//------------------------------// // Day Three // Story: To Disappear // by ImpossibleReflection //------------------------------// Rainbow dash was up before the sun. The only time she has ever done that is back when she was at the Wonderbolts Academy. She was circling the outskirts of Ponyville, looking for the telltale orange and purple of Scootaloo. She was doing her second lap around Ponyville when she noticed discord was watching her. Dash had an idea, Maybe discord could find her. She flew up to discord. He was eating popcorn and was wearing strange glasses with one red and one blue lens. "Discord!" "Yes?" He spoke with a sing songy voice. "Have you seen Scoots?" He placed a paw to his chin, "Hmmmm, No I don't recall seeing her." "Could you find, her, you know just teleport her here or something?" "Dash, for me to be able to do that at will I would have to keep track of everypony, and that would require too much, bleh, organization." "Fine, but if you see her tell her to find me." "If I see her I'll do just that." "Good." "Happy hunting!" Discord called to Rainbow Dash as she flew off. 01010011 01101111 01101111 01101110 00100000 01010011 01100011 01101111 01101111 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101111 01101111 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110000 01101111 01101110 01101001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 00101110 , Discord thought with a grin. Discord snapped a claw, a a bright flash was emitted from right next to him and the cloud had a new depression. "Whoa," Scootaloo said trying to regain her bearings. "Hey, Dash is looking for you. You want to follow her?" "Yes!" Scootaloo shouted excitedly, before her face fell, "But I can't keep up with her." "She'll be going slow to try and spot you. You should be able to keep up with her on your scooter." "But won't a scooter going about on it's own be kinda weird?" "I can make it so only you can see it." "Cool!" A bright flash brought a scooter and another sent Scootaloo and her transportation to the ground to follow Dash. "Now where was I? Oh yeah." He turned the cloud he was sitting on to face the Whitetail Woods where distant polka music could be heard, "Watching Pinkie's search party." _-~/|\~-_ Dash was flying over the town, trying to spot the missing filly. Posters had been put up on every street. Yet no one had seen hide nor hair of the pegasus filly. Dash flew on looking, Scootaloo hadn't been seen in three days, and that really worried Dash. Darn it, why did I have to promise myself that I would adopt her when she showed up. I don't think I can handle that responsibility, but darn it, I promised myself. I have to find her, she deserves somepony that will love her, somepony as amazing as she is. Somepony... Dash hung her head, better than me. As the sun made it's way to the midpoint of the sky, rainbow was getting weary. The overwhelming sadness was beginning to take effect. She flew to the outskirts of town and lied down on a cloud. Scootaloo caught up to Rainbow Dash She, gave up. I thought she cared, but, Scootaloo wiped a tear that began to flow down her cheek, but, I guess she doesn't. A sniffle could be heard coming from the field, but much to the surprise of Scootaloo, it didn't com from her. She looked up and saw that it was Dash who had made the sniffle, "Damn it Scoots." Those words shocked Scootaloo, her tears forgotten, replaced with rapt attention. "Where did you go? Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell m-me!?" Sobs where beginning to punctuate her words. Scootaloo continued staring, listening to her idol. "Why d-didn't you tell me you where an or-orphan. I-I should have known." "I didn't tell anypony," Scootaloo whispered, as if subconsciously trying to answer. "Scootaloo, pl-please come back. I promise I will be your family," she sniffled, "We'll go to the orphanage, an... and I'll take you home." That last sentence brought that final reassurance of what she had doubted so thoroughly just a few days prior, "Discord, I don't want to be invisible anymore!" Scootaloo shouted as loud as she could. "That's my cue," Discord appeared with a bucket of water, unceremoniously dumping it on Scootaloo, leaving her visible and soaking wet. "Scootaloo!" Discord raised his claw to snap Scootaloo up onto the cloud with Dash, but before he could the filly was replaced with a rainbow contrail. "Scoots, I was so worried. Where did you go?!" "I didn't go anywhere Discord made me invisible," Scootaloo responded, finding it difficult to breath in Rainbow Dash's forelegs. "DISCORD!" Rainbow yelled. "Yes?" he said mockingly. "WHY DID YOU TURN SCOOTS INVISIBLE?!" "She wanted me to." "HORSEAPPLES!" "Ask her yourself." "It's true dash," Scootaloo spoke, "I thought no one cared, so I wondered what would happen if I disappeared. So Discord made me invisible. I now know that You do care Dash," She hugged dash with those words, "Please don't be mad at Discord." Rainbow gave Discord a death glare, "I was only helping, everything turned out better than before!" He said in a half hearted defense with extra theatrics. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you do this, and why did you help her?" Dash interrogated. "Because look at all the chaos that ensued, half the town has gone wild in the search for that little filly, and since everything turned out for the better, I can't be punished for this because I was helping ponies." "Fine, I won't convince my friends to turn you back to the statue you should be. I can't believe I am going to say this, but thank you." Dash thanked the draconequis, "Now get out of here before I change my mind." Discord popped away in an instant. Scootaloo looked up at Dash from the embrace, "Did you mean it." "Mean what, Scoots?" "Are you really going to adopt me?" "I said I would, and I will," Dash said. What am I getting myself into? Scootaloo let out the most adorable squee, hugging Dash with that much more vigor. "Well, I guess it's time to make this official. Which means we need to head over to the orphanage and fill out a bunch of boring paperwork, but after that, you can come home with me." "YAY!!!!"