Sven Grimmok in: Equestria

by RadBay

Chapter Four

Maybe I should have asked Fluttershy for directions to get to Carousel Boutique.

I mean, I thought it would be easy to spot such an elegant building miles away. It would basically stick out like a sore thumb... well, a really pompous sore thumb. I felt like a complete idiot, walking around Ponyville to find the boutique, when I was briefly shown the place yesterday. It also didn't help in the slightest that I was trying to look for Carousel Boutique during the middle of the day, because I was introduced to the population of the town. Of course, they were doing their own thing; trotting to stores, buying items from stalls, it was a very busy early afternoon. Most of the citizens didn't really seem to mind me at all, which I found to be incredibly odd. There were a few handful that gave me terrified looks, and I don't blame them. I mean, how frightened would you be if you saw a creature you've never seen before clothed neck to toe casually walking around town? You'd probably walk the other way. But other than the small number of clueless citizens, the rest didn't run away in fear, or gave me scolding looks. It was an obscure but refreshingly new kind of reaction towards me.

However, asking for directions was somewhat difficult. Sure, they seemed friendly and somewhat content of my presence, but they all assumed I would mind my business. I guess the fault was on my end, since it's not really the greatest idea to walk up to strangers and ask them a question on the spot unexpectedly. I asked around Surgercube Corner, and all ponies just sort of fast-walked away from me when I asked them for directions.

I continued my search, in frustration, for Carousel Boutique in what appeared to be an outside market. The market was bustling with various activities, ranging from simple chattering to impressive street performances. Each stall sold a wide assortment of vegetables, fruit, flowers, and the odds and ends of quirky knickknacks. This place is bound to have citizens that can answer one simple question. I was about to ask the carrot stall owner the location of Carousel Boutique, when one of the street performers caught my attention, almost making me forget my search for Rarity's boutique. It was a barbershop quartet, dressed in those noticeable red and white striped vests, and straw hats. They were positioned around the market area of Ponyville, a brown suitcase that contained quite a number of gold coins in front of them. I've always been fascinated by these kind of singers, but it's been a very long time since I've ever listened to music. I was more surprised by how phenomenal the quartet sang. I was absolutely entranced by their singing, making my head slightly sway as they sing.

While I was listening to what could be the greatest quartet I've ever heard, my stomach began to grumble ferociously. I placed my right hand on my stomach; I forgot I haven't had anything nutritious ever since I got here, and the punch and cupcakes from the party don't really last long as a filler. I could definitely go for a carrot right about now. I walked up to the stall that sells carrots, and was greeted by the stall owner, making the most obviously fake smile, "Oh! You must be the creature everypony's been talking about." she said.

I raised an eyebrow, "Creature? I'm a human. A very... normal human." I corrected her.

“Way to make your abnormality blatantly obvious.” Sektor chimed in without warning.

I closed my eyes, trying my best not to lash out at Sektor's insults. I'm very fortunate that I can only hear him, "Anyways, how much for a carrot?" I asked.

"Three bits." the carrot stall owner stated, still maintaining that fake smile.

I frowned at the stall owner confusingly, "Bits?" I asked. The stall owner pointed at the brown suitcase in front of the barbershop quartet. Inside the suitcase were the gold coins I saw earlier. My mind clicked when I realized that the gold coins were bits, the currency of this world. I turned back to face the stall owner with a sheepish smile, "Oh... right. Well, I'm afraid I don't have any bits." I quickly searched my pockets in my pants, and managed to find a five dollar bill, "But maybe this will cover it?" I said as I placed the five dollar bill on the table.

The stall owner looked at the five dollar bill, then to me, no longer smiling, "What is this?" she sternly asked.

"This is an American five dollar bill, currency for part of my world. Don't worry, it's not counterfeit." I assured the stall owner.

The stall owner shook her head, "Sorry, sir, but I can't take this." she slides the five dollar bill towards my end of the table, "It may be good for part of your world, but the only currency here is bits, or gems. No bits, no gems, no carrot."

Sektor snickered, "Oh my, looks like your money isn't viable here when you're acting polite. Perhaps you need to be a bit more... persuasive."

"Shut your mouth, Sektor." I muttered under my breath, placing resistances in my mind to silence the accursed entity. I placed my hands on the table, "Think about it. I'm giving you money from another dimension, alien money!" I slid the five dollar bill towards her end of the table.

