Agent: CARNAGE?!

by ShadowXLAS

Chapter 2: The true and awesome story

"It all started when I was a child".

"Is this gonna be a long story?" asked twilight impatiently.

"SHUT THE F@CK UP! I'M TELLING THE STORY! Now where was I? Oh yeah"

When I was "born" and out of my cloning pod...

"Wait your a clone?" Asked the Celestia wondering what he meant by "pod."

"Yes I am. I am a clone of Harry Osborn. I'm not proud of this but se la ve."

Now back to the story. I was brutally trained breaking every single one of my bones at least once. After roughly 10 years of non stop training my "dad" showed up with a giant tube contacting a symbiote. CARNAGE. All of the clones where asked if they wanted to wield the symbiote. No one did so the tube was opened and....

"Um.. what is it doing?" Asked agent venom

"You see flash it is finding a host worthy of wielding it. It s finding someone who can wield it awesome power," Said a white coated scientist. "Soon it will find one. And that person will be your 'son'."

Then it happened. it stared me dead in the eyes. I looked at it without any fear or panic and I said to it.

"You want me? Come get me."

And it did just that. It cloaked me in it feral blood coated embrace. At first it was fine. It just cloaked me with itself. But then... it did something else. It bonded with me on a cellular level. It hurt sooooo bad. Wasn't even funny. Then after a few moments of excruciating amount of pain it stopped. There I stood. I stood before everywhere else with the red symbiote. Then something completely unexpected happened.

"Ok...'agent carnage' your first order is to kill all your fellow clones." Said the scientist nonchalantly.

"Why? They're the only family I ever had!"

Then the scientist pulled something out of his pocket. A switch. He pressed it and it released a sonic wave that caused both me and 'dad' to screech in pain. Then I-I-I-I followed orders. I killed all my brother and sisters in cold blood.

"HAHAHAHA! What a wonderful creature! He will be of high use!" Said the scientist with a evil look on his face.

Jumping up to the balcony I looked him straight in the face. Then 'dad' gave me a single order.

"Son, I want you to murder this man."

"Wait. nononono. do not listen to him."

"Last time I checked 'doc' he's of higher rank."

I then proceeded to murder the man who killed my siblings. I chopped and butchered him until nothing was left but mince meat! It felt so GOOD to get my revenge. Revenge for being born, being trained and tested on for 10 years. REVENGE FOR MY SIBLINGS. IT FELT SO GOOD!!!

"My word....," said Celestia absolutely flabbergasted at carnages sudden break in mentality.

Then luna came bursting up through the window with fresh roast. Carnage devoured the pig within mere minutes. \

"So now that that's done. Where will I be sleeping?"

"If you wish you can sleep with me," said twilight.

I raised my brow after a minute twilight blushed and stuttered

"I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-didn't m-mean it like t-t-that!"

"I'm sure you didn't," said carnage smiling.

After 5 minutes of preparing her things twilight finally teleported carnage back to the library.

"Good night!" yelled twilight.

"Yeah yeah whatever!"

Carnage fell asleep on the couch not minding the low amount of room.