//------------------------------// // Into the public eye // Story: Equestrian Medical Service // by backdraft34 //------------------------------// Lifeflight banked hard as he neared the crowed of ponies who were gathered around a black earth pony who was laying on the ground not moving. Lifelight landed at a full gallop, the noise of his hooves on the side walk drawing the crowd's attention. "Medics! Make a hole and give me some space!" He shouted at the crowed. He kneeled down next to the downed stalion and quickly checked for a pulse and breathing. The patient had a pulse much to Lifeflight's relife although it was weak and thready. To his dimay though the stalion was not breathing at all. "Air five on scene. Dispatch fire for additinal power," he said into the comunication stone. "Recived, dispatching fire units now," came tbe reply from a male dispatcher. "Ok who knows this pony and saw what happened?" Lifeflight asked as he proceded to explode the contents of his medical bag all around his patient. "That's my husband!" Came a paniced responce from a middle aged mare with a pink mane and blue coat. "We were on our way to see his doctor. He said his angina was acting up. Just before he collapsed he said he couldn't catch his breath." "He havevany history of breathing problems?" Asked Lifeflight as he was hooking up an oxygen to a bag vaulve mask. "Copd, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or any other big scary medical words the doctor might have thrown at you?" "No, not that I remember. " by now Lifeflight had the mask sealed over the stalions snout and wss beginning to breath for him. "Air six onscene," came a female voice over the comunication stone. Lifeflight looked up to see a pegasus mare who looked like her coat got into a fight with an ocean blue and sky blue cans of paint and lost. Her mane wasn't much better, it wzs unkept and mixed with magenta and a deep violet. "Whatcha need Flight?" She asked as she knelt down beside him. "Go ahead and get ready to tube the guy," he replied with out missing a beat. "Set tbe scope and IT tube up then swap me places." "Ok give me one sec to get everything out. What's our ETA on fire?" "Should be here about the same time as transport one. Ok, ready? Swap!" Lifeflight said. With all the grace of a dancer the two swithced places. Air six, or rather Star Fall, pulled off the mask while Lifeflight opened tbe stalion's mouth. "Alright lets do this fast and do it right the first time. The whole city seems to be out watching us," Lifeflight wispered to his partner. "Don't have to tell me twice," Star Fall wispered back as she inserted the IT tube. "Ok got it!" She quietly exclaimed. "Alright Flight check the lung sounds." "Lungs sound good. Heart beat is diminishing," he replied. Just as he was pulling the stethoscope out of his ears he heard the clanging of the triangle bell hung from the front of the ambulance. The crowed parted as the large white wagone with a red cross on either side came rushing through the crowd. No sooner had the wagon stopped than Cardio Thump and Needle Stick jumped out of the back. "Flight, Star, give me the skinny. What are we looking at?"Thump asked as he approched the scene. "Non respnsive male, respitory arrest. Heart rate fast and thready. We can't even seem to get a rate. History of angina. Has been complaining of chest pain today." Lifeflight said. "He's crashing boss," he wispered after. Just than they all heard the loud banging of the bell from the fire wagon as the fire ponies raced to the sceen. "They do know our patient is not breath and NOT on fire right? " Star Fall asked quietly. "Buck I need you to get the hose draggers and form a conga line of compressors. We got to get ready cuz tbis guys heart is about to stop on us," Lifeflight said. "You good here Thump with fall for a minute? I am going to go gather some small clouds incase we need to zap him." "We're good," Cardio Thump said. "Horesapples! Lost the heartbeat. Start compressions guys!" Cardio Thump said to the fire ponies. With out missing a beat tn e first pony in line started pushing on the stalion's chest. In less than a minute Life flight returned with two small clouds held in his hooves. "What happened? He crash on us?" Lifeflight asked. "Affirm. Right after you left," Buck replied "Thump, go ahead and slide around to the right so I can get it in there," Lifeflight said. As soon as Cardio Thump was out of the way Lifeflight started rubbing the cloud puffs together until they were a darm black. Placing one on either side of the downed stalion's chest Lifeflight looked up. "I'm clear, your clear we're all clear?" "All clear!" Came the responce in unison. No sooner had the responce been given then Lifeflight slammed his hooves into the cloud puffs causing them to release their stored up electric engergy. The stallion's body went ridged for a monent then lay back still. "Still no beat," Star Fall reported. "Alright I am going to start an IO. Buck grab the dill and lines for a large bore IV," Cardio Thump said. "Alright I need to of you fine, able boddied fire ponies to grab the gurney and a back board," Star Fall said calmly. As soon as Cardio Thump and Lifeflight got the IO placed in the stallion's front knee and had delivered two more shocks with no change in condition, the fire ponies helped load the patient into the ambulance. "Alright Buck I need you to be a ground level Wonder Bolt!" Lifeflight said as he climbed into the back with Star Fall and Cardio Thump. His only reply was the wagon acceleration at a very high speed. The trip to the hospital was short but intense, they delivered three more shocks and enough epinephrine to bring a griffin's lunch back to life with sill no change in the stalion's condition. Upon arrival at the hospital they quickly unloaded the patient into the ER. "And that's the scoop doc," Cardio Thump was explaining to the attending physician. "Hey Thump,we're gonna hit the EMS room for some coffee. Bucks got the rig back together so soon as yojr done with your report you guys are good to go," Lifeflight said. "Alright, I'll see you guys in a bit," Cardio Thump said then turned back to the doc. With out waiting a moment longer Star Fall and Lifeflight slid into the newly added EMS room. It wasn't very big, but it did have a coffee pot and a table to sit at and write reports. As Lifeflight was filling his coffee cup and Star Fall was looking for tea packets, he noticed what looked like a small soup warmer with a sign above it. NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU DAY IS, IT WILL ALWAYS GET BETTER WITH CHOWDER!!!! Smiling to himself Lifeflight opened the soup warmer and was greated by the smell of jalapeno corn chowder."I do belive today just got better!" He exclaimed. "Why?" Star Fall asked "Cuz they have CHOWDER! " "Have I told you your an idiot yet today? " she asked with a grin. "Probably, however I can't be sure since that would mean I had to actually pay attention to what you were saying," he replied sticking his tounge out. "I'll see you back at the station. Don't hang around to long, your next in rotation remember," Star Fall said as she left the room. "Hey good news Flight! Old boy got a pulse back. They are running blood work to see what caused his hear to stop and we should know with in the next twenty-four hours!" Cardio Thump said happily as he entered the EMS room. "More good news! They have free chowder, " Lifeflight said. "Your just, well, off. You know that right?" "Been called worse," Lifeflight chuckled. "Hey I gotta fly cuz I'm next up in rotation. I'll let everypony who was on the call know wben I get back" "Alright see ya there and be safe Flight, " Cardio Thump said shaking his head. There was no denying that Lifeflight wasjusy goofy sometimes, but he was still one of the best flight medics around. And the fact they were good friends helped to. "Air five clear and in service. "