//------------------------------// // The Second Companion // Story: Finnie Nara and the Temple Of Doom // by Finnie Nara //------------------------------// "...AAHT?!" finished Fluttershy as both Fluttershy and Finnie tumbled down the hill they were so unlucky to teleport onto. "Oof...Ow!...What....are....we....do...ing....here?" Finnie asked "Um...oof...i....do...n't...kn...OW!" exclaimed Fluttershy as she and Finnie's rolling came to an abrupt stop as she smashed into a large boulder luckily not breaking anything (although she doesn't look it, Fluttershy has a really tough body too) "Well at least we stopped rolling" Finnie said "Um yeah but can we not do anything that dangerous again please that was really scary" Fluttershy replied "Yeah nothing is going to be that scary Fluttershy" Finnie said knowing full well that a temple of doom is going to be much scarier than a simple roll down a hill. Finnie and Fluttershy decided to scout the island intending to look for inhabitants or civilisation. When they saw smoke coming out from one of the areas of the thick jungle they decided to head towards that area immediately to seek shelter before they were eaten or hunted by something in the jungle. And so journey into the thick intimidating jungle they did, after Fluttershy disagreed profusely of course. "Um HELLO?" shouted Finnie as they navigated through the jungle "WE COME IN PEACE SO CAN YOU GIVE US ALL YOUR RESOURCES AND LET US STAY IN ONE OF YOUR HOUSES?" "Um Finnie i don't think that they are going to give us all of their resources and let us stay in one of their houses just like that." Flutttershy mumbled to Finnie "Of course they will, i've read enough Daring Do books to know that the people living here are probably natives who have no clue whatsoever what the word civilisation or technology is" said Finnie "Of course you would think that" said a voice very near Finnie " but you must be misunderstanding us, we are not the uncivilised ones you are!" "EEP!" exclaimed both Fluttershy and Finnie as they desperately tried to search for the voice hidden away in the trees "And why would you think that we would be so foolish as to give you all our resources and get nothing back? we have traded with others outside the island before you know and most of the time if we aren't satisfied with what we got in return, that pony never returns home." said the voice threateningly "Um actually all we really need is food and water and we'll be on our way... heh heh" stammered Finnie "HA HA! LOOK GUYS I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO SCARE A MARE!!!" shouted the voice though not as intimidating as before. "Huh?" said both Fluttershy and Finnie as they searched wildly for the source of laughter "Oh right i forgot camouflage clothing sorry." said the voice as a whirring noise was emitted Fluttershy and Finnie gasped as clad in futuristic-looking armor was a stallion with a long flowing mane and a big yet slim body finished with clear white teeth and blue eyes. "What? what's wrong now?" said the stallion as he looked over himself"oh my bad its the camo again its not working right i tell you" Finnie and Fluttershy heard the whirring sound again as the stallion before their eyes transformed again into... an average looking pony. "Oh...well that's what i was expecting anyways" said Finnie "Yeah sorry about all that confusion the camo is broken i'm saving up to get a new one later this month"replied the stallion" my name is Lemonsqueeze what's yours?" "I'm Finnie Budding adventurer with my sidekick here Fluttershy!" replied Finnie excitedly as she placed one arm firmly around Fluttershy who was cowering behind her. "Um...okay i'm guessing you girls would like to visit the town with me?" "Yeah we'd love to!" replied Finnie "I'm not so sure..." said Fluttershy as she slowly tugged Finnies' hoof indicating that she didn't want to go anywhere. "C'mon we have food and houses and tech oh and many exotic animals not found anywhere else!" said Lemonsqueeze "ANIMALS?! yay!" exclaimed Fluttershy as she took flight with her wings "Alright then let's go sun's about to rise anyways" said Lemonsqueeze The group made their way to the town knowing that at least they now had a place to stay. As they arrived into the town Finnie and Fluttershy noticed that a part of the jungle started to shimmer a little and started to look the same. "Uh are we close yet?" asked Finnie "Yeah we're here already can't you see?" said LemonSqueeze "Oh wait you girls don't have the glasses sorry wait here a sec." "Okay...just don't abandon us alright?" said Finnie "Now why in the world would i do that?" replied Lemonsqueeze as he galloped off into the depths of the surrounding jungle "Um he is coming back right?" asked Fluttershy as she and Finnie waited for what seemed like hours even though her senses told her it was only a few minutes Then just as they thought they were alone a rustling noise came from one of the trees behind them. "Eep!" screamed Fluttershy as she quickly cowered behind Finnie "Um LemonSqueeze is that you?" Finnie asked "..." "Uh if it's you Lemonsqueeze its not funny..." "..." Then just as they thought it was all just their imagination, a brown stallion with a brown mane, blue eyes and an hourglass cutie mark jumped out of the bushes. "Oh hello there i didn't know that there were ponies out here too you can call me the Doctor also what exactly are you two doing out here in the jungle all alone?"said the Doctor "Uh i'm Finnie and she's Fluttershy... we're here to save Equestria! and go to the temple of doom of course." replied Finnie as Fluttershy gave a brief nod indicating that Finnie was in fact correct about everything. "The temple of Doom? why that's where i'm going too seems as if its hidden away and there's something about it that seems to keep the locals scared. And i'm here to find out exactly what it is." the Doctor said" also why don't you have your glasses on? don't you want to see the town?" "We don't actually have any glasses... our...tour guide went off to get us some but he seems to be taking a rather long time..." Finnie replied "Oh what a coincidence i have two extra glasses... here you go!" the Doctor exclaimed "Why thank you Doctor." replied Finnie "Oh it's no problem really it's all i could do to help two lost mares like yourselves!" "You're headed to the temple too right? so... would you like to be our companion as well?" Finnie asked "Me a companion....." the Doctor trailed off "I know it's a lot to take in but i'm sure you'll love..." "Why should i be your companion i'm the Doctor!!!" "And i'm saving the world!!!" "But i can time-travel!!" "You can what?!" "Exactly so if you'll be so kind as to be my companion we can forget all about this nonsense and con..." "NO YOU BE MY COMPANION OR I'LL BE LEAVING!" "FINE!" "FINE!" Both Finnie and the Doctor walked away as Fluttershy said "Wait why can't both of you be companions it would be so much easier... right?" Both Finnie and the Doctor looked at Fluttershy then at each other "Why i never thought of that" "that's a great idea" "both companions both are equal" "COOL!" "Brilliant!" "Glad we could finally come to an agreement" said both finnie and the Doctor "Ah there you are i thought i heard some yelling" said Lemonsqueeze "And it looks like both of you have your glasses which means i spent my money for nothing." "Ah well never mind let me show you round the town anyways and don't forget to put on your glasses!" When Finnie and Fluttershy put on their glasses they saw rows of houses much like the ones in ponyville covering the land as far as the eye could see. "It looks amazing!!" said Finnie "Yeah let me show you round and then i'll show you where you're gonna be staying." replied Lemonsqueeze "Lead on!" said Finnie The group walked away not noticing a pony fully clothed in black with black goggles covering his eyes speaking into his walkie talkie "They're here sir" "Good ready the preparations i want them done by sundown today!" came the static disembodied reply.