We Were Friends

by Piematt1337

Chapter Two

Fluttershy seemed a bit unconscious when I ran through the doors of the hospital, other than a few subtle noises.

Who am I kidding? She was completely unconscious.

I slipped through the reception room with my best friend thrown over my back, giving a slight glance to the people that I passed by. It wasn't where I wanted to be. Hell, I would have done anything to just go back in time and prevent all of this from happening. I would just have to manage. I proceeded down the tile, sticking close to the shadows like a changeling and looking up to the mare at the counter.

"Okay, you'll have to sign here, and then you'll have to wai--"

I cut her off, giving her a cold glare.

"My friend needs me alongside her, not in a few minutes! I'm not going to sit in the waiting room while my friend dies!" I exclaimed. I swear I could hear a faint high pitched noise from Fluttershy when I mentioned the word 'die'.

"You wait here. She goes in. Okay?"

We exchanged a moment of silence, before I delicately placed her on one of the mobile hospital beds. After they dragged Fluttershy away, I had a few moments in the waiting room to think to myself. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. All of my tears had already dried up, so all I felt was emptiness when I sat myself down. I tried to blame other things for the accident, but it eventually all went back to me.

A dark depression loomed over me as I thought more and more about what I had done. The others around me seemed a bit depressed too, but I didn't care much for them. I was selfish. But hey, who wouldn't be? My best friend just fell several feet down from the sky, I should at least be a little bit selfish. As selfish as I may have seemed, might as well try to cheer up the ones around me.

I scooted over to the one next to me. It was a brown colt that didn't have his cutie mark yet, and he looked really down. Like something had crushed him, and he did something wrong. Like he couldn't stop blaming himself, even though the ones around him tried to reassure him and tell him that it wasn't his fault. He was exactly like me.

"Hey there, you alright? You seem a bit.. out of it." I said with a pushed out, high pitched voice.

"I'm fine, leave me alone. My parents told me not to talk to strangers." he replied.

"Where are your parents now?"

The colt pointed to the door past the clerk. The door to the emergency room. I slowly nodded.
