//------------------------------// // Introductions // Story: Sonic's Freedom Fighters // by Amereep //------------------------------// Naugus suddenly bursts from a teleportation spell and found himself high in the mountains. He knew Snively couldn't handle things on world conquering on his own and would ultimately agree to this little side-quest. Naugus searches the location and finds a large flat plain. "Now if I know my castles, this area would be the throne room." He wandered towards it and yelled out loud "IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, LET ME IN, ELSE I'LL FORCE MYSELF IN!" No one answered back "I KNOW THE TRICKS YOU'RE PULLING. YOU AND I MAY BE IN DIFFERENT REALITIES, BUT WE SHARE THE SAME PLAIN!" Naugus extends his hand and tightens his grip at the air. His hand starts shacking and slowly rises up. The land around him starts shivering and soon increases to shaking waves of tremors. The shifting ground eventually shakes a throne room around Naugus, finding ponies scattered on the floor caused by the quake. Naugus slowly stops the movement of the earth, looks around the room and finds the leader holding onto her chair. She was a mature mare with a pure white fur coat, and a messed up quad-colored mane. She straightens herself up to look formal before looking at Naugus, in an authority state. "Were you the one that just caused that tremor?" "Yes, it was necessary to get a hold of you ponies" he said walking to her. The guards pointed their spears at Naugus "You will address Princess Celestia properly, warlock!" "Stand down!" Celestia ordered. This warlock would seem to cause trouble if things went out of hand, Celestia knew this from the power he just used. "What do you need of us?" The guards stepped back and Naugus bowed seeing things going his way "Thank you princess. My name is Naugus and I have come in search for your magic. I am in desperate need for it to stop an illness from spreading within my body. Soon I will be fully crystallized and I need a spell to stop it. I've learned that ponies have mastered a wide variety of spells, and I have come in search for one." Celestia sat back in her chair and thought about the request, "Giving a spell to cure an illness is no problem..., but I can't shake the feeling that he has more planned then what he's telling." Celestia has learned before about never judging a book by its cover, so she allows this with reason. "Very well Naugus, I'll get a guard to go search for a cure in the library" she looks up to the throne room to call a guard from outside to search, she could've sworn she saw a glint of Brilliant Persian Blue from the door. "If it's all the same to you princess" Naugus stopped her half way "I would very much like to view the library myself." This was the reason she didn't want "I'm sorry Naugus, but our magic is strictly confidential. I don't want any foreign eyes to learn some of our magic." "I won't learn any of your magic, honest" Naugus said smiling with a face that could make a foal cry. "Now I know he has something more in mind" Celestia certified. "Is it possible that your looking for another cure?" Naugus speculated about her question, glaring at her "I've caught on that your a unique creature that possesses many different physical appearances. You have long rodent ears, a mammal horn on your head and a coruscation claw for an arm. If I'm right, your an end result of a fused experiment, your a chimera." Naugus glanced at the ground and thought about it, he never took consideration on his past and now that he was told about this, it seemed true. He couldn't remember having a childhood or even how he got started into working with magic. Celestia stares at Naugus and gives him a warm motherly smile "If you want, I can also ask for a spell to separate you back into your original form." Naugus looks at her, giving shocked sympathetic eyes. Slowly, those eyes start to form an enraged glare at the caring princess. "NEVER!" Naugus yelled at the top of his lungs "Separating myself? You take me for a fool? Who would choose to weaken their selves. I need my power! My power is everything! It's used to tame the weak and is needed to put fear into their souls, and you are asking me to become like one of them? I need power! The more I have, THE MORE PEOPLE WILL FEAR ME!!!!" Celestia now knew his intentions, "He's drunk on power and is trying to learn our magic to increase his strength." Celestia stands up and her horn lightens up "You have shown the greed for control that resides in your heart. You will not obtain any help from us and have overstayed your welcome here. Leave now, and don't return." Naugus grits his teeth, cursing himself for the outburst he just made. "I may have slipped up there, but I have waited to long for a chance like this to suddenly slip by!" Naugus turns around and the guards point their spears at him once again. "You will follow us outside" one of them announced. Naugus back-slaps the air and creates a strong gust of wind to blow them away, slamming them into the wall. A magical barrier is suddenly formed around him, enclosed into a ball. Turning back, he sees Celestia casting the spell "Your elemental magic won't help you now" she said sternly. "Your spells may be powerful, but I bet there are spells that are unavoidable even to you." Naugus places his hand on the barrier and Celestia strengthens it from any attack he might pull. Nothing seems to be happening. Celestia keeps the magical barricade strong, seeing no spells coming at her. "SISTER, BEHIND YOU!" a night blue alicorn said at the front door. Celestai jerked her head around to see a large violet portal with yellow ring flowing deeper into the vortex. She turned around and suddenly feels a grip forming around her that kept on pulling towards the vortex. Celestia knelt down to grip the floor as she started to slide towards the void. The wind kept getting stronger as she tried to stay planted, until