The Dark Knight Christmas

by Gleaming

Epilogue: Saying Goodbye?

The Center of Ponyville

With the Joker defeated and apprehended by Batman, the Hearths Warming Eve celebration was very grand with cheers of joy and all of the ponies from far and wide to gather around the tree in the center of Ponyville. The snowflakes falling from the sky start to sprinkle all over Ponyville, covering every building from top to bottom in very soft white snow.

Mayor Mare stepped up to the podium in front of her regional political quarters. ''Attention, everypony! There has been an update on the condition of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Due to the violent circumstances that occurred tonight due to the Joker, there will not be a royal meeting addressing the matter until their injuries have fully healed. On the other hand, the Joker has been apprehended and Batman has promised to return him back to his world. So, continue your festivities!

A huge crowd of ponies with sad expressions on their faces fill the center of Ponyville, tears start to roll down their faces while trying to cope with what occurred earlier tonight. They all held their faces in their hooves to try to get rid of the worst case scenario, of never getting to see Luna and Celestia ever again.


Ponyville: Medical Tents

Nurse Redheart's medical tent was filled with concerned ponies thinking about what could happen to their royal rulers, she was trying to hide her tears of joy. ''Good news everypony, Celestia and Luna have recovered from their injuries and they will be back up to have their royal meeting with their subjects tomorrow morning!'' The good news spread from Ponyville to all over Equestria, with the holiday celebration drawing to a close, Batman was ready to return home.


Ponyville: Golden Oaks Library

Batman dragged Joker's unconscious body into the library, with the Mane 6 in tow. ''Thank you so much ladies, for all of your help! But before I depart back to Gotham City, I want to tell you something. All of the years that I've been grieving over my parents death, I came to the conclusion to blame myself for what happened. I should probably let you know that, I left a little surprise up in the sky so that you're able to signal me at anytime when the bat signal is up in the sky in both of our universes. Almost forgot, I never had the chance to get a Christmas present so I hope that you do leave me a present.''

''It's always an honor to assist you, Batman. So, we'll supply you with a Christmas present.'' All of the six ponies surrounded each other in a circular motion, with a white line of energy surrounding them, a bag of mysterious contents appeared in front of the caped crusader. ''There you go, Batman!'' The purple portal appeared infront of Batman, stepping through the portal carrying Joker on his back, the portal's space closed into a small confined space vanishing completely.


Gotham City: Arkham Asylum

Commissioner James Gordon walks along with Batman, throwing Joker's unconscious body into his containment cell wrapped up in a straightjacket for psychological insanity reasons. ''Well, I've got to admit that your not a vigilante after all. I'll see you later, we're going to keep this insane lunatic behind bars for a long time.''

The containment cell bars locked behind Joker, keeping him trapped in the cell along with the fact that he can not wield weapons or move his arms to try to escape from his new cell. ''Ugh. Bah! Humbug!''


Gotham City: The Batcave

The Batmobile was driving at a very high speed with up to 250 miles per hour, driving through the waterfall into the Batcave, the batmobile lands on a black platform setting the vehicle into place.

''Ah, very good to have you back Master Bruce. Did you enjoy your Christmas?'' Alfred asked Batman.

Batman removed his mask, his very resilient cape, and his huge set of gadgets implanted in his yellow utility belt. A secret chamber opened up from the cave walls, the batsuit flies into the chamber locking the suit inside and the chamber is sealed with the suit inside of it. ''I sure did, Alfred.''

Bruce opens the bag of the mysterious contents that Twilight talked about, reading the letter that was sealed inside.

Dear Batman,
I know things have been very rough for you, since you had the courage to tell us about your parents death. You should always remember that just because, you blame yourself for what happened to your parents does not mean that you caused their death in the first place. There will always be people out there that care about, friends and family alike. We will always be here for you, when you need us. Think of us as your family, because we will always love you.
Yours Truly,
Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie

The billionaire playboy digs deeper into the bag, finding an old family picture of his family and himself. ''I love you guys too.'' He sheds a very emotional tear from his face. ''Alfred, thank you for being there for me and my family.''

''It's always been a pleasure, to be a part of your family Master Bruce.'' Alfred steps over to Bruce, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. Alfred also sheds a tear, with the tear rolling down his face.

''I wonder what else is in this bag...'' Bruce opens the last gift in the bag slowly, a trio of three fillies pop out of the bag unexpectedly surprising Bruce so much that he falls to his back.

''Cutie Mark Crusader Crime Fighters! Yay!'' Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle sprung up on their hooves, full of energetic energy looking up at Bruce Wayne with big adorable eyes.

''Well, I guess my Christmas just got cute.'' The billionaire playboy sheds some more tears, the tears rolling down his face with joy.


The End!