Where Is Everypony?

by EverlastingWishes

Where is everypony? Chapter 2

Pinkie Pie's face shook uncontrollably in shock. How could this be? She let her mouth open, gaping at the piece of parchment that she was reading over and over again. "Pinkie Pie, uh?" Apple Jack called to Pinkie, giving her friend a nudge to try to bring her back to reality. "Ain't nothin' Twilight can't fix right Pinkie?" Apple Jack gave Pinkie Pie a look, waiting anxiously for Pinkie's answer to her words, as if she needed her own reassurance to the matter. Pinkie swallowed nervously, studying what she was looking at once more before turning to Apple Jack "sure she can! Twilight Sparkle is super smarticle and can superdi-duper-ally fix this up in no time!" Her words were spoken with Pinkie's usual jumpy grandeur, making Apple Jack sigh happily. Pinkie glanced around nervously, bouncing up "well, uh, back to making some super yummy cupcakes!" She grinned beginning to hop out of the barn when Apple Jack put a hoof to her shoulder. "Er, Pinkie, you think uh maybe I can come with you? Help make some pie or somethin'?" Apple Jack's eyes were wide and she glanced behind her worriedly. Pinkie smiled "of course!" Apple Jack's facial expression softened and she sighed happily, the two beginning to trot to the shop.
As they approached the road in front of Sweet Apple Acres they caught sight of Rarity, who also had a very paranoid look on her face. When she recognized her two pony friends she quickly came in front of them. "Oh darlings as I am sure you are aware, she is back. I simply cannot finish my gown for the Princesses' dinner now." Putting a hoof to her head she gasped dramatically, her face was slightly saddened and worried. Apple Jack shook her head "now uh, looky here, let's not go gettin' ourselves all worked up now you hear? Itsa is back. I know and as you can see everypony is aware, please go back to doin' that pretty gown or whatever for the Princess. If she's not worried about her and well, since she was the one who brought her back she must know better than we do." Finishing the small speech, Apple Jack gazed back at Pinkie Pie "we were gonna go talk to Twilight about it anyway, she probably don't know who Itsa is I reckon'." Pinkie raised a brow "but I thought we were..." Clamping a hoof over Pinkie's mouth, Apple Jack turned the both of them the other direction towards Twilight's library. "Now go finsih Rarity, everything is gonna be fine."

Rarity turned away from them both, waiting until she was no longer in view Apple Jack turned to Pinkie Pie. "No need to get ponies worried remember? 'Spose we should talk to Twilight. Don't think any other pony will." Apple Jack slid the words out uneasily, turning to Pinkie who merely shook her head. " I think she does. She had some weird formy looking thing she was reading. Probably a crazy super spooky spell of It's!" Pinkie Pie's eyes widened and she jumped behind Apple Jack who didn't look too calm herself. "Now, you know that's rude to be calling her "It"." Apple Jack giggled a bit, watching as they approached the library door. She made sure to scoot Pinkie in front of her watching her open the door. "Twiligghhtttt!" The two ponies called out in unison, looking around the room frantically. Twilight came out of the door looking at her two friends curiously "what is up with everypony today? A surprise party isn't that exciting." Pinkie and Apple Jack glanced back at one another "a party?" the two questioned at the same again. Twilight furrowed a brow "Says in that letter I was reading from Princess Celestia that somepony named Itsa Spell is arriving into town today."

Apple Jack nodding along with her "I got one of those too." Apple Jack interjected, letting Twilight continue with what she was saying. "Anyway, Princess Celestia wants us all to greet her and I thought it would be fun to throw a party. I wanted to ask you Pinkie, but you ran off before I could say anything. Then I had to finish with that spell to the Princess, which is what I was doing when you came and read over my shoulder..." Pinkie Pie smiled at her friend letting her face drop a bit. "As much as I love throwing parties that are super duper amazing, I don't like having them get ruined, or smashed, or broken or..." Twilight gave her friend a quizzical look and Apple Jack looked back at Pinkie. "What she is tryin' to say is...well, Itsa is not the nicest pony around. Nopony likes her, she used to bully everypony." Apple Jack sighed a bit, looking at the frightened Pinkie who's teeth where chattering quite loudly. Twilight gave her friends a look "that is no way to treat anypony, I'm sure she just needs some friends. We still need to throw this party." Apple Jack stomped her hoof a bit, trying to think of how she wanted to put her words. "Rainbow Dash is frightened of her." This caused Twilight to tilt her head, turning to Pinkie Pie and then Apple Jack "Oh...."

To be continued..........