The Tale of Ironheart

by ironheart


Along time ago in the magical land of equestria two sisters ruled in balance and harmony to do this the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun the younger brought the moon to begin the night . But over time the younger became frustrated, their subjects played and relished in her sister's day, but only slept in her night no matter how beautiful she made it with her stars and moon. No pony noticed except for one, a young colt who loved the night so much he gave his destiny for its power. nightmare forces where gathering around and subtly infected Luna. As the nightmare forces grew so did Luna's realization how powerful the colt was and what the nightmare forces where. Luna knew the nightmare forces would soon controller entirely and the colt would follow her night fearlessly. to protect him, and Equestria Luna cast a sleeping curse on the colt to seal his power at the cost of his memories.
The colt is Ironheart Oathtoung, Luna's truest disciple, who now sleeps, awaiting to be set free of his curse.