Cameo's Adventures

by CutieMarkCrusaders

Canterlot Vacation Part 6

Cameo awoke the next morning, excited to see Timber. Then, she remembered that she had to go home. She sighed and climbed out of her comfortable hotel bed. Slowly, she packed her things into her suitcase with wheels and her saddlebags. Her pens, her paper, and her mother's necklace. The object that had brought Cameo and Timber together. After she finished packing, she hesitated, and then took the necklace out of her saddlebag and put it on. Then, sadly, she left the hotel room.
Cameo walked along the starry streets of Canterlot looking for her friend. She wanted to say one last goodbye before she went back to Ponyville. Finally, she reached the train station, and Timber was nowhere to be found.
"All aboard who's comin' aboard!" The conductor yelled.
Aww. I wish I got to see Timber again before I went home. Cameo thought. Then, with a heavy heart, she gave her ticket to the conductor and began to step onto the train.
"Cameo!" A familiar voice called. "Cameo, wait!" Cameo turned around and saw her best and only friend rushing towards her.
Timber! Cameo thought. The two unicorns galloped to each other as quickly as they could and embraced each other.
"Oh, Cameo, I'm so glad I caught you! I went to her hotel room but you weren't there so I thought you had left already!" Timber said quickly. The ponies stopped hugging and looked at each other. Then, Cameo had an idea. She levitated her mother's necklace from her neck and fastened it around Timber's.
"Wh- What? Cameo, isn't this your mother's necklace?" Timber asked. Cameo nodded. She levitated a quill and parchment from her saddlebag and began to write.

It's very special to me, but so are you. I want you to have it. Goodbye, Timber. See you again sometime.

Timber carefully read the paper and nodded.
"Bye, Cameo. See you later," She said. Cameo nodded in response, then turned around and slowly walked to the train. She sat next to a window and looked out. She found Timber in the crowd. She was waving at Cameo with a sad smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks. Cameo waved back.
As the train started, Timber ran with it until it finally passed her and Cameo could see her no more.
See you later, Timber. Cameo thought.

End of Canterlot Vacation