The Dark Knight Christmas

by Gleaming

Chapter 3: Taking out the Guards

Canterlot: Outside of the Castle of the Royal Sisters

With the Elements of Harmony and Batman already preparing to defeat the Joker, Joker is getting ready to knock out the Royal Guards with the remaining laughing gas that will knock out the guards guarding the exterior of the castle.

The Royal Guards were all ordered to protect Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, from anything that the Joker was planning to do with them. And yet, Joker was prepared to take out the guards.

''My bomb will keep that interfering rodent and his colorful friends busy. So, I should just get rid of this guards since they will serve as a threat to me.'' Joker took out his pistol getting ready to initiate his plan, sneakily walking in front of the gate that stood in his way to the castle. Aiming down the sights with his pistol, a BANG! flag pops out of the barrel of the gun. The Royal Guards looked confused at the crime clown pony, a huge spray of gas emerges from the pistol completely knocking out the guards unconscious.

''Those Royal Guard nuisances are out of the way, now I'll just go through the gate and take out the princesses.'' Joker walks through the snow covered front gate, walking up to the stairs leading to the throne room of Celestia and Luna.


Canterlot: Inside of the Castle of the Royal Sisters

Joker finally reached the throne room of Celestia and Luna with the intentions of taking over Equestria set, he proceeds into the throne room. He was doubting himself from the start when he was staring across at the two alicorn princesses, that with their power combined he will regret it.

''Ah, the Joker. My sister and I knew that you was going to arrive here to attempt to overthrow us, how were you able to defeat our well trained Royal Guards who sworn to protect us from harm?''

''Let's just say, that you're going to need some smelling salt to wake them up. I used poisonous gas that can knock them out unconscious at the moment, so I suggest you bow before me now or we're going to have a problem.''

''How dare you?! If you think we're just going to bow before you and watch you overthrow us, you're solely mistaken.'' Celestia said, in a very angered mood. She rose up from her throne along with her sister, rising up off the floor of the throne room, ascending into the air with great ease.

Princess Luna looks down at Joker, scoffing at his very smug expression. ''My sister is right. We possess a power that is worse than you can imagine, thy shall pay for their arrogance!''

The Alicorn sisters aimed their horns down at Joker, sparking a huge burst of magic from their horns, shooting out an indigo and pink aura in front of the Joker. The burst of magic was so powerful, that it sent the Joker smacking into the hard pavement of the walls in the throne room.

''My sister, is it finally over?'' Luna asked to Celestia.
''For now, we're not sure.'' Celestia told Luna, putting her hoof around her arm.

The Joker closed his eyes pretending to be unconscious, keeping his grip on his pistol starting to fire a bullet from the pistol, the bullet flies out of the pistol with a high velocity, with the bullet striking Celestia in the wing. The once graceful and enthusiastic teacher of Twilight Sparkle, fell to the ground in pain from a bullet wound to her wing.

''Sister? NO!'' Luna dropped down near her sister, caressing her very limb body.
''Not so fast, I don't need any witnesses.'' Joker threw out a poisonous laughing gas bomb towards Luna, the bomb opened up with poisonous gas exiting the bomb in front of Luna's face, knocking out the Lunar Princess instantly.

''This is simply fun! I'm now able to takeover this nation, getting rid of Batman, and rule over these ponies with an iron fist.'' Joker jumped around excitingly, sitting down on Princess Celestia's throne. ''Time for the Joker takeover, to commence!''

''Well, Twilight. Joker finally took out the princesses, and now he has taken full royal control of Canterlot. But, that won't stop us from ending his reign of tyranny.'' Batman grabs the molecular bomb that Joker threatened to use. ''Now, I'll have to defuse this bomb.'' He takes out his Cryptographic Sequencer gadget, hacking through the bomb's security defenses. Batman rolled his thumbs counterclockwise three times, unlocking the password: L A S T L A U G H, defusing the molecular separator bomb. ''Bomb defused.''