//------------------------------// // Journal: 18th (The Christmas Dance) // Story: Annabelle's Book // by -GLaDOS- //------------------------------// To Miss Annabelle: We're sorry to inform you, but Doctor Lee is not in the office today! Yesterday she went into labor and gave birth to her healthy little colt early in the morning. She won't be having any visits for 2 weeks, so please continue any activities she assigned for you to do. We're sorry here at PLR Offices. Please have a happy and safe holidays. Thank You, P.L.R. Psychiatrist Offices ==============================================================================================. So, I have to admit that I haven't been staying on my journal for a couple of days now. Well, only one, but the reason why is because I didn't have to. I have to admit that because of what happened with you, that I didn't continue and had no plans of continuing. I could continue to write everyday while I give you the little things like the incident on the 16th. Days where my bodily functions betray me and public, but isn't that all just the same manure? Let's face it doc, you know. You know it all, because you went to some big school in where-ever. You know my life sucks, and that's why you are 'helping' me. Well, I stopped, because you weren't there. So what brought me back? Hope. Hope that writing will some how still straighten things out before the holidays. It's damn near impossible, that's for sure, but it is definitely worth a try. The mare at your desk said she had no idea when you are going to come back, although that letter said two weeks. I heard it takes some time to recover from having a foal. You officially have two now doc, congrats. I understand that you will take a lot of time to recover right? A week? No, you lied to me. Now it's going to be 2 weeks, still not that, it's actually going to be who-the-hell knows how long. It's okay though right? I get to meet the baby! A little young one, a fellow diapered companion, who will actually not judge me because of my disability. Even better, in the hospital when he is all swaddled and tiny in the nursery. You didn't give me that either. I was totally right, you're only a doctor to me, and not anywhere close to a friend. I don't know the story behind why, but that really hurts that you forgot about me. So, I might as well just get to it. My daily life. The life of Annabelle, which is somewhat so interesting to go into this book. Maybe it will be published and loved by many, but no. Nopony cares about the incontinent mare. But with what happened yesterday, I can't be so negative, because I did find the one pony who cared. It's actually a interesting story, what happened yesterday. But, I have to get through all the boring details first, and it all started with a groggy morning, the mirror with it's horrible stain, brushing my teeth and getting that taste in my mouth that I could taste in my breakfast, then finally coming all the way to your office in a used diaper, just to figure out you actually weren't there. I was given some stupid note, then told that the note was actually wrong, and who knows how long you will be. Fine, I don't need you anyway. Just this stupid marble notebook. I ate breakfast, listened to DJ- PD in the morning, and felt pretty depressed as I watched ponies on the street scatter around with last minute shopping for the big holiday coming up. Only if I could be a part of it, but hey, as I said nopony. That includes family, friends, and yes... Even you Doc. I don't really even want to talk about my day. I didn't do anything in the afternoon, other then sleep and mope. The fun begins later on, when I decided to return to the restaurant where I was oh so missed. I did something different this time, and that was, I wore a coat. A coat didn't cover my flank, so everypony knew what I was wearing as a I trotted down the street. I felt like everypony was staring at me, every single one, but I decided to do it to not prove a point to them, but to Scribble at the bar. I froze all the way there, my face was as red as a tomato when everypony looked at me, but I was glad to have had such a ego boost when I arrived home in the morning today. Yes, I am writing this in the morning for once, better yet, at almost 8 in the morning. That's a new record for earliest for a pony to ever wake up. When I arrived, I threw the squeaky old door open and made my appearance noticeable. I threw my coat on the coat rack, and oh my Celestia, I was in nothing but a diaper. A rather absorbent one, which was that way because of it's decent size. Not bigger than usual, but I couldn't go light in case of a leak. I understand I wanted to be tough and all, and ditch the dress, but even I wouldn't be able to take the pure embarrassment of leaking somehow. My body can be unpredictable in that way. Anyway, instead of sitting at a booth, I sat at the bar. I ordered some whiskey, and drank with almost a sass in my attitude. I was one seat away from the mysterious lonely mare, the one that waited in her finest of clothes each night for Celestia-knows-who, and of course Spark, the retired crazy old captain who called me Diaper Mare. For some reason, the way I was acting now, I felt like I was sitting around a bunch of ponies I knew by heart. Maybe I felt this odd sensation because at that moment, the moment I plumped my fluffy flank on that stool, everypony was staring at me. "What in the hell happened to you DM?" A large figure grumbled beside me, after a few minutes of silence, and time for me to take mutible sips of my drink "Well-" I said, putting my drink down to reply to Spark's comment "I don't know Captain Pinhead, just sick of that usual, cocky, city air" Spark slammed his hoof down, chuckling loudly as he took a large swig of his drink, slamming that down, and offering