//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Interaction // Story: Multiple Human Crossover Story Number 1 // by Ginger Pony //------------------------------// Chapter 2 The dozen of them walked in silence, ponies leading the humans. Were they were headed, the humans didnt know, they just followed their hosts, hoping to get some answers. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle's head was abuzz with worry. Her and her friends were enjoying some time to themselves in her library, when Spike had belched a letter out of the blue. Dear Twilight, Time is of the essence. Something, or somepony, has arrived in the Everfree forest, and they are not of this world. I would like you and your friends to investigate these beings, to see if they pose a threat. Take in mind that they may be confused, so do not engage them unless attacked, physically or otherwise. I will be there soon. Princess Celestia. “Twilight?” Twilight started and jolted out of her stupor. Fluttershy looked at her in concern, then back to the humans. Twilight gave her a reassuring smile. “It'll be fine, Fluttershy They seem to be doing fine right now.” And that was certainly true for some of them. The one named Deadpool seemed to be soul-mates with Pinkie Pie, who was currently ontop of his shoulders, giggling non-stop. Rarity seemed to be unable to take her eyes off Sebastian for more than a few seconds, which he noticed quite early on and gave her a kind smile every time she looked, which caused the posh mare to blush. But Bruce, Roan, Gimli, and Harry, seemed to be less inclined to relax. And Twilight knew why. They were those who had lived in war; seen horrors that had hardened them, causing distrust in their surroundings. Her brother, Shining, spoke off too many young Stallions that had joined the ranks, only to return home wide eyed and trembling. She noticed that the evident soldiers of them; Roran, Harry, and Gimli, all held their hands close to their weapons; an instinctual pose in such an unfamiliar surroundings. Deadpool might have been in the same boat as them, but either he cared not, or long since lost his sanity. And that seemed dangerous enough, considering the two rather large blades strapped to his back Sebastian noticed Twilight's worried glance back at them. “Ms Sparkle, correct?” Sebastian asked, walking up beside her. Side by side, Twilight's eyes only came up to Sebastian’s lower chest, and Gimli himself would stand pretty even level. “Yes? Sebastian, was it?” Twilight asked, which Sebastian nodded. His shoulder-length black hair curtained a pair or startling red eyes, and the way he presented himself was mentally reassuring; or fearsome, should you be opposed to him. “Well it seems some of my... companions are quite edgy about their current situation, is their any chance you could tell us where we're going?” He asked curtly, flashing Rarity yet another smile. Twilight couldn't help but smile herself. “We're just off to my Library; I think you'll understand when I say it's best if we keep you out of the public eye at the moment.” Sebastian nodded, agreeing. Without a word, he returned back to the others, and started conveying the message, along with his own words of reassurance. Applejack turned to Twilight. “Ah got a bad feeling about that suited fella.” She said, looking at him from the corner of her eye. “He's way too calm.” But Applejack didn't press the issue. “So is this your actual skin or what?” Pinkie asked Deadpool, giggling as she poked his head. “Nah, it's a suit! I'd advise not trying to take it off though.” He chuckled as well, playing with the pink party pony's pink puffy mane. “aww, why not?” Pinkie asked sadly. “how can you eat?” she leaded over and looked face to face with him, poking where his mouth should be. “We're here!” Deadpool's answer was cut off by Twilight's announcement, finally signalling they had arrived. The ponies stopped for a moment, just so the humans could see where they were. A great oak tree faced them. What's more, the tree looked like it had been renovated into a small house. They could see windows appearing out from branches, foliage, and even a small balcony with a telescope could be seen near the top. “The Elves.” Gimli and Roran echoed in unison. The both looked at each other curiously, as did everyone else. “The live in the forest.” “The live in the forest.” A small smile crept upon both their faces. “Treehouses.” “Treehouses.” Gimli laughed aloud, a grin now plastered on his face. “Are they immortal?” Roran asked. “Aye!” The both roared aloud, finding amusement in similarities of their home worlds. Everyone else started at them with deadpan expressions, before ignoring them and turning back to the treehouse before them. “So this is your home?” Sebastian asked Twilight, to which she nodded. “It's also the town's library, but nowhere near as big as Canterlot's. “Lets go inside.” “So you're telling me that none of you know this place, the worlds where the others came from, or how you got here?” Twilight asked, looking around the dozen of them all sat on the floor of the library. On her left, Sebastian shook his head. “It would appear not, Ms Sparkle. Although I can say for all of us, thank you for your hospitality.” He nodded curtly, sat cross-legged in a meditative pose. The humans all gave murmurs of agreement. “Grateful even, considering his performance earlier.” Bruce said, sighing audibly. “He was rather enraged when we woke up in the middle of nowhere.” He shook his head. “I just dont know why he went here rather than attack the others.” Twilight looked quizzically at Bruce, as did near everyone else. “Him?” She asked. Bruce paused, then chuckled. “Ah, I guess I didn't clear that up did I?” He paused, looking down. “That think you saw is called the Hulk. My anger, personified. Should I get too angry or aggravated, then he emerges and wreaks havoc on anybody nearby.” Everyone was stunned. An emotion, given a physical form? “Were you... born like that?” Applejack asked, who had been fairly silent throughout. “No. He's a... mutation... I recall. It's been a few years. But he was genetically engineered and I was infected with him. I'm the only carrier as well that's alive.” “How do ever live with that?” Rarity asked, gasping. “Sometimes... I cant.” Bruce said quietly. “It became too much for me. A few years ago I-” “Put a bullet in your mouth?” Deadpool asked, his bubbly tone gone as he lay chest down on the floor with Pinkie on top of him. Bruce nodded, and the others were dumbfounded. Deadpool had told them the basic mechanics of his weapons, to which he assured them they were on safe. “Thought as much.” Deadpool sighed. Pinkie Pie looked sad, her mane deflating a bit. “What happened to your bullet?” He asked, looking at the scraggly human behind his mask. “He spat it back out.” He fished in his trousers and pulled out a small piece of lead. “I keep it as a reminder of the burden I have to live with. Don't ask why; I don't know either.” Everyone was quiet, until Deadpool spoke again. “Mine went through.” “What?!” “I have regenerative abilities.” Deadpool said, sighing. “But... isn't that a good thing?” Twilight asked tentatively. “Regenawhat now?” Rainbow asked, dumbfounded. “Regenerative.” Sebastian said. “Which means that Mr Deadpool here can regrow limbs, sinew, bones and blood, should they be removed. Correct?” “Yeah.” Deadpool said. “But it isn't really fun and games. There's pain. A lot of it. Constant. Immortality sounds fun and all, but when your life becomes a world of blood and pain...” He was stopped by a bone-crushing hug from Pinkie Pie, who was sobbing silently. “No friend of mine s-should be sad!” She hiccuped, hugging Deadpool's midriff. Deadpool looked down for a second, before smiling gently behind his mask, looping an arm around the pink pony. “Well I'll be damned.” Gimli said, scratching his beard. “Any other secrets or big surprises anyone wants to share?” He asked the group. Twilight shuffled a little, feeling uncomfortable. “Are you okay Ms Sparkle?” Roran asked, looking confused. “Do you remember... about the alicorns I mentioned earlier?” She said to the bi-pedals. “Yes, breifly.” Harry said, who had opted to squat rather than sit. “Big immortal ponies that rule this land. Horn and Wings?” Twilight nodded sheepishly. “What about them?” Sebastian asked. Twilight looked around for a moment, before hanging her head. “They're on there way here.”