My Little Pony: Arceus and the Displaced Village

by Cloudhammer


The floor chimed as he climbed off the stair, ringing off the columns spaced around the perimeter. Almost simultaneously, the howling wind died down and he shivered nervously.

“Okay, deep breaths. You’ve been preparing for this for a long time,” he muttered as he stared through the floor, the mountaintop visible far below. Looking up, he saw his goal standing atop the pedestal at the far side. It stared at him haughtily, red eyes narrowed as he took another step closer.

“I’ve passed your tests, and I’ve come to capture you!” he shouted as he reached for the orb as his side. “Let’s show him what we’re made of, Garchomp!” He threw the pokeball, and in a burst of light his companion materialized.

Garchomp hissed as Arceus took its own step forward, the air around it beginning to ripple as it drew on its energy. “Are you up yet, dear?” it suddenly asked, the voice strangely familiar.

“What?” he asked, blinking. The reports he’d studied said it could speak, but none of them mentioned it sounding like that.

“Pound Cake, you’re going to be late!” Arceus shouted, the force knocking him and Garchomp off the edge of the platform. His scream was lost as he fell into the darkness…and hit the floor of his bedroom with a grunt. He opened his eyes, panicking briefly as he couldn’t see, until he realized it was his sheets.

“Pound, we talked about this last night!” the voice shouted again, and he cringed as his door swung open. Cup Cake sighed as she saw the bundle of sheets on the floor. “You were so excited when you went to bed, I’d think you would be more prepared than this. Your sister’s already had her breakfast and left for the Mayor’s office.”

Pound flailed about until he threw the sheet back onto his bed, wings and mane rumpled as he bolted to his hooves. “Wait, Pumpkin’s already gone? What time is it?”

Cup glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Well, it’s ten past nine, so—” she was cut off as Pound buzzed his wings, the colt dashing past her into the hallway for the door.

“I’m gonna be late! Gotta hurry!”


Twilight coughed as she flapped her wings, blowing the smoke away from the table. “Please tell me that it worked,” she muttered as she fought not to sneeze. The walls were covered in runes, some drawn on paper covering ones etched into the walls. As she glanced at the ruby in the array’s center, her ears fell flat. “No.”

The ruby remained stubbornly red, when it should be white.

“Another failure,” Twilight whispered, before her mane started to wave, the air rippling from the power she was bleeding. “Another cursed failure!” She snatched up the gem and flung it at the wall, shards scattering across the room. Her guards remained silent, though one quietly thanked his armor as a larger piece ricocheted off his helmet.

“You know Twilight, a princes really should regulate her emotions better,” Discord said with a chuckle as he heaved himself out of the shards. The horde of miniature draconnequi marched toward and into each other, until he’d reached his usual height. “An alicorn even more so. Don’t want to follow the same path that little scamp Sombra did, after all.”

“I’m doing the best I can!” Twilight snapped, the temperature in the room rising almost ten degrees. She realized it a second later and took a deep breath, the heat dissipating as she exhaled. “Sorry.”

“As fun as you going solar would be, I’m sure your guards appreciate the restraint. Besides, I’m already perfectly tanned, no sense ruining my base layer,” Discord replied, flexing idly. “So, another failure, hmm? I’m surprised, I’d have thought the illustrious Twilight Sparkle could have solved this in a day, much less a week.”

Twilight sighed. “I’m running out of ideas. I’ve never seen any magic like what the samples from the crater were saturated with. Teleporting spells go nowhere, Spike's magical flames just fizzle out. I even had Zecora test her alchemy on them, but nothing came of it either. We’re going through the Archives now, maybe there’s something in there.”

Discord tapped a claw on his chin. “Or maybe you’re not expanding your horizons enough. Why does it always have to be magic with you ponies?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Okay then, if it’s not magic, than what is it?”

“Heck if I know.” Discord shrugged, then reached behind Twilight’s ear. “But I do know that if you want to scry a place, you need something from there first.” He withdrew an amethyst, the top half neatly sheared off.

“Where did you get this? We dug extensively through the crater and couldn’t find any gems like this.” Twilight seized it with her magic, but immediately dropped it as her magic started to hiss. “What did you do to it?”

“Now that’s just rude, Twilight. I did nothing to it… well, aside from picking it up, taking it back in time, and letting the… whatever it was take half of it with it.” He rubbed the top of his head absently. “Nearly took some of my luxurious hair with it, too.” A comb grew out of his talons as a golden-blonde wig appeared atop his head. Ignoring Twilight, he started to comb it reverently.

“You mean… you…” Twilight sputtered. “Why didn’t you tell us this sooner?”

