//------------------------------// // Day One // Story: To Disappear // by ImpossibleReflection //------------------------------// Scootaloo awoke in her box to the sounds of birds chirping. She looked around still groggy from just waking up, then she realized something. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, she could see through her eyelids. She decided to have a little fun with that. She walked out of the alley with her eyes closed, but decided to open them. The strange sensation of seeing with her eyes close had finally become overwhelming at that point. Scootaloo wasn't sure what to do, so she stopped to figure out a plan of action. what to do? I could continue pranking, but that's not why I'm invisible. I should probably go where I would normally go and see if anypony notices a difference. With a plan of action in mind she meandered over to the schoolhouse arriving fifteen minutes before class starts, about sixteen minutes before she usually shows up. She watched as the foals came from all directions, varying expressions on their faces: amusement, grins, asleep, grumpy, and the sorts. Soon Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wandered to the schoolhouse, they must have met somewhere along the way. Soon after Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came along, the former with eyes constantly shifting, repeatedly looking over her shoulder. "Diamond, what's wrong?" Silver questioned. "She's coming, help, coming for me." Diamond Tiara muttered incoherently. Scootaloo snickered at that, enjoying the lasting effects of the prank. Soon the class started. Scootaloo sat in the back corner quietly to watch the class. It took her all of three seconds to get bored and remember that she had trouble sitting still, and being quiet. Cheerilee looked over the class, before saying, "Has anyone seen, Rumble?" "He's sick," replied an anonymous colt. Cheerilee looked over the class once more, "And how about Scootaloo, have any of you seen her?" Diamond Tiara let out a high pitched groan and sunk lower into her desk. Scootaloo let out a snicker, which drew the attention of a chubby colt wearing a fez. The colt stared at the corner for a few seconds before continuing to read the latest edition of The Foal Free Press. After a few minutes she decided to close her eyes and try to take a nap, though soon she remembered that she can see through her eyelids, so napping was out of the question. She decided to explore the town a little; see what she could get away with while being invisible. As she walked out of the classroom she passed Diamond Tiara, "Hi," she whispered flapping her wing a little to create a draft. Diamond screeched and fell out of her chair, muttering nonsensical gibberish about ghosts and Scootaloo which disrupted the entire class. Cheerilee had noticed the student's strange behavior as soon as she walked in the door. She could tell something was terribly wrong, so she had to make a decision, let her stay in class and be disruptive, or send her home. After a few moments of though she sighed, "Diamond Tiara, you should probably go home. Silver Spoon I think it might be a good idea to help her. She doesn't seem well, and should get some rest.Come right back to class Silver Spoon." "I'm not feeling good too can I go home?" "No." Scootaloo chuckled as she left the school in chaos. _-~/|\~-_ In a few short hours that seemed to drag on for the visible crusaders ,with the invisible images on their flanks, the school bell rang dismissing class for the day. "Hey Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle stated. "What is it Sweetie?" "Are you worried about Scootaloo? First she doesn't show up to school, and then Diamond Tiara screams and mutters stuff about Scoots and ghosts trying to get her." "Ah wouldn't worry 'bout it. It's probably nothing. she's probably just sick like Rumble. How 'bout we just head on over to her house and check it out?" "Alright," Sweetie concurred. They walked about ten short paces before Sweetie Belle spoke up, "Do you know where Scootaloo lives?" "Uh, hmmm, no, Ah don't." They both thought about it for a few moments before Sweetie once again broke the silence, "Oh but I know who has to know! Pinkie Pie, she knows everything about everypony!" Scootaloo had been following them since they left the school. She was pretending she was a super spy, sneaking, watching, and waiting with a magical invisibility bracelet. The fillies, eager to alleviate their growing concern for their absent crusader, nearly galloped to the Sugar Cube Corner. The bell above the door rang signaling the professional pink party planning pony to welcome new customers. She looked from over the counter at the panting fillies, "Hey girls, what's up?" Apple Bloom cleared her throat, "Scootaloo didn't show up fer school today, we got a tad worried and thought we would check up on 'er..." "But we don't know where Scoots lives!" Sweetie Belle interrupted, having finally gained the ability to use her lungs for things other than not dying. Pinkie stopped for a moment, just stopped. Her eyes became unfocused and a determined expression appeared on her muzzle. After a few hours in the eyes of the fillies, the clock ticked a few times too, Pinkie spoke, "Huh, I don't know, I assume she lives with her parents, but I can't seem to recall seeing her parents. Must not have ever seen them with Scoots." Scootaloo's heart fell at that. Not even Pinkie knows, and she knows everything. She goes out of her way to learn everything about everypony. Scootaloo was on the verge of tears at that point. "But I'm sure she's fine, she's just like a miniature Rainbow Dash. I'm sure she can handle herself." Any tears that were forming at that point simply ceased to be, now she had to contain a squee of delight. I'm just like Rainbow Dash! "But don't tell her I said that, she would go crazy." She gave a wink after saying that, and if Scootaloo didn't know better she would have sworn it was directed at her. _-~/|\~-_ The crusaders trotted around what seemed to be all of Ponyville before they had to return home without getting deep in trouble. Little did the majority of the crusaders know, that the crusaders were all present for that excursion. Scootaloo decided to go back to the orphanage, it would at least be heated. She didn't want to sleep in a wooden crate again, it was too cold. She quietly entered the orphanage, making sure not to alert the caretaker, Kind Heart, of her arrival. As she exited the entryway and into the orphanage she noticed that the caretaker was watching the doorway. She was clearly worried. She went across the room to the hallway that lead to the rooms as quietly as she could manage. As she had just left the living room she heard from behind her, "Where are you Scootaloo? Please be alright." Scootaloo went to her room, and walked towards her bed. Wait. She paused as a realization occurred to her. If I sleep in my bed, it will be noticeable I'm invisible not interng.. intagullible, ugh, where's Sweetie when you need her? I guess the corner will do, at least this place is warmer than the box So she curled up as tightly as she could in the corner and slowly drifted off into sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night with a strong thirst. She got up from her corner and walked through the orphanage. She poured herself a glass of water drank it quickly before putting it back where she got it. As she walked back to her room she noticed that Kind Heart had fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room. She appeared to be shivering. Scootaloo went over to the laundry room, and she brought back a blanket for her caretaker. She placed it over the sleeping form and went back to her room.