me a hoof "As are all we DM! Welcome, finally, at last. Why don't you get yourself another drink-" he said, looking at her empty glass "-and talk for awhile. It seems you had a bit of a ego boost" Spark took a eye to my diaper. "Hey!" I growled. I moved my tail to cover the side of my garment "Don't look down there!" "Oh?" Spark picked up his drink again "Yes, I understand. Your diaper is so embarrassing. Being in incontinent, most likely. Definitely not as embarrassing as showing up to a formal navy party in swimming trunks and a parrot" "Oh I remember that one" Scribble, or Roger, giggled in the back at his booth "Or the time Twister kicked out his own mother!" "Aye guys..." Twist said in his thick accent "I know it was my momma, she was just.... Annoyin' me, that's all" "That was no reason to punch her" Spark snickered "She's your mother you nub!" "Augh..." Twister said, waving his hoof at them as he stood at his position in front of the bathroom door. I just sat there, giggling a little at their remarks. I seemed to have disappeared in the conversation, which I was very thankful for. Spark stood up and pointed at the bartender. He wasn't paying attention, but he was listening. I knew him as the manager "And this guy right here went on a rant and exploded one day, when he ran outside at noon and threw a fit because nopony was in the restaurant that day. He never noticed the closed sign was still flipped over!" He laughed hysterically, and I had to laugh too. The short little pony, his hooves all in a knot over his obvious bad business. He seemed like the stallion that would have Neighpolean's Syndrome. Spark approached me, taking a seat beside me and wrapping a hoof around me. When he did that, instead of being creeped out, I was rather... Happy. I was really happy for once in my life, like I was accepted. He was just a old, sailor, drinking until his head would explode, and hell, he was having a good time doing it. He told me that I was on everypony's side "Hey DM" he said in his friendly voice "We all make fun of each other here! Trust me! Nobody cares that you're wearing a diaper. Like you said, no cocky, city air in here. Just a few nuts having a good ol' time. You can join us... Unless you're gonna let your silly problem hold you back any longer" "I think I have let my problem hold me back for too long" I said, as I let my tail hang again "But now I must wonder how I'm going to stick with so many big, strong, stallions. I'm am just a little helpless mare" I said this in a happy tone, just playing around to see what they would say. "Are you kidding?" "Wait what..." "Are yah' sayin' what I think ur sayin?" Twister said, speaking for Scribble and Scrawl who were chuckling "Miss, you just took down 2 glasses of whiskey in no more than 10 minutes, I am sure you can stick with us" I looked down at the empty glass in my hand, and hell, it was already empty again from Spark's complementary filling. I went to pull out a bag of bits from my coat to get another glass, but I was stopped by Spark. After that, he gave me a funny look. Obviously drinks were on the house tonight, and it was always that way so close to the big holiday. I smiled and sat back down on that stool for what was going to be a long, eventful night. It all started with that fist glass of alcohol, and continued each one after that. Each glass something new happened. We discussed politely on my 3rd and 4th glasses, but when we moved onto beer cans, things got a little more frindly. We became closer and closer to eachother, both physically and mentally. Eventually we were all sitting at the bar, secluded from the mysterious mare, of course, but Twist, Spark, Scribble, the owner, and myself all drank and talked. I felt the closest to Scribble the whole night, we all got to know each other better, but Scribble and I were getting the closest, oddly enough Doc, almost like a romance. But it didn't last long as I was on my 3rd can of beer. At that point we were getting hammered. The manager turned on the radio, and Christmas music played loudly. The place was even brighter as he turned on the multi-colored Christmas lights around the bar. It not only started to get warm from that cheery feeling of Christmas I haven't felt since I was 4, but also with the feeling of being with 4 ponies that I loved more and more as the night went on. Complete strangers! Strangers that felt the same pain though. I could drink forever, but around the 5th can of beer, I started to slow down. I was at the point where I was hammered, but it didn't matter anyway, because we all went onto the dance floor as 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' came on. We were all sort of dizzy, but we all swung to the old song, in the small area open at the bar for such recreation. Spark sung along for a bit, until he eventually got a dancing partner. You wouldn't believe it, but it looks like that mysterious mare was following the same ideas we were! She seemed to have drank a fair amount, and she revealed herself. Taking off her coat, revealed a older mare, around her 40's. I could of swore I've seen her before, but I couldn't put my hoof on it at that moment. She danced slowly with Spark, until he gave her a little spin. The mare almost fell over, but she started giggling and showing obvious signs she was having a good time. I was a little shy doc, this was my first interaction in awhile and I was expecting something to come, but I didn't know when it was coming, even in my drunken state. All I knew is I couldn't deny it. When I saw Scribble looking over at Spark, then at me, I knew he was going to ask for a dance. I wobbled over to him, as he came up to me. We were both a bit stoned, so we giggled when I fell into his arms. I looked up at him and it was like he was sparkling in the green and red lights on the