“Because I wanted to see if you could put the pieces together yourself, of course,” Discord snorted haughtily, dispelling the comb and wig. “Well, and I suppose I might not have thought of it until last night, and it took me a couple tries to get right. Time travelling to a spot where you have a split-second to put a gem next to an extra-dimensional anomaly isn’t easy, you know.” He glanced her way, and seeing Twilight’s frustrated scowl, sighed. “And… I wasn’t thinking entirely clearly, either.” He put a paw on Twilight’s shoulder. “I do have friends there too, you know.”

Twilight nodded, a slight smile on her face. “I know. And thank you. This gem might be the best chance we have yet!” She trotted eagerly toward her table, magic already sweeping it clean.

“Twilight?” Discord called. “Good luck.” He grinned sheepishly. “I’ll also need that paw back.”

Twilight sighed and levitated the paw off her shoulder. She started to float it toward him, but stopped as a smirk began to grow on her muzzle. “Nah, that’s too easy.” She turned, and tossed it out the window. “Next time, keep 'em to yourself.”

Discord laughed. “And here I was starting to worry there was no hope for you at all.” He threw a jaunty salute with the other paw and darted out the window.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she carefully set the gem in the center of the array. “Okay. Let’s see what we’ve got…” Her magic flowed into the outer circle, the runes starting to reflect the light.

Zipping past the Pokemon Center, Pound felt his wings burning as he pushed them to their limit. He flashed through the market, barely dodging the shoppers with shouted apologies. City Hall was just on the other side, and he could see the gathered ponies, humans, and pokemon.

“I just want to thank everypony for coming,” the Mayor’s voice called out. “In the ten years since the accident that brought our town here, the humans and Pokemon alike have welcomed us with open arms. Sure, it was a little tough at first,” a ripple of laughter ran through the crowd as she smiled, “but together we found our place. It is in the spirit of that unity that we present these young ponies with their first companions, to undertake their own pokemon journeys.”

She turned to a small pedestal, upon which several pokeballs lay. “Inside each of these pokeballs is a pokemon, given to us by the Pokemon League, Sinnoh Branch. Choose wisely, each one has their own strengths and weaknesses.” She consulted her clipboard. “Pumpkin Cake, since you were first to arrive, you may choose your partner first.” Pound winced as his sister stuck her tongue out at him before walking up to the pedestal.

“Hmmmm… I’m choosing you, Chimchar!” she proclaimed, tapping the middle pokeball with a hoof. The simian appeared in a flash of light, squinting at the sudden brightness. Once its vision cleared, it peered at Pumpkin curiously before hugging her.

“An excellent choice, Pumpkin!” Mayor smiled, before turning to the next pony in line. “Cream Puff, it’s your turn.”

Cream gulped, the earth pony nervously approaching the remaining two pokeballs. “Um, I think I’m going to pick Piplup.” She tapped the pokeball, flinching as the penguin pokemon materialized in front of her. “Well hello there,” she said, only to blink as the pokemon turned away from her dismissively. “Come on, don’t be like that. My name’s Cream Puff, I’m your trainer now.”

Piplup gave her a glance and huffed, starting to waddle away.

“H-hey! Don’t wander off!” Cream shouted, grabbing the pokeball and hurrying after it.

“Well, all the best of luck, Cream!” Mayor called after her before turning to Pound. “And that leaves you with Turtwig, Pound. I know that together, you’ll teach each other plenty—” She stopped as the sky abruptly pulsed purple, the air crackling with static electricity. The open space on the stage seemed to twist in on itself, before collapsing into a swirling tunnel. Many of the assembled trainers readied their pokeballs, while the free pokemon took up fighting stances.

“Everypony stay calm!” Mayor shouted, motioning for Pound to stand behind her. “This can’t be…” she whispered.

“What is it, Mayor?” Pound asked, nervously picking up Turtwig’s pokeball.

Whatever Mayor Mare was going to say was left unsaid as a shadowed figure became visible in the tunnel. Features gradually came into focus, until purple hooves stepped cautiously onto the stage.

“T-Twilight?” Mayor asked incredulously.

Twilight gaped, before she charged forward and swept the elderly mare up in a hug. “Mayor, it’s so good to see you! After what happened, I was so worried, everypony was! I don’t think anypony slept this past week, we were working so hard—”

“A week?” Mayor blurted, eyes growing wide. “Twilight, did you say a week?”

“Well yes, I… I did...” Twilight’s eyes soon matched Mayor’s as she looked around town. “Mayor… how long has it been for you?”

Mayor took a deep breath. “Twilight… I don’t know how else to tell you… But it’s been ten years.”