The stall owner began to grow noticeably annoyed, "I don't care if it's from the other end of the universe; no bits, no gems, no carrot!" she raised her voice, getting the attention of a few ponies walking by.

"Tsk tsk, you call THAT persuasion? Put a bit more intimidation in your voice, you weak pile of flesh!" Sektor yelled within me.

I gritted my teeth in anger, "I am NOT a weakling." I whispered as I put up more resistances in my mind, forcibly clawing at the table. I looked at the stall owner with rage, "Listen here you son of a-"

"Sven Grimmok!" an elegant voice gasped behind me. My rage instantly vanished, and I turned around to see Rarity looking right at me, a disappointed look on her face, "Really, do you have to act like a filly and throw a tantrum over such a tiny thing?" she scolded me. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut my mouth immediately, knowing that Sektor's influence was responsible for my blind anger. By this time, a crowd of ponies gathered around the carrot stall, exchanging whispered words, and pointing at me. Even the barbershop quartet stopped singing to see what was going on. My face went red with embarrassment and shame, and looked at the ground to avoid eye contact. Rarity walked up to the carrot stall owner, "I'm terribly sorry for his ignorance of maturity." she apologized as she pulls out five bits from her left bag hung over her back, "Here, hopefully this will cover the carrot, as well as any damage Mr. Grimmok has done."

I sighed, and looked at the carrot stall owner, "I'm sorry." I stated with sincerity, "I was overwhelmed with blind anger and rage at such a stupid little thing, and it was very wrong of me." I looked at the five dollar bill, "I want you to have this, as a token of my apology."

The stall owner nodded and accepted the five bits, as well as the five dollar bill. The stall owner hands Rarity a fresh-looking carrot, and Rarity levitates the carrot towards me. Rarity coughed to get my attention, "Follow me. I believe Fluttershy told you about our appointment for your new attire?" she gestured the way out of the open market.

I crossed my arms, "Yea, she did." I said as I followed Rarity out of the open market, eating the carrot as I walked, "But I forgot to ask her for directions, so I may have spent most of my time asking strangers for directions when I entered Ponyville." I confessed. As Rarity and I left the open market, I could hear previous activity resuming behind me. I looked behind me to see the open market bustling with activity once more, almost as if nothing happened.

"Weren't you given a tour of Ponyville when you got here? Twilight did show you Carousel Boutique, didn't she?" Rarity asked as we passed Surgercube Corner.

I nodded, "She did give me the grand tour."

"And you forgot?" Rarity looked at me.

"I guess I was distracted. My mind was on... other things." I shrugged.

"Could you possibly be thinking of the slow and painful deaths of the inhabitants of this world?" Sektor reminded me, a twisted smile on his face, "Burning away, each piece of fur singeing one by one, every inch of flesh burning to nothing but a nice crispy finish..."

I frowned, "That's just sick." I muttered.

Rarity stopped trotting, "What was that, darling?"

I perked up, unaware that Rarity almost heard what I said. I shook my head, "Nothing, I was just saying how I sworn I remembered where your place was at." I assured her with a fake smile.

Rarity gave me a weird look, "Uh-huh. Well, we're almost there, it's not too far from Surgercube Corner."

Great, now I feel like more of an idiot. But she was right, Carousel Boutique was only a couple of minutes away from Surgercube Corner. And I can confirm what I said earlier about the place, it really sticks out like a pompous sore thumb. It was built somewhat differently than the other establishments Ponyville has, giving the place a more rich look to it. The blue walls were decorated with beautiful patterns, and the purple rooftops had a checkered look to it. The yellow silk-like curtains flowed against the soft wind. The building altogether was impressive on its own, and very appealing to look at.

Rarity opened the purple door leading inside the shop, the sound of a tiny bell ringing as she opened the door, "Well? Shall I introduce the suit I made for you?"

I nodded and walked inside the boutique. The inside of the boutique was very well-kept and organized, at least from what I can see. Several mannequins the shape of ponies were aligned in a row, each with different well-made outfits. Other assortments of dresses and outfits were hung on coat hangers,and placed on a movable rack. To the right of the boutique was a small platform in front of three mirrors aligned on different sides.

