As We Flutter On

by Stephen Cloud


The room was freezing when I awoke. I reached out to cuddle with my new found friend, but I came out empty handed. My eyes shot open when I realized she was missing. I searched all over the room looking for her. “Fluttershy! Where are you?” I shouted to no avail. “Quit your hollering, it’s not like she’ll even know what you’re saying.” I grumbled to myself as I searched. After ten minutes of trashing my bedroom looking for her I saw my door nudge open, and Fluttershy’s little head pop in. She smiled and then left, pausing as if she wanted to show me something.
Curiosity willed me to follow, as she led me to a small window in the living room. She went up to the window and plopped herself right in front of it, gazing out at something I couldn’t quite see. Soon I joined her by the window sill, and figured out what she was trying to show me.
I saw a little hooded figure loitering around the apartment’s dumpster. The figure checked to make sure no one was around, then pulled out a spray can and started tagging the dumpster. “Seems we’ve found our little culprit.” I whispered to Fluttershy. I rushed out the door and caught the little hoodlum by his hoodie. “And just what do you think you’re doing!” I shouted and pulled his hood off.
It was a kid, no older than fourteen I suspect. He had long dark brown shaggy hair that he used to hide his face. His eyes were red and there were tracks made out on his cheeks where tears had once flowed. I stood there for a moment empathizing with the kid. He reminded me of myself at his age. Shaggy hair that I kept long to hide behind, emotional, and rebellious. This kid was just like me.
‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!’ he said. ‘It was a mistake I thought this place was abandoned!’
‘You thought wrong.’ I said coldly as I remembered how he had just defaced my art.
I brought him inside an empty apartment, I couldn’t have him seeing Fluttershy. The room was lit by a few lights dangling from the ceiling. All of the apartments (except mine of course) was bare, only the essentials were provided. Fortunately there were a few chairs in this apartment, left by accident I suppose.
‘Pull up a chair.’ I said trying to get the kid to calm down. ‘So, why’d you do it?’
‘I…I don’t know… it’s kind of a stress reliever for me, you know.’
‘Yes, I know. But that was my art, on my building. You just came over here and ruined it!’
The boy shuffled a bit in his chair and looked away. ‘I know. I was upset so… I intentionally ruined it.’
‘And why would you do that!’ I said a bit too loud than I wanted. ‘Why… would you do that?’ I said a bit calmer now.
‘I was just… passing my anger along… I can’t really explain it, but knowing that someone else would be as upset as me made me feel a bit better.’
‘Do you realize that that’s the reason why this town is a mess? Instead of dealing with our own anger we just pass it along.’
‘I guess that makes sense.’ He said with a puzzled look on his face.
‘Look,’ I said, ’I’m not mad at you anymore. But you’re still in trouble.’
He sighed, relieved that I wasn’t upset at him anymore.
‘All right,’ I began, ‘You seem to like artwork, and I need my building repainted. That seems like a good way for you to work off your debt.’
‘Really! That’s it?’ he said with a lighted expression.
‘Uh huh.’ I replied, ‘that’s right, and then you can clean up the place, help me repair the fence, and carry out all maintenance for a month!’
‘Aw man, I knew it was too good to be true.’
‘Yup, and I’d better see you on the first day of summer bright and early!’
I lead him out of the apartment and said good bye. Not having to do maintenance for a month was going to be sweet. I headed up the stairwell back to my apartment when I found Fluttershy sniffling on the ground with her hooves covering her snout. “Aw sweetie,” I said in a fatherly tone, “there’s nothing to worry about. Everything’s fine.” I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, stroking her mane rhythmically.” Let’s get back inside, it is way too cold outside.”
The rest of the day was spent trying to figure out what made my little friend tick. What she liked, what she didn’t like, what she was scared of. Apparently she likes oatmeal, hates spinach, and loves funny faces. She really loves funny faces. By the end of the day my face was sore from all of the faces, and her tummy hurt from laughing so much. Hmmm, tummy. Such a funny word.
We ate our food, got ready for bed, and finally ended another day. I set her down onto the dog bed again, but she still crawled up onto my bed and snuggled against my face. Tomorrow I have to go to work. Finding a way to sneak her in is going to be interesting.