//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Nyx and the Night Ponies // by Tebbzy7 //------------------------------// Nyx and the Night Ponies. Its three months since Nyx came back from summer camp. In that time the news reporters started to harass the royal family in Everfree. It all started with a picture of Nyx playing at school with other students. The headline read “Nightmare Moon or Nightmare Woon.” They laughed it off as a stupid news article. But it started a flood of News Reporters. So much so that now when Nyx and Crystal leave the Castle they have to have guards with them at all the times. Cheerily don’t mind it what much anymore. Her class is more than three time larger since they because the capital. Firefly also gave her permission to do as she like with the guards. So she had them help her with her Class. Nyx could no longer participate in most of the CMC activates. And the CMC Clubhouse is no longer a tree house; now it is a fort on the outskirts of town. The CMC doesn’t mind. They had room to get more members and they sure got them. Most of the young ponies in town became members of the CMC. Our story started one day when Nurse’s Corners went to pick up Nyx and Crystal from school. Nyx, Crystal, and founding member of the CMC came out of School and they saw Nurse’s Corners standing there waiting for them. The group of fillies ran over to Nurse’s Corners. Sweetie Belle was the first to say something. “Hello Nurse’s Corner, how are you today?” Then all the ponies started to walk toward the castle. “I am doing great, Miss Sweetie Belle. Do you have a singing lesson today? ” “Yes and after Nyx and Crystal are done with their Royal Duties We will head to the fort.” “Is that so Princess Nyx?” “Yes it is. I wanted to help some of the younger unicorns learn to use some magic. And please stop calling me a princess when we are not in the Castle.” “Sorry I can’t, you are always a Princess to me.” Nurse’s Corner smiled. “When we get to the Castle I would make the arrangements so you can go to the Fort.” Sweetie Belle leaned close to Nurse’s Corner. “So any juicy gossip today?” “Oh yes, do you know Parry?” Nurse’s Corners smiled slyly Nyx ears perked. “What about him?” “Well, Medley and him been secretly dating, and he asked her to marry him.” Nurse’s Corners laughed. All the fillies squealed and laughed. “Well, that isn’t all you know how Lighten Hooves is Medley’s Brother?” Nurse’s Corners asked Nyx smiled “yes?..” “Lighten hooves been teasing Perry ever since he find out.” Crystal frowned. “Poor Parry, I guess I have to step in and put a stop that.” “Little Misses, Sir Bright Eyes just got back for the Crystal Empire.” Sweetie belle smiled because she has a crush on Bright Eyes. Nyx was happy she always enjoy her time with Bright Eyes “Good, I missed him.” Apple Bloom smiled “Sweetie Belle, aren’t you also glad he is back? Wink wink.” “Stop it, Apple Bloom it isn’t like that.” Sweetie Belle protest. But everypony else knew she liked him a lot. When they got to the Castle gates Apple Bloom saw AJ waiting there. “There is my Sister. I should get going. Bye.” Then Apple Bloom walked away. The rest of ponies waved and said good bye. Scootaloo who had been quite until now said “I should get going too I have a meeting with the Jr. Wonder Bolts. Rainbow Dash doesn’t like when we are late. Bye” with that Scootaloo Flew off. That left Nyx, Crystal, Sweetie Belle, and Nurse’s Corners; they went into the Castle and found Shooting Star talking to two Fairy ponies that Nyx have ever seen before. They bowed and left. Shooting Star walked over. “Hello there my beautiful Fillies, how was School?” Nyx smiled. “It was wonderful Bright light from the high Unicorns came and taught us about the history of the High Unicorns.” “You are Twilight’s daughter. That is for sure.” Shooting star said amazed how they were alike. “Well, Sweetie Belle the Love Birds are at the fort so there is no singing lesson for today. So what are you going to do?” Sweetie Belle started to think it over when Nyx interrupted. “She will help us with our Royal duties.” “I will?” Sweetie Belle was confused. Nyx and Crystal put their Wings over their friend “this way it will go by much faster and we will get to the fort sooner." "And you know you would do anything for your friends.” Then Crystal batted her eyes. Sweetie Belle laughed. “Alright, I will help you.” Then Twilight walked over after she just got out of Royal Court. “So what is going on here?” “Nothing, Well we have to start their Royal Duties, see you later mom.” Then Nyx and Crystal took Sweetie Belle away. “What was that all about?” Twilight wondered. Shooting Star smiled “Aren’t they just being fillies? So how was Court?” “Shooting Star, next time it will be me that leaves and you stay.” Shooting Star didn’t like where this was going so. “So what is next on the list?” Twilight looked at the list of things to do. “We have to go to Canterlot for a trade agreement meeting.” “Didn’t we already have a trade agreement with Canterlot?” Twilight rolled up the list. “Yes we did, but not one with the Iron guild or the stone guild.” “I am so glade Rarity handled the Fashion Guild.” Twilight nodded. “She saved us a lot of trouble.” “You know what I just had a wonderful idea, you should go alone to this meeting, I trust you to do what is best for us there.” Twilight wrapped Shooting Star in her magic and lifted him and walked toward the throne room. “No you don’t Shooting star. You have to come too.” “But it will be boring! And nothing will be agreed on for the next three meeting. Then we have to write it down. Then the attorneys have to have their