While I was sightseeing the inside of the boutique, Rarity came towards me, carrying a slim navy blue suit Rarity levitated the navy blue suit towards me, "You're going to just love this!" she smiles. The navy blue suit looked professionally done, and giving off a silky smooth look to it. The navy blue suit jacket appeared to be able to fit under my duster very nicely, but the navy blue dress pants seemed to be only good for style, not flexibility. Nevertheless, the white dress shirt underneath was a nice touch to complete the suit.

"It looks hideous." Sektor observed.

"Okay, I have a couple of questions." I began to ask, "How are you able to make a suit in under a day, and how do you know if this will even fit me, if you don't know my measurements?" I raised an eyebrow in skepticism as I grabbed the navy blue suit.

Rarity softly chuckled at my question, "Oh, Sven, you'll quickly learn to never doubt my abilities." her voice then went to a more serious tone, "But I did have motivation to make you something to replace your current dreadful outfit."

I looked down to observe my outfit, then looked back at Rarity and shrugged, "What's so bad about what I'm wearing now? I mean sure, it's not acceptable if I was to go to a high-class restaurant, but it's at least comfortable."

"Well, for one, look at all of those rips and tears." Rarity began to explain, "And it's covered in dirt and grass stains." she sniffed the air and grimaced, "And it smells like... ugh..."

"Dried blood? Ashes? Gunpowder? I can continue to go down the list of the stench of war, if you so desire." I answered Rarity's question.

Rarity paused for a minute, unexpected of what I just said, "Uh... no, that's okay. Sorry, you in the middle of a war in your world almost slipped my mind." her face lit up, "Well, how about this; I'll clean up your current outfit, and you wear this suit in the time being!" she suggested.

I made an unsure look, "Are you sure? I mean, that's not necessary, like, at all. You already made me a suit, and I'm pretty sure that was hard work."

Rarity shook her head, "Oh, the suit was nothing, really." she insisted, "And I would probably be doing pony's noses a favor." she said as she covered her nose.

Sektor snorted, "My goodness, her exaggeration is beyond my comprehension of insulting her."

I looked at the navy blue suit, and thought about the option given to me. My outfit kind of does need to be cleaned, now that Rarity pointed it out. The strong stench of gunpowder and smoke was an obvious scent when I sniffed my jacket. Even being placed in a whole different dimension, I can't seem to escape the remnants of war. I looked at Rarity and smiled, "I think it's for the best this gets cleaned up. It would actually do me a favor as well." I then looked around the boutique, "Where's the changing room?"

Rarity pointed at a circle curtain, a pony mannequin standing within, "You can hang your outfit on the mannequin. Just call me when you're all set, I would like to hear what you have to say about the suit once you wear it." she proclaimed, and trotted off up the stairs at the back of the boutique.

I walked into the circle curtain, navy blue suit in hand, slightly confident and somewhat excited of slipping into something new. It was that feeling of finding a specific piece of clothing at your favorite clothes store, after searching for a long time. It felt rather good, come to think of it, and just reliving an experience a normal human would be able to enjoy put a smile on my face. An actual, genuine smile.

"Don't get too comfortable with that repulsive emotion." Sektor spoke with disgust, "You'll soon forget it even exists."

My smile faded when I was reminded that the entity was still present in my mind. No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to get used to him residing inside my mind. I took off my duster, and threw it to the ground, "You're a parasite, you know that?" I harshly whispered, "I can never get a moment's peace with you plaguing my mind."

Sektor smiled, "I can do more than just plague your mind, Grimmok. You personally witnessed what I can really do. I highly doubt you'll forget such a moment."

I folded my white jacket, and placed it on the pony mannequin, "You're just full of illusions, your ambitions getting the best of you." I retorted, "You're so desperate to break out of your cage, and I'm going to make sure you'll rot before you even get the chance."

A deep, rumbling laugh echoed all around me, "We'll see about that. I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve." Sektor laughed.

I looked around the circle curtain and chuckled, "Way to be cliché." and proceeded to wall up more resistances in my mind, forcing the beast to temporary silence. I changed into the navy blue suit in the short-lived peace I was granted. My predictions on the suit was more or less right. The dress shirt was nice and comfortable, and didn't hinder my ability to move. The suit jacket fits very snugly, not too tight to constrict my lungs, but not too bulky to look awkward on me. The dress pants were odd to get used to, since they're, well, dress pants. However, much like the dress shirt, the dress pants didn't hinder my ability to move; it was actually pretty comfortable to wear. I wasn't concerned too much on whether or not I could fight properly; it's not like I'm going to be wearing this when I get back to Earth. And besides, it's not like this place is ripe for mindless brawls.

