A Sparkle In The Sky

by Lunaris Luculenus

Chapter 1

And So It Begins

As it chased me through the woods it forced me to go deeper and deeper into the forest and the darkness until I ran straight off the cliff and then...

--"Oh wait that's to far, heh heh. I should probably tell you how I got there first...

The following crazy events all started on a normal, foggy day, at my boring, crappy job, oh and I forgot to introduce myself, " I am forgetting everything today. "(Probably because it's your special day.) Well my name is Star Flower, I am a female bat pony, luckily one of the few who is fertile, I have one full sister (named Blood Flower) 41 half-sisters and 63 half-brothers, my mom is a wh@#e (and i mean that litteraly not just because shes a breeder.) , my dad is an awesome farmer and father, and I was a receptionist and by was I mean I got fired when some guy called (who had been bugging me for awhile) and started insulting me and said things like,--

"So are you going to join the family business you wh@#e, cause I am looking for some more fun."

He had been talking like this for a while and i finally snapped and yelled back at him,

"So are you going to get a life, and how do you know all these things about me you b@#$*&g stalker, how about you go back to the hole you crawled from you mother b@#$%!, and then I hung up on the b!^# face."

" STAR TO MY OFFICE NOW," shouted Boss (Oh and Boss is literally my bosses name.)

" Great, first I am verbally molested, then my jerk of a boss is pissed at me," I mumbled.

" What was that Star?"

" Nothing," I sigh.

Once I got into his office he simply said,

"Go pack your stuff and leave."

" Where will I go?"

" Do not know do not care."

" A## face."

" Watch what you say, oh and if you want you can stay, if you want to keep this job you can show me how much you're like this mother I've heard about," he raises his eyebrows. If you catch my drift.

" Hell no you sicko!"

" Well then leave," he plainly states.

While I leave the room I hear him say, " I will get her someday."

" You wish you old sick pervert," I yell over my shoulder.

When I get to my office I break down crying (even though I should probably be happy getting away from such a horrible place.)

" What's wrong Flower?"
I instantly know that it is Bolt talking to me, because only he is allowed to call me Flower.
" Nothing, I just got fired today, Bolt," I respond.
He has been like a big brother to me although he used to have a crush on me when I first came in but his reaction when I friend zoned him was priceless. He was frozen until Boss came up to his face and yelled at him with his drunken breath.
" I'm going to miss you," says Bolt.

" You know you can visit me anytime," I remind him.

" Yeah yeah I know but everyone else here is boring, and who will I talk to," he says in a childish voice.

" I don't know, maybe Lily she seems like she's pretty nice and I bet she has a crush on you."

He looks over at Lily while tapping his chin and contemplating it, she winks at him and then pushes her glasses back up.
" Maybe."
I then pack my stuff while mildly talking to Bolt, my few possestions are, a picture of me and my dad, and a stress ball,(That I got from the "Anger Management In The Workplace".) that Bolt drew a smiley face on. Later I added a evil uni-brow to it and wrote Boss on there. Before I left the building I said goodbye to Lily and wished her luck on getting Bolt to ask her out on a date. When I said goodbye to Bolt he started crying, and when I mentioned it to him he said it was liquid pride because promotion or not I was finally leaving this hellhole.

I left and started heading home, walking through the city of Manehatten and into the small town of Flower Cove although there are few flowers there other than in my yard which has all kinds of flowers in it like tulips, red roses, white roses, and blue roses (which I made), I could go on forever naming the flowers in my yard. (it could even be my special talent)
I was almost to the town when all of a sudden some kind of monster at the edge of the forest came towards me waving its appendages. Starteld by its sudden appearance I fell and started to roll down the really steep hill that was next to the path. My wings tryed to extend to help me balance and failed to do so. A loud crack came from my body and I felt an extremely sharp pain run down my wing and straight into my side. I finally stopped rolling at the bottom of the hill and looked and saw that my wing was broken, and in a creepy position. I slowly pushed it into a tucked position and pain shot through me. I stood up but pain shot through me again, one of my ribs must have broke from the way it hurt every time I tried to breath in.

I looked around and saw nothing in the forest behind me but when I looked forward again it was standing right there in front of me. It started to raise a tentacle. I screamed and ran. Running through the woods which seemed to go on forever I could feel it not far behind. As I galloped past some trees I saw a note or two on them and when I passed right by one I grabbed it with my uninjured wing. The paper was old and it looked like it was written with blood and it said, " He is always watching but has no eyes." Creepy. I dropped it and continued running and then before I knew it I ran of the side of a cliff. I screamed but found that something had my back left hoof. I saw a beach about twenty feet below me and then looked up and saw that the monster was holding me with one of it's tentacles. I screamed and kicked and then tried to fly and pain shot through me. " D#%@it," I mentally cursed. It slowly pulled me up and I saw it had no face, no mouth, nothing. When it finished pulling me up it put a tentacle where it's mouth would have been as if in a shushing motion, and then it slipped and fell. It didn't get any grip and I found myself saying that last word that I thought I would ever say, "NOOOOoooooo." It hit the ground with no noise. Looking with baited breath I looked and I saw it was somehow still freaking breathing and after looking around I quickly found a ledge going down the side of the cliff and scattered down it like a mountain goat. I felt the impulse to take it with me and nurture it. It seemed light enough to carry so I picked it up and put on my back.