little argument over it. Then we have to read it over and if it is still what we want. Then we sign it. It will take at least a month.” Shooting Star tried to get out of Twilight’s magic. Twilight put him down, and then she walked in front of Shooting star and stood so he can see how beautiful she was. “Would you please go with me? You are so brave and handsome. I would feel so much better with you by my side.” Shooting star sighed “alright I will go. You learn my weaknesses too quickly.” Twilight flicked her tail in his face “it isn’t hard to find out. Your biggest weakness is me.” Shooting Star laughed and opened the portal. And they walked through. Nyx’s and Crystal first royal duty is to get their final dress fitting with Rarity. The Nightmare Night Ball is in two days and they needed to look her best. While that happened Sweetie Belle did her home work. After they were done they went to the Ballroom to check on the preparations for the ball. You see, last year Luna hosted the ball, so this year it was Nyx’s turn. Since this will be Nyx’s first Ball she hosted. She was trying to make it the best one Equestria ever saw. Sweetie belle said “everything look wonderful in here.” “Yes it does, I have to make this ball better than Luna’s. I went over the guest list and the food with Pinkie. I also try to make the Hunted Home the scariest Equestria have ever seen. I’d talked some of the night guards to play Vamponies. I got Zecora to walk around and do some of her spooky magic.” Nyx Said with an evil grin. Sweetie looked Confused “but last year you were against Scaring ponies.” “I was until I talked to some ponies at school and they told me the haunted house was their favorite part of the Ball last year.” “I see, so are we done here?” Sweetie belle was getting bored. Nyx Smiled “not yet.” Then Nyx walked over to a table with baked goods from all over Equestria. “How would you like to some of those” Sweetie Belle smile “are you sure it is alright?” “Yes, I already picked what I will be serving, the rest would go to waste.” Crystal got an idea “why don’t we take them to the fort for the CMC members to eat.” Nyx smiled “we should do just that, you always have good ideas.” Then a diamond Dog walked over the whispered something in Nyx’s ear. “Thank you Rover,” Nyx then scratch Rover behind the Ear. “Who is the good dog?” Rover rolled over and wagged his tail. Nyx waved a maid over. “Would you make sure Rover here gets the gems he earned.” The maid bowed and led Rover away. “Sweetie Belle, want to see something cool?” Nyx lead Sweetie Belle to the dungeon and over to an opening to a tunnel. “This Tunnel goes to the dungeon of CMC Fort.” “The fort has a Dungeon?” “Oh yeah, the guards block anypony from going down there.” Crystal said. “Well let’s grab the food and use the tunnel.” They went and got some maids and they took the baked goods to the Fort. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the fort Medley and Parry have been getting whispered about behind their backs. “how long do you think this will last?” “They all act like this until they get use to seeing us together.” Then Medley formed an Evil grin on her face and leaned closer to Parry. “Medley, What are you doing?” Medley kissed him hard and long then she said “that” All the fillies laughed and ran out of the room. Parry stood there in a dazed. “Parry, this has been fun but I have to get back to work. Bye honey.” Then Medley walked away. About a minute later Nyx showed up with the treats. “Parry, are you alright?” Nyx then waved her hoof in front of his face. No reaction. Nyx looked at the guard in the room and asked “what happen to him?” The Guard blushed “Medley kissed him, and now he is in shock.” Nyx remembered how Fluttershy told her how to snap somepony to out of shock. She ran and got a bucket of warm water and put his front hoof in it. Then she remembered that isn’t how to snap somepony out of shock, it is how Rainbow Dash made somepony... “Oh no.” Nyx said. She looked at the guard and he was trying not to laugh. “I didn’t do anything and I wasn’t here remember that. Ok” He nodded. And Nyx ran away. Some hours later Parry finally snapped out of it. “what am I standing in?” The guard said “Sir, it is um you know.” Parry smelled it and got embarrassed “I won’t tell any pony.” “make sure you don’t.” Parry went to look for something to clean it up with and he ran into Nyx. Nyx ran away and laughed. Parry Shook his head and went on to get something to clean it up the mess. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Shooting Star and Twilight just got out of their meeting. “you are right that was boring and nothing got done.” “So anything else on the list for today?” Twilight looked over the list. “Nothing that can’t wait for tomorrow. After going through that I want to take a long bath. Then read a good book. I now understand Celestia a little better now.” “Well, that’s good. Let’s go” then Shooting Star opened a portal to their Castle. When they got back Firefly and Nyx are laughing hard. Firefly said “you didn’t do that.” “Yes I did, I thought it would help but you know what happened.” Firefly laughed some more “I can’t look at Parry the same ever again.” Twilight asked “should I know what happened?” They both shook their heads. “Then make sure I don’t find out. I am taking a long bath. Then read a good book.” Twilight walked off. Shooting Star smiled at them and went to his magic laboratory. Later on after dinner Nyx got a magic lesson for Twilight. Nyx’s magic power is getting stronger in the past year. She is stronger than she was when Twilight found her. After they were done they went to bed.