I grabbed my duster, stepped outside the circle curtain, and walked over to the platform and mirrors. I stood on the platform to get a better view of how the suit looks on me. I twisted my body to get a better view from all angles, and I nodded in approval of the suit looking okay on me. I looked at the middle mirror one last time, but before I stepped off the platform to call Rarity over, something off the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned back around to face the mirrors, and my whole body froze at who is standing before me. It was an adult male, his age somewhere in the fifties. His hair was short cut with a bit of gray on the sideburns, and a slightly grayed goatee. His eyes were like emeralds, gleaming behind his glasses as they look right at me. He wore a brown coat with a black shirt underneath, and bright blue jeans. His shoes were brown hiking boots, worn with age. To finish off the outfit, and the piece of clothing that I've noticed from the rest, was the black duster he wore over his coat.

I slowly shook my head in disbelief, breathing heavily, "Sektor... this is an all new low for you." I murmured, tears welling up from my eyes. As soon as I finished my sentence, the man in the mirror smiled. It wasn't the sort of smile as if someone was happy, but of a twisted and insane state of mind. The man's face began to bleed through the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, still maintaining that sickening smile full of crimson liquid. The man raised his hand, and placed it on his side of the mirror. Soon enough, the man walked right through the mirror, creating a rippling effect on the mirror as he passed through. I stepped off the platform, continuing to shake my head, "Stop it! Stop it stop it stop it!" I raised my voice, placing my hands on my head. As soon as the man started walking towards me, I walked backwards, not wanting to be even near this man. Throughout the entire situation, the man was still smiling away, no matter what I tried doing. I tried knocking over mannequins and coat racks, out of pure fear instinct to stop the man. But no matter what I did, the man just phased through whatever objects laid in front of him. I fell on my bottom, and began to scoot back, tears now streaming down my face. I was given the unfortunate turn of events when I scooted myself against a wall. I was trapped, nowhere to run. By this time, the man was just a foot away from me, smiling like a maniac, blood dripping off his chin, and creating a trail of small puddles on the floor. I wanted this nightmare to end; I didn't want to see this man anymore, not like this. The man crept closer to me, to the point where his face was just inches away from mine. I prepared for the worst of what Sektor has in store for me, since I knew it wouldn't be good, if he was using this man as a scarring image.

The man grabbed my nose with his left hand, "Got your nose, son." he said in a calm voice, and disappeared without a trace, vanishing into mist.

That was the breaking point. I couldn't control my emotions from then on. I curled up into a fetal position, and started bawling my eyes out. I couldn't stop myself from crying, and any attempts to immediately stop crying ended in failure. The memories were just too strong for me to handle as I cried like a child. I thought I could handle whatever Sektor threw at me, assuming he would create repetitive scenarios of Equestria burning. However, I never expected him to reach that deep into my memories, as I've made sure the memory of that man stayed far away from Sektor's grasp to use against me. But here I am, becoming an embarrassing pile of tears.

I don't know how long I've been sitting and crying against a wall, and I didn't really care, but I eventually heard hoofsteps galloping towards me. Rarity's voice grew louder as the hoofsteps grew louder. She sounded really worried, with a hint of panic. When my crying slightly died down, Rarity could be heard clearly, "Sven, darling, what's wrong!?" she exclaimed, "What happened!?"

I wasn't in the right state of mind to speak, nor did I feel like I would accomplish much if I said anything. But my brain thought otherwise, as I was now battling between two options presented to me. I could tell Rarity the truth about what I really am, or let my true self be kept a secret and go all-in with this charade of being normal. I wiped the tears away with my duster sleeves, and looked up to see Rarity looking at me with those big blue eyes of hers. If concern was to be made into a physical form, I'm looking at it now. Rarity looked obviously scared, but her mixed emotions of serenity and curiosity were also noticeable. I shook my head, which was the best I could do for an answer. My crying was now reduced to sniffing, along with an endless flow of tears.

Rarity looked around the boutique, noticing the knocked over mannequins and coat racks. She used her magic to set what I knocked over upright again. When she finished setting up what I knocked over, she looked at me, "Don't move, darling, I'll go get something to help wipe those tears." she said as she ran off up the stairs. A couple of minutes later, Rarity came back with a white handkerchief, and handed it to me.