her ultimate destination plucked her from the ground and pulled her into the enclosing vortex. The two ponies were staring at the blue hedgehog, wondering on how they're going to handle this situation. He had traits that resembled them (height, biped, could talk) but the biggest differences was that he wasn't a pony. The purple one took the lead, "Er... my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash. Who and... um... what are you?" The blue rodent folded his arms, feeling disrespected "My name's Sonic, and what do you mean what am I? Haven't you ever seen a handsome, cool, looking hedgehog before?" Dash rolled her eyes to that. "Well... no" Twilight said, trying to act as polite as possible "in fact, I've never seen a hedgehog before in my life." "Well to be fair, I've never seen horses with wings and horns before in my life either." "We're not horses, we're ponies!" Rainbow Dash confronted, glaring Sonic in the face. Twilight pulled her friend back and motioned her to calm down. "How'd you get here?" Twilight asked the blue hedgehog. "Don't know" he shrugged "I was sitting in a grassy plain when suddenly my ring went wild. I chased after it and tried getting it under control, it wouldn't, so I used its power and then *poof*... you guys appeared." Twilight glances at Sonic's ring "May I look at it?" "Sure, it's all juiced out anyways" he tosses it to her, which she fumbles it around during the catch. The unicorn examines the golden metal ring and finds it odd "There's no resident of it ever having magic inside it, so what power did it have?" Sonic jumped on her question "Magic! You know magic!" Twilight's reply was simply levitating the ring over to him. "Sweet, you must be the ancient civilization I've been searching info for." "Ancient? Do we look like a Greek culture to you?" said the pegasus. Twilight again gestured Dash to settle down, "Why were you looking us up?" "To find a way to help my friends" Sonic started "My friends and family have turned into robots and I'm hoping to find a magic spell that could un-roboticize them. You guys know a verity of magic so I'm guessing I might find one here." The lavender unicorn couldn't grasp at what he was saying "I've never heard of something called robot before?" "A robot, you know; metal, clanky, needs an oil change every two thousand miles." She still didn't follow "I don't know if I can help, maybe Princess Celestia might know of a spell. Tell me, how did this happen?" "Robuttnik! He took civilians and turned them into robots so he could have workers for his world conquest." Twilight was now too far gone "Robuttnik? Civilian workers? World conquest? I know I'm into reading old books, but this is the type of news that should've made some kind of implication on society for me to notice." "It should! Houses, buildings, statues were destroyed leaving only trash, rubble, and pollution everywhere! Isn't that why you went into hiding?" "Hiding? We haven't been hiding from anypony and besides from a few attacks, we never had more then maybe a couple of building destroyed." "Say what?" Sonic looked around and saw a window. He approached it to be stunned that Twilight was right. Knothole was a decent sized village, but this town was twice as large and three times as lively. Ponies were walking about on stone roads instead of dirt ones. Food were being given out for profits instead of being held for rations. The sky was filled with pegasi flying about, careless of possibly being spotted by others. "This place could make any hedgehog feel at ease" proclaimed Sonic "all this place needs is a chili dog stand and I'm in heaven." Twilight felt like she would regret asking, but "What's a chili dog?" "It's something you call when you put chili on a hot dog." "Wait? The chilly dog was first hot?" Rainbow followed up with her question. "It might sound odd but it makes a delicious combination." "YOU EAT DOGS!?" Rainbow yelled in terror. "No no, its made out of pigs." "YOU EAT PIGS!?!?" Twilight screamed in fear. "Now that you mention it, I don't even think they are made from pigs?" Sonic wondered in mystery. Suddenly, thankfully to Twilights sanity, footsteps were being heard coming down stares. "Twilight! I got a message from Celestia!" "Thanks Spike, you don't how much I needed something to get my mind off of current issues" Twilight said rubbing her temple and taking the letter. Sonic was viewing a reptilian creature handing over a scroll to Twilight. It was a creature he never thought he would see another one of, but there it was, a dragon. Dragons are an endangered species thanks to Robotnik roboticizing almost every one of them. The dragon had purple scales with lime colored spines, a green-grayish underbelly and was about the height of Tails, his two tailed fox companion that looks up to him. "Would Dulcy ever love to meet you" Sonic said under his breath. Spike noticed Sonic looking at him and gave an odd look back, not sure what to make of this new visitor. "Don't see very many dragons where I come from. You must be one tough guy" Sonic complemented. Spike's ego began to show "Well I don't want to brag, but one time I belly flopped into a pool of lava." "Really! That's way past cool!" "What?" Rainbow Dash's competitive nature started to surface "If you thought that was cool then get ready for this." Rainbow Dash got in front of Sonic so she could see his reaction to her skills "I can fly so fast that I, Rainbow Dash, can break... THE SOUND BARRIER!!!" She said, leaving no word in her sentence unglorified. "What?" Sonic said unimpressed "That's it?" Rainbow Dash was so dismayed by that, you could swear you could hear her ego crumbling. "So you can break the sound barrier, big deal. Breaking the sound barrier is easy stuff." Rainbow Dash had just about enough of this guy. She started clenching her teeth, her face was getting red from frustration, Spike's giggles began slipping. "WHAT!!!" Everyone in the room turned