderlane, apparently reaching his breaking point. “Seriously, Thunderlane? I think you need to organize your office. This place is messier than Princess Luna’s private quarters! That was yesterday’s orders!” yelled Dash in response. “Er… oh. Oops.” said Thunderlane sheepishly. “This is more than ‘oops’, Thunderlane! You’ve created over an hour of work for my team and I! THIS IS NOT A MATTER OF~” Dewdrop broke off as Cloud Kicker shot through the window and came to a screeching halt half an inch from the desk.