I took the handkerchief, and wiped my tears with it, "Thanks..." I croaked, finally given the ability to speak. I took a deep breath, and laid my back against the wall, looking at the ceiling.

Off the corner of my eye, I could see Rarity trot over to me, and lay down next to me, "What in Celestia's name was that all about?" she asked, a calmer tone in her voice than before.

I continued to look at the ceiling, hesitant of finding an answer. Each scenario keeps getting worse with these ponies; first Fluttershy saw me talking to Sektor and screaming like a banshee, and now this. The longer I stay here, the more challenging it is to be presumed a normal human being. I sighed nervously, tears still flowing down my face, "Rarity... I want to confess something. It has been eating away at me, ever since certain events happened while I've been here." I shook my head, "And I've been avoiding Twilight at all costs, since she's more suspicious than any of the ponies here."

"What is Twilight suspicious of?" Rarity asked with the utmost curiosity.

"My normality as a human being." I confessed, turning my head to face Rarity. Instead of seeing Rarity, I saw a skeleton in the shape of a pony, staring at me with two dark, empty sockets. Another one of Sektor's illusions. I closed my eyes, and exhaled deeply, maintaining my nerves to the best of my extent. I opened my eyes once again, and was welcomed back with reality, Rarity's face intact.

"Are you alright? I've never seen anypony go pale like that." Rarity placed her front right hoof on my left cheek, which was cold to the touch.

I shook my head, my tears beginning to dry up, "No, I'm-"

The entrance to Carousel Boutique burst opened, almost taking the door off its hinges. Two white stallions in yellow armor rushed inside the boutique, scanning the area. When they caught sight of me, they galloped towards where I was sitting, and grabbed me by their teeth. I didn't have time to retaliate, and I was sent to the ground with great force. My head came into contact with the floor first, and became stunned by the impact, having the most difficult time moving my body. I was then brought up to my knees by the stallions, held in place by their strong front hooves, forced to face the entrance. Followed by the two white stallions, a white pony walked confidently inside the boutique. She was as tall as me, basically on my eye level with her purple gaze. Her flowing mane and tail was a mixture of four colors; pink, green, blue, and light blue. She has both a horn and wings, like some sort of odd Unicorn-Pegasus hybrid. The crest on her neck, and the crown on her head indicated ranked superiority among the citizens. It doesn't have to take a genius to know the role this pony plays; she's royalty, and she brought the royal guard with her.

Still shaken up from the head injury, I had little options regarding communication, and the best I could pull were slurred inaudible words. Rarity rushed towards the royal pony and bowed, "P-princess Celestia!" she stuttered, "What brings you here?"

The royal pony named Princess Celestia ignored Rarity's question, as she was more focused on me. Celestia continued to glare at me with a calm sense of anger, "You thought taking shelter in a boutique would hinder our search for you?" she barked. Celestia turned her head to face Rarity, "Were you aware of how dangerous this creature is?"

Rarity tilted her head in confusion, "Danger? He was only here to get fitted for a suit I made for him, your highness."

"So you were unaware of the threat he hides?" Celestia questioned Rarity. Rarity shook her head as an answer. Celestia turned her head back to me, "It's a good thing we got here, then. I'm glad your safe, Rarity."

"Your highness, if I may ask a question... Why is Sven considered dangerous?" Rarity asked.

Celestia walked over to Rarity, walking as she speaks, "Sven is a monster disguised as a human." she stated.

Rarity's jaw dropped in shock, "A monster!?" she yelped.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, the news was unexpected from me as well. I knew about Sven Grimmok when Twilight Sparkle sent me letters regarding his arrival. Everything seemed fine, at first; the first few letters were mostly positive and harmless, and studies about how he acted in a new environment. But I recently got a letter from Twilight Sparkle saying that the human began to act strange, and that there were several eye witnesses to confirm his strange behavior."

I couldn't stay silent any longer, despite my head throbbing with pain. I straightened my back, and turned my head to face the princess, "That's all you have to go with? Suspicious actions? That's not enough to send your soldiers at me!" I bellowed.

Celestia walked towards me, "That's not all the evidence I have obtained. You see, a human came to Canterlot to seek an audience with me. He provided a report regarding the danger you are, in your world, and the written plot of my assassination." she looked back at the entrance, "In fact, he's here with the report right now."