dance floor. His brown mane, the same color as the bar, his coat was grey like the sidewalk outside, and his eyes, staring into mine, were just as vibrantly blue. I always looked at him at him from afar, but this close, he was all I wanted to see. My heart pounded Doc, and all he could do is giggle at me. I have no idea how I looked, I leaked last night although I didn't want to, so I know at that moment whatever condition my diaper was in was a bad one. But, Scribble didn't care, or Roger as I referred to him that night. That was his real name, and he started calling me by mine "Annabelle" he said "May I have this dance?" "W-Well" I said, stuttering. He swung me around, and I didn't expect it. I giggled loudly as he held me close "I'll take that as a yes... Just follow my steps" After that moment, I held him close as he lead my hooves to the song. It wasn't the best dancing song, but it made perfect for us, at this moment. We took it slow as he turned, slowly moving about the dance floor. I wobbled a few times, almost falling with how dizzy I was, but each time he caught me every time. Somehow he kept his balance. As we went on, I put my head against his, accidentally. It gave me some support from falling over, and it seemed to stay there. We both looked into each others eyes, smiling mischievously, as well as happily. My heart was about to pound out of my chest, so, even drunk, I remember blushing immensely. I never had a dance like this. Roger sped it up "Alright now... You hold tight" I held tight and he gently picked me up from my hips (Over the straps of my diaper, but at this point, did he really care?) he spun me around at the end of the song, pulled me up, and landed me up on my hooves gracefully. The song ended, and we looked up at each other. Another song came and took it's place, as we still looked at each other, hesitating before the next move. I spoke up for once "Well..." I panted "My p-partner. I think we need a bit of a r-refresher, no?" Roger chuckled, rubbing my back gently "That was beautiful Annabelle" After that, we were even closer and everypony knew it. It was like Spark and Twist were planning it, they smiled at us as I put my head up against him a few times at. I was drunk, sure, he was too... But the connection still felt just as warm and heartfelt. It was like Christmas came early. He was my gift this year. I couldn't want anything more. Maybe I'm just being the typical love-struck mare, but that's really how I felt. Diaper? Who even cared anymore at that moment. As the night went on, it got a lot more... well, warm. It's the only word I can use to describe it. Twist eventually left, as he finished his last drink while the slower music played. The manager started to wipe down the bar, and clean up, as Spark slowly danced his last dance with the mysterious mare. After that, he left too. It was just him and I, the manager left us alone as we both stayed so close at the bar. We both took sips of our drinks, laughing and giggling about life experiences that weren't depressing in this state, but funny instead. Even those stories seemed to connect to him and his life. Roger didn't have to wear diapers to feel the same pain. After one more dance, with the same warmness, and closeness I shared with my partner, we both went into the back, and I don't want to say what happened from there. The dance was slow this time, and only the two of us to 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' and he showed the same affection, and romantic dancing. When we were done, we went to his apartment, while the manager closed up and we left, leaving the old little paradise of mine alone in the snowy night. I can't even remember what happened that night, in that bed, but it was full of bliss. I know what you're thinking, but I tell you to put those thoughts away. When I woke up in the morning, I woke up in his apartment, in bed beside him. I kissed him on the head, left a little note on his nightstand, and left while he was still sleeping. When I walked home, I didn't have my coat, or surprisingly, a diaper. Yeah, I walked home basically naked. I felt like a new pony. As I walked home in the early morning, things just glowed so much brighter. Ponies didn't stare at me, though, I don't even think I would notice if they were when I was wearing my diaper. I had went a thousand times the previous night, since that much alcohol really went right through me. The hangover couldn't even effect the lust I was in so early this morning, at 5 in the morning, in the snow. Doc, I felt like I could sing like in one of those movies. I returned home and put a diaper on, of course. I decided to hang some decorations up, and decorate my pathetic little tree in my house very beautifully. I hummed to myself while I played Christmas music, much of the same music I heard the night before. After this, all so early, I came here to write to you. Life seems to be showing me a path. Things may straighten out if I get to know Roger, the scribbler at the bar, just a little more. I could have someone that loves me, and supports me, although I have a disability. Doc, I haven't even had that when I was a little filly. I think I found my friends, so I don't exactly need you anymore. I still feel a little betrayed, but it may just be my headache I have. I am so happy right now, it just wants to find something to get mad at. Well Doc, I guess I'm going to sign off now. I have some shopping to do, as well as a bar to go to later. Merry Christmas, I guess, and I wish you and your baby luck. I hope that little colt has a good holiday, as well as yourself. I know you can overwork yourself sometimes. Why don't you find something like I did last night? Maybe a stallion of your own? Ha, I'm kidding, but don't let this holiday breeze over you. We only have so many in a lifetime.