their attention to the unicorn that just shouted. Her face was giving a shock expression to the letter she was reading. "What's wrong Twilight?" Spike asked with concerns. Twilight took a moment finishing the letter before answering "This letter came from Luna!" "So, does it really make much of a differences if Luna sends a letter from time to time?" Rainbow Dash said, thinking her friend is incorrigible. Twilight shook her head "No, she says that Celestia has vanished into another dimension!" Everyone joined with the lavender pony's upset expression "How did this happened?" "A chimera opened a portal and trapped her inside!" "How'd it do that?" "Magic it seems; powerful enough to break through an anti-magic sphere." "Well what are we waiting around here for? Let's use the Element of Harmony and send that chimera packing out of there." Rainbow eagerly said. Twilight shook her head "Luna states that the chimera is increasing its magic as we speak and if this chimera is like the one in the prophecy, then not even magic will help us stop it." "So?" Sonic spoke up "Just because it's a prophecy doesn't make it true, their must be a way to stop it." Twilight wondered about a way, then started searching through books and pulled out a book titled 'Predictions and Prophecies'. She flips through the pages and stops at an image of a misshaped creature. "Dididididi... chimera will take over the empire... dididididi... disaster to the realm... didididididi... magic uncomparable... didididididi... ah! It's power could be match by the gems of Discord. With them, fate will be decided in due time." "Gems of Discord, what are those?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to grasp the issue. "I know I've heard about it before" Twilight began rubbing her forehead for information. Sonic took this opportunity to search for an answer as well. "Nichole" he took her out "do you know anything about the 'Gems of Discord'?" [Never heard of them] it told back. Rainbow Dash lost all interest about the gems when the hand held computer spoke up. "Whoa, what's that?" Sonic looked over to the fascinated pegasus "It's a machine that holds information and little gadgets." "What's a machine?" Sonic was taken back by the ignorance she had. "What's a machine? What generation are you from sis? Machines are everywhere, they're tools that help with everyday life." Twilight broke her train of thought, "Wait! What did you say?" "I said 'they're tools that help with everyday life'." "No, before that." "I said... what did I say?" [He said 'What generation are you from sis?'] Nichole spoke up. Twilight went back to her thinking "Generation are you from sis........ generation........ sis.......... GENEration SIS......! GENESIS!" Twilight began to look frantically through her books, throwing them to her sides as she searched for a certain title. "Here it is!" Twilight lifts up a book with the title 'Genesis' written in a sharp edged, blocky font. She opens up the book, flipping through the pages before she stops at one and speaks up. "Long ago, a tribe known as the Echidnas, lived among the land. They were peaceful, but arrogant people that followed a chef named Pachacamac, who wanted power and planned on attacking various tribes. His plan was to use the Gems of Discord known as the Chaos Emeralds to do so, but met his death to the guardian of the gems, Chaos. As luck would have it, a girl of the tribe sealed the guardian within a Master Emerald before it did much damage using the Chaos Emeralds. Destroyed, the survivors feared of the beast's return and separated the Chaos Emeralds from the Master by giving the gems to the first tribe they were planning to invade, the Pony tribe, as a peace and forgiveness offering. The Ponies knew they would be pursued for having them, so they asked the Echidnas to make shrines to help provide them protection. The Echidnas were experts at fully utilizing the emeralds and build shrines to turn the Pony tribe invisible from the world." "Invisible from the world?" Sonic asked "It would explain why you appeared out of nowhere, but why are you visible now?" "I don't know, either the invisibility barrier wore off or you somehow entered the barrier with us." "You said that the Gems could stop that chimera" Spike traced the conversation back to topic "so where are they?" Twilight skimmed further through the book and started speaking up again "The Chaos Emeralds can be used to unlock unlimited power, so they were placed in guarded locations. One in the clouds, another among the crystals. The third in the young mountains, and the fourth within the plains. The fifth is falling, while harmony holds the sixth, and royalty holds the last." "............Huh?" Rainbow Dash broke the silence that followed. "I don't know where for certain" Twilight admitted "but we've got a lead, no matter how bizarre it is." She paused before psyching up and looking at Rainbow "Dash, I need you to go gather the girls." Rainbow Dash gives a salute and flies out the window, leaving a wind current towards it. "Geez she's fast" Sonic thought "but she's nowhere as fast as me." "Spike" Twilight continued "write back to Luna about how we're planning to confront this." Spike then ran up stairs to begin writing, "As for me, I'll try to figure out where the emeralds are." "What about me?" said Sonic, feeling unnoticed. "Um..." Twilight couldn't really figure out a purpose for him "make yourself at home." Twilight went to her desk to focus while Sonic looked around the tree house library. Nothing here would make him comfortable, so he decided to check out this new place outside. With a burst of wind, Sonic leaves the library through the front door. "So you finally used the front door, huh Rainbow Dash? Tell me, was it really tha-!" Twilight caught herself, realizing that Dash already left. She looked back at what caused the sudden burst of wind to find nothing, no cyan feathered pegasus or blue quilled hedgehog.