//------------------------------// // A Room With no Floor // Story: Shadowbolts: Origin // by ToneCraft //------------------------------// Midnight stared at his ceiling, straight at the projected image of a clock. "Ten minutes before I go. Mother knocks on the door in three...two...one..." Knock. Knock. Knock. "Come on in, Mom." He said before the pony on the other side could speak. "How is it that you always know who's knocking?" Silver Lining asked as she opened the door. Midnight chuckled, "Because you always knock at 6:52AM, Dad always knocks at 7:23PM, and Ditzy always delivers the mail at 4:37PM." Silver stared for a moment, before shaking off her amazement, "You keep track that much, huh? It's a wonder you--Aah!" She stepped forward, and had to quickly start flapping her wings. "Forgot that there's no floor at 6:54 and twenty-three seconds," Midnight said, "Happens on Tuesdays and the occasional Friday." Silver flew over to him, "You keep track of that as well, huh? Why don't you want a floor, anyway? "I don't need one, it gives me more flying practice, and it means we don't have to manipulate a cloud into the needed shape." Midnight responded, rolling out of bed and hovering next to his mother, "Also, I can't walk too well anyway. But yeah, I'm off to work. I'll see you when I get back." Silver nodded ever so slightly, "Do you have a lunch?" "I've got ten bits for it." "Coat?" Midnight deadpanned, "It's summer." "Right.. Sunscreen?" "Yes." "Toothbrush?" "I work at a candy factory, mom!" "Sorry. Saddlebags?" "They're at work, as always." "Okay. Gogg--" "Yes, mother, I have my aviators. I'll be late if you keep up the checklists." Silver sighed, "Okay, Midnight. Just don't get hurt." He laughed it off, "Me? Hurt? On a delivery route? Please, mom, don't be silly." He did this to keep his mother relaxed before he stopped flapping his wings for a couple of seconds in order to drop under the cloud, and flew straight for work. ------ Golden ticket waited at his desk, watching the factory through his office window. Work wasn't much different from normal, aside from Cloudsdale Elementary having their annual tour that day. His train of thought was interrupted when Midnight came into the office, "Any deliveries for me to make today?" "We've had one order placed already, although it is a rather large one," Ticket responded, pointing towards an aerial carriage loaded with different confections, "Your saddlebags won't hold it all." "Woah," Midnight stared at the carriage for a moment, "How far am I taking it?" "Ponyville," His father told him, "The town hall." Midnight picked up the invoice, "Alright, I'll deliver it to this--" He snorted for a moment, stifling a laugh, "Pinkamena Dianne Pie."