Emerging from the side of the entrance was someone I very much recognized right away. It was a male, his age somewhere in his mid-twenties. His black slicked back hair and piercing green eyes made me shiver in fear and rage. His attire is an all white suit, down to his dress shoes and gloves. He carries a straight black cane, the top being a human skull with solid yellow eyes. The man walked towards me, his hands behind his back, "Maximillian Vetis, at your service, your highness." Vetis bowed at Celestia. Vetis presents to Celestia a slightly thick folder, "I have all the information about the demon right here." he reported, an innocent smile on his face.
Celestia levitates the folder with her magic, her horn having a yellow aura around it, "Thank you, Maximillian. You've done this kingdom a tremendous favor."

I was utterly speechless at what was happening in front of me. The demon king, my most sworn enemy is right in front of me, disguised as a human! I began to breathe heavily, my rage and fear consuming my mind. I hung my head, facing the floor, feeling completely helpless. But what is he planning? I know he has the capability to kill me here and now, so why doesn't he do it?

Vetis moved towards me, nearly inches away from my face, "I'm so glad you found the demon in time, your highness. He is a threat to anything it sees, and the ruins that was once the beautiful and healthy world I lived in is proof of that." he moved away from my face, "What's the penalty for assassination attempt, in this world?" he asked Celestia.

"Death." Celestia answered coldly, "But he is to be given a fair trial. While the evidence you provided is substantial, Maximillian, I'll need to send it to experts to confirm the evidence hasn't been tampered."

Vetis paused for a minute, staring at Celestia, but eventually bowed, "But of course, your highness." he said with a smirk on his face.

Celestia turned to face the entrance of the boutique, "Bind Sven in chain and shackles infused with null magic, and take him to the castle's high security dungeon. The last thing we want is for him to use his powers when we aren't looking." she ordered the royal guards.

The guards nodded in unison, and prepared to chain my wrists behind my back. I had to figure something out, and fast, or else I'm going to get executed in a matter of days. Rarity can't help me at this point, and I don't want her to be involved in whatever mess this is. I was thinking at an insanely fast speed, the world appearing to be in slow motion as a hail of thoughts showered my mind. There was only one way that I could get out of this situation, and expose Vetis as the demon he is. I deeply concentrated until I pinpointed where Sektor resides in my mind. I absorbed a portion of his abilities, and granted myself the ability of strength. Using this ability to my benefit, I sprung to my feet, knocking the guards off their feet as they hung on to my arms. I shook both guards off of my arms, and leaped towards Vetis, getting ready to pummel his face. Vetis noticed me coming right for him, and he cowered in fear, muttering a startled yelp. Just before my right fist came into contact with his face, I was immediately halted midair, completely immobilized. I noticed a yellow aura around me, and I looked over to the left of me to see Celestia's horn glowing, which was also yellow.

Vetis deeply sighed with relief, "You see!? A threat to us all! We can't even turn our backs for a second without him leaping at you like a tiger!" he cried.

I stared at Vetis in blind rage, "I will expose you to the world of what a cruel, heartless demon you are. You better prepare for me, you demonic bastard, because when the world knows who you really are... I will squeeze your eyeballs out of your sockets, I will break every bone in your body nice and slow." I muttered at Vetis. My body wanted to shake out of being furious, but being immobilized halted the action. But that didn't stop me from threatening his pathetic life, "I will rip open your torso, and wear your intestines like a goddamn scarf!" I shouted.

Vetis calmly looked at me, unaffected by my words. He placed a finger on my lips to silence me, and I could hear his voice inside my head, "Now now, Grimmok, no need to shout empty threats. You'll just make the situation worse for you, and I don't want that. I'd rather see you roast slowly to a golden crisp, than dunked in the fiery core and scorched within seconds." Vetis whispered in my head. He removed his finger from my lips, and proceeded to walk outside the boutique.

It wasn't long before the guards recovered, and put the magic chains on my wrists. As soon as my skin came into contact with the chains, I could feel myself being drained of Sektor's abilities. The strength I gathered from him was now gone, and I couldn't absorb any other abilities he has. I was reduced to a normal human being. Celestia placed me on my feet, confident that I was now weak. However, before she left my sight, my eye caught something peculiar. On the back of Celestia's head, there was a wound of some sort; it almost looked like a bruise, but much more darker. It also gave a sense of looming darkness, when I stared at it. I don't know what it is, but it can't be good. The guards escorted me out of the boutique, as I hung my head in surrender, and was guided to Canterlot Castle.