Equestria's Fate

by Silver Shine

Chapter Three: Nightmares Unfold...

The group had soon reached the top of the castle, and Glacier looked around. "So, somehow we took an invisible path, through fury magic, ended up up here on top, and now we have to find a key?" Glacier asked. "Pretty much. Just a usual moment getting ready to use the Elements. Of course, I personally think that this is a far too obvious location for the key." Rarity stated. Pinkie stopped them before carefully approaching a small red bump on the ground. "What's this?"

"Probably some kind of barrier." Rarity said.

Glacier looked away. "And an ugly one at that."

"But perhaps we could get it away..."

Twilight tapped it with her hoof. It zapped her. "Magic might not be it. Maybe we could find some other way...some way to overload it and make it shatter itself." Pinkie quickly got a balloon and put it over the barrier. "Everypony stand back!" She said. The balloon popped and confetti flew as the barrier began cracking.

Just then, a pony in a mysterious cloak with a silver nose and hooves, and green tail visible flew in and grabbed the key from the shattering barrier. "Sorry, everypony. I just have somepony to repay with this." She flew away quickly. Twilight just stared. She stated, "That was...Odd. This is bad. Given the circumstances, I'd say that she had all three keys. If she ge-"

Rarity cut her off. "Princess Luna must be protected!" Glacier nodded in agreement. Twilight teleported her friends one by one to Canterlot, and finally herself. "Princess Luna!" She called, as they ran to meet the others there as well as Luna.

"Something wrong, Twilight?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight replied quickly, "The third key was stolen. Princess Luna, we need to keep you protected from...whoever that pony was."

"Hey sis, the night the key vanished, last night, did you see anypony?"

"Same pony Fluttershy and I saw, actually. But, I couldn't stop her."

"Then WE need to." Applejack replied. Just then, wind began blowing from a golden dot near the door, as it grew and began revealing an Alicorn. She was yellow, and her cutie mark was three red clouds with gold sparkles, as in the middle of them was a yellow gem. Twilght stepped forward. "Who...Who are you?"

"My name is Golden Sky. No, I'm not a princess. I came to help when I found out about the keys. See, I went to the library to read after you left. I saw the book and found out who the ponies who can touch the keys are...I came to tell you." She sighed, hoping they would believe her. Twilight put her hoof out. "The name's Twilight Sparkle." Golden shook hooves with her. "Their names are Glacier Freeze, Rainbow Strike, and Silver shine. Then there's me."

Twilight looked at Strike and Glacier. "Well then we need to find Silver Shine. She has all three keys."

"WHAT?" Golden began panicking, and a hoof touched her horn. "Don't worry, we got this." Twilight said.

Derpy looked at Luna, Twilight, Luna, Golden, Luna, Pinkie, Luna, Twilight, and back to Luna. "I need to stay. Both to protect the princess and to learn more about this new task of mine." She said. Rainbow Strike replied, "If that's your mission, then do it. We have a mission too, so good luck!" Derpy smiled.

A little later, with spike left with Derpy, and the group of now ten ponies in the library, they began thinking of where the keys and the pony could be. "She flew in the direction of Ponyville when she stole the key!" Rainbow strike said. "Yeah, and my key came from the old castle, too!" Twilight thought for a moment. "Well, we'd better go then. Come on!" They all ran out the door. They quickly ran through the Everfree Forest, unsure of what may lie ahead.

They were lucky in the forest, with no trouble. But that was about to change. As soon as they reached the castle, a flash of black, purple, white, and dark silver flashed all around.

At Canterlot Castle, Luna began feeling pain. Slowly, she fell over. "Princess Luna!" Derpy called as she ran over. A dark force slammed her back, as a shadowy pony appeared next to the unconscious night princess. "N-Nightmare Moon?"

"Somepony knows her history...Princess..."

"How did-"

"I am Luna, or at least I was. Now that I am free, I will find she who brought me out." She flew out through a window as it smashed on the ground. Derpy ran over and picked up Luna, placing her on her throne. "Princess, please be alright..."

Back at the old castle, the ponies were rushing through, and had split up. They met up in the entrance room. "Anything?" Twilight asked. "Nope." Replied Rarity. Glacier shook his head. "And I should mention that it was difficult with the fallen chunks of castle on the ground." Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement. Fluttershy shook her head to reply to Twilight. The Rainbow Sisters both shook their heads, and Applejack carved 'No' into an apple. "Then to the basement, as a last search. Right?" Golden said. Twilight nodded and led the way. "Stay together, but split up." Glacier began. "Rarity, Golden Sky, Rainbow Strike, and I will cover one side. Is that alright?"

"Sure. Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, we have to check this way. Stay close." The groups split up, though little did they know how unwise that was.