Midnight, the elements of harmony, and a little surprise

by MidnightTAA

Stories gotta start lightly, right?

I hate this day. I like trash day better than this. Note day for ponies sake! But I absolutely hate, Chore Day!! This is the day Zecora gets to send me to do chores. But each one always have something tricky to it. I can usually find a loophole in it, but that doesn't mean its easy.

So, as I watch the (almost immortal) zebra ponder on my first task, I glance around her home again. Its in a tree, so the walls are brown. There is her bed tucked into a opening of the largest root, the yellow sheets neatly made. Her cauldron in the middle of the room, bottles hung around the room and her selves neatly stacked with ingredients. Food and potion-wise. One of the chores she has sent me to do was to put the ingredients in alphabetical order. But, she wouldn't tell me the name of the ingredients, and that chore took me the WHOLE day.


So, I decided to concentrate on good things I've learned from chore day. I pondered for a little, when Zecora pulled me back.
"Ok, Midnight, you'll need to get poison joke," she grins at me, "Just no magic. 'Kay?"

I glare at her. Yup, now I want to strangle her zebra neck. "Zecora, please oh please tell me your just kidding." I beg her.
Zecora blinks, and get a little cloth bag. "Here, and remember. No magic."
I groan and take the stupid bag. As I stomp out of the door, purposely making a racket, I hear a couple of bottles crash to the ground. I smile in triumph, and slam the door behind me. I ponder on what I could do. Zecora probably can't tell if I did use magic but I wasn't taking any chances. So, I decided to go to the library.


So, when I finally got there I knocked to see if anyone was home. Spike opened the door, rubbing his eyes.
"What's up Midnight?" He yawns.

I grin and ask, "I'm pretty sure its the sky, right?"
Spike glares at me. "What do you want?"
"Whats with all the hate, Spikey-Wikey?" I ask him. I love annoying Spike. We aren't best friends, but we usually get along. Well, when we aren't trying to strangle each other.

"Nothing," he growls," now, can I know why you are here?"

I laugh happily and look for Twilight behind him. No sight of her. "Well, I need to know if you still have that book on supernaturals. You know, the one on Poison Joke?"
He nods and tells me to follow him. I follow him, but decided to stop at the 'Elements of Harmony' case. As I look at them, I don't realize Twilight Sparkle coming up behind me.
"Beautiful, aren't they?"
I yelped and spun around. Twilight was standing in front of me, levitating the book I needed.
I drop to a bow, "Princess T. Sparkle," I address her by the shortened version I came up with, "it's just great to see you!"
"Stand Midnight, no need for such formalities. Spike informed me you needed this, yes?" She asked.
I stood and nodded. I took the book from her magical hold and put it into my saddle bag. I thanked her, and she walked off.
I sat down and began to read. Every few seconds though, I would glance at the 'Elements' case. Closing the book, I stood and observed them again. Then, I realized Twilight's crown was there. It was usual for her not to wear it, but why would she leave it in the 'Elements' case?
I glanced around the library, and saw Twilight sorting books. I came over and began to help her.
"Are you too busy, or may I ask you something?" I ask.
"Mythological Creatures goes on the third shelf, between the golden and red book," she said. I was surprised she could arrange books so fast and still speak. "And no, I'm not too busy, so you may ask."
"Why is your crown in the 'Elements of Harmony' case? I understand you not wearing it, but why leave it there?"
Twilight froze. "You noticed..." she sighed.
"I did, and I don't understand why."
"I don't like all the formalities, the attention, all the 'Ooh Priincess Twilight' and 'Miss Twilight' just... Argh!" Twilight groaned in frustration, but was also on the verge of tears. She wiped her eyes with a lavender hoof.
"Oh, I didn't know, I-I'm s-sorry." I hated making the lavender alicorn cry. It made me feel like a bad pony.
"Its ok Midnight, don't feel bad. Well, I need to finish putting these away and you probably have things to do, so I'll let you be." Twilight smiled weakly, and began to arrange the books once again.
"Bye then T. Sparkle," I said.

As I began to walk outside, my name split through the air. As I look for the source of the scream, I see Scootaloo speeding towards me.
We crashed, but I quickly got up. I back leg hurt, but I ignored the pain and saw that Scootaloo was way worse than I. I levitated her, and called for help. Some ponies came and took her to the hospital. I came along, and had my hind leg treated. As I waited for Scootaloo to awaken, I read through the section on the Poison Joke.
"Midnight..." Scootaloo suddenly groaned, freaking me out. "Why am I in the hospital?"
"We crashed, you almost died," -- I stuck my tongue out -- "though not really, and I brought you here."
"Oh no! I missed my meeting with Dashie!" She cried out.
I stifled a giggle at Rainbow's nickname. "If you'd like, I could go and speak to her," I told the dismayed Pegasus.
"Really? You would?" She brightened up, and smiled happily.
"Yes, and I'll go now." I got up, and began to go.
Just as I was about to exit, the doctor came in. When I exited the hospital, I loosened my wings and began to fly towards Rainbow's place.