//------------------------------// // Wait! You're... // Story: I Killed Fiddy Men, Not Ponies // by LtMajorDude //------------------------------// The next day Cotton was taking a walk with Mark. Cotton let out a relieved sigh. "I can't wait for dat home for us to be be done." Mark laughed. "Don't worry about Cotton." Mark then looked a bit sad. Cotton noticed this and said, "Something wrong Mark?" Mark sighed. "Well, it's about my friends. I forgave myself for killing them. But I still wonder if they would have forgiven me..." Cotton just remained silent. Mark looked up in the sky. "Well, it's getting late. See you later?" Cotton sighed. "Yeah. See ya later." As Mark left, Cotton headed for Sweet Apple Acres. However, on his way, he noticed something in the Everfree Forest that caught his attention. He didn't know what it was but now he wants to know. He went into the heart of the Everfree Forest. He tried looking around for that thing he had noticed. Cotton sighed and shook his head. "Must of been mah imagination." Cotton muttered. "Well, your imagination has lead you to the path to hell." Cotton was suddenly charged by an Earth pony. Cotton looked at the Earth pony and noticed that he was silver skinned with a blood red mane and tail. His Cutie Mark was a skull. Another Earth pony emerged from the shadows. He was grey skinned with a white mane and tail. He had a knife Cutie Mark. Cotton noticed his face looked Japanese. The grey pony took out a knife and threw it near Cotton's face. He let out a disgusted face. "I should just kill you here, right here and right now." The silver pony shook his head. "Back off Takashi. He's mine." "You 'back off' Christian." The grey pony told the silver pony. "All of you back off." Cotton noticed two unicorns. One was black skinned with a white mane and tail. The other one was white skinned with a black mane and tail. They both had the same Cutie Mark, a dagger with some blood on the tip. The black unicorn glared at Cotton. "He's the one." "The one?" Cotton said with a small glare. "Shuddap." Christian said as he punched Cotton in the face. As Cotton was about to punch him back, Takashi held up a knife to Cotton's face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Takashi said calmly. "Taking advise from a Japanese." Cotton muttered. "You're too young to be one of the fiddy men I killed..." "As I was saying," the black unicorn said. "He's the one we want." The white unicorn walked up to Cotton and angrily glared at him. "Where's Mark?" "What?" Cotton said with a raised eyebrow. "WHERE'S MARK?-!" The white unicorn shouted in a rage-filled voice. Cotton glared at the white unicorn. "Why do ya want to know? Ya wanna marry Mark or something?" Christian couldn't help but to chuckled slightly. The white unicorn shook his head. "Last chance. Where is that bastard?" Cotton just spat in the white unicorn's face. The white unicorn slowly wiped the spit from his face and turned to the black unicorn. "Is the spell ready?" "Ready." The white unicorn turned to Cotton. The black unicorn's horn began to glow. Cotton glared at the white unicorn. "So what now boy?" The white unicorn let out an evil glare. "As punishment for your lack of cooperation, my friend here will send you to a duplicate dimension. I hope you will enjoy it..." Cotton just gritted his teeth. "Oh. And don't call me boy." The unicorn said. "Call me......Alexander." Cotton widen his eyes. "What? Alexander?" Alexander looked at the black unicorn. "Now Joshua!" Cotton shook his head. "Alexander? Joshua? Wait a minute. Are you guys Mark's frie...?-!" After a bright flash, Cotton found himself in the the Everfree forest. "Ugh..." He muttered as he put a hoof on his forehead. "I'm at that forest I woke up in..." He muttered. He looked around. "Damn it. I forgot where Ponyville is..." He sighed. "Well, this shouldn't take long..." A day later Cotton couldn't believe it. He took a wrong turn and ended up being lost. He managed to get out, but he wasted a whole day. "Well I should get to Applejack. She's probably...wait. Alexander said that I was in a duplicate dimension." Cotton thought for a minute and ran to Sweet Apple Acres. As he got there, he saw Applejack bucking apple trees. "Hey Applejack." Cotton said. Applejack turned around and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Cotton blinked. "It's me! Cotton Hill!" Applejack shrugged. "Sorry. Doesn't ring a bell. You look new here." Cotton shook his head. "Cotton Hill!-! Mah son's Hank Hill, remember?" "Who's Hank Hill?" "What the...?-! YOU HAD BREAKFAST THIS ONE TIME WITH HIS THREE OTHER FRIENDS AND MR. KAHN!-?" Applejack just shook her head. "Are you alright sugarcube?" Cotton growled and walked away. "I guess Alexander sent me here right when I died and went to dis planet." Cotton realized something. "Mark. He knows who I am!" He then ran to Mark's home. As he got there, he noticed it was too quiet. He looked in the window and was horrified at what he saw. He saw Mark hanging in a noose, tied to a ceiling fan. He had a note taped to his chest. "Oh crap..." Cotton muttered. Cotton immediately rammed to the window, shattering it. Then he picked up a sharp piece of the window and threw it to the noose rope, cutting it. Mark then fell to the ground. Cotton ran up to Mark and put a hoof on Mark's chest. "He's...dead..." Cotton muttered. Cotton took the note from Mark's chest and read it. To my loved ones and my friends: I'm sorry. But I couldn't take it anymore! Princess Celestia told me that my friend, Cotton Hill was coming...what happened then? HE DIDN'T COME! What happened if he didn't actually came. Why? WHY?-! He was my only true friend I had...just like Alexander, Joshua, Andrew, and Jacob...Alexander, Joshua, Andrew, Jacob...OH GOD WHY DID I KILL THEM?-!-?-!-?-!-?-!- WHY?-! WHY?-! WHY?-! I'M SORRY!-!-! I'M SORRY!-!-! I'M SORRY!-!-! I'M SORRY!-!-! I'M SORR The rest were covered with scribbles. The note was slightly wrinkled with tears. Cotton read this while shaking his head. "Why Mark? Why?" He whispered. He angrily punched a wall, leaned against it, and put his hooves on his forehead. He let out a small tear. "Why couldn't it be Hank..." All of a sudden, he heard a mare gasp. He looked up and noticed Derpy. She had tears in her eyes. "What did you do to Mark?" Cotton silently cried as he ran out of the house. One day later Cotton wished he hadn't ran out like that. He learned that he is now accused of murder. He never knew how unfair this world was. He was hiding in a forest. "Damn it Mark." Cotton said as he sat on a tree stump. "Ya were a fine soldier. Why'd ya do it?" He sighed but then realized something. "I'm in another dimension. Maybe I can find a way to get back to my old dimension..." "There he is!" Cotton turned around and saw two Royal Guards. "You are under arrest for the murder of Midway." Cotton glared at them and shouted, "Damn it! I didn't kill him!" The Royal Guards ignored him and started to ran towards him. Cotton started to run. As he ran, he noticed an edge of a cliff. He ran towards it and saw the ocean. By then, the two Royal Guards surrounded him. "Give up now! There's no way out!" Cotton looked at them and then the ocean. He then jumped off the cliff and dived into the ocean. The guards looked at the ocean for a while. They both couldn't find Cotton. One guard looked at the other guard and shook his head. As they both went away, Cotton dived back into the surface of the ocean. Cotton gave an anger-filled look and calmly said in an evil tone: "Alright. Here is what I am going to do. First, I am going to get off this ocean. Next, I am going to find a way out of this hell hole. Finally, I am going to find Alexander, Joshua, Christian, and Takashi and then...well... let's just say that I am Cotton Hill. And I killed fiddy men...soon to be fiddy-four men."