//------------------------------// // The life of a Nomad // Story: Equestria: The Chronicles of Matt // by Episke Afire //------------------------------// ----- Vancouver, British Columbia ----- It's been two years since Matt escaped the incident in Seattle, the time from when thinking of the welfare of everyone, killed his cousin, avoiding to lose control of himself, and at the same time, showing the ability of their powers to entire population of Seattle, leaving lots of evidence of their psychic powers. His search to find those responsible for his cousin Andrew, his friend Steve and he developed their new skills and spend every single moment that comes the responsibility of such power, ending the terrible outcome of his colleagues; showed no result. Without knowledge of the nature of the artifact they found the night he got his powers and ignoring if any government was responsible for the events that led night, his tracing options were minimal. Matt has based its search available means every time he come to a new city, collecting rumors of locations that resembled what his companions found, getting used to a nomadic life, applying to jobs in nearby areas. "You are weak Matt, you are all weak... I'm stronger than all of this!" By controlling much of telekinesis and levitation, Matt began to understand the frenzy of Andrew for being the apex predator, that the extent of their skills can go beyond these two, all led by the hand of the stressful life that stand Andrew, only Matt reminded his last moments with his cousin. "It's is too late, I'm done!, It's over...You treated me like shit, you left me alone!... " ----- Seattle, Washington - Two years ago ----- Disaster ... The perfect word that Matt would use to describe the situation he was facing. Andrew levitating next to the needle from Seattle, wearing a hospital gown and large burn wounds in the body, really upset about his failed attempt to kill his alcoholic father, surrounded by floating cameras that belong to the people occupying the floor of the needle, facing the cold autumn wind, while being watched by the police chopper of Seattle. Matt barely understood the situation, why Andrew was bandaged?, what was he doing after he left the room of Andrew?... but there was no time to answer these questions, first he must calm Andrew, his aggressive attitude was threatening the people around. "Andrew, you're not alone up here, I'm here with you!, I should have be with you all along... but I'm here now, we can stop this RIGHT NOW!, you and me... " Matt say to Andrew that saw the desperate attitude of his cousin trying to control the situation, without response from Andrew, Matt continued. "Andrew, we can just fly away, we can get out of here, we can be family..." Matt who saw that his cousin did not answer, he said."Andrew!... Andrew look at yourself, this isn't who you are-" "I'm a apex predator" Andrew whispered weakly. Matt barely listening for the sound of the helicopter responded. "What?!" "I'm the apex predator" Matt didn't have time to respond, only to turn around to the direction of the sound of a horn and see the front of a bus, hitting him and dragging in a office building. Seattle was dragged into a battle that resulted in damage to private property, several injuries and possible deaths, everything seemed to get worse now that the special forces surrounded the square in which Matt and Andrew, now seriously injured by his burn wounds now exposed and enraged with everything that was around, launched into the air the police members and vehicles in the area, continuing his rage, exploded into shout, affecting all glass and hurting those present who were closer, Matt was weak, no matter what he tried, I could not calm or impose his cousin. Andrew told the truth, Matt was weak, he couldn't stop him for be weak, Seattle was at the mercy of Andrew and his fury, Matt could only see the destruction caused, officers lying on the ground, wounded or dead, viewers fleeing through the streets, crystals falling of the buildings, the constant shout of Andrew. "Andrew!... Andrew stop, please stop! " Matt begged, the constant cries of the people, the cry of Andrew, was too much, Matt wanted to stop, wanted to go back to the early days before his friend Steve died, before when they learned to fly, when it was possible to decide one day to just fly away, travel wherever they wanted, before... when it was just a game, when the three only having fun, doing simple tricks, laughing. But it was not possible, his cousin Andrew was mad with rage, Steve was dead, all traces of common life disappeared... since found that artifact... those blue crystals with branches. Matt desperate, look at the sides, serching for some help, something that could end this madness, but saw the same, crystals crashed into the ground, people screaming, the statue of the man with the javelin, police in the ground unable to stop this situa-. 'The statue!, the spear!' Matt thought, he could stop it, was a bit deteriorated, should be weak with constant damage that Andrew was causing, and the doubt born... 'could be able?, could I kill Andrew?'. Andrew was still screaming and Matt could not think what else to do, so beg to him one last time. "Andrew... Don't make me do this!, stop!" scream as loud as he could, but his pleas, by the constant chaos that was taking place, fell on deaf ears, Matt turned to see the statue and back to see his cousin, Andrew, who in childhood, all the happy moments that lived from day which remember him, until the last event of the week, all those moments were holding Matt to act and do the necessary, but the desperation was stronger. “¡Ggrr-AAARGHH!” The javelin, including his arm, shot toward the back of Andrew who, never saw coming, and remained impaled, slightly dangling of the stick, while the tip was strongly nailed into the concrete, and like a command dictation, the momentary silence reign. The officers got up from the ground and cautiously approached the scene to confirm that the two perpetrators were unconscious or dead, they first surrounded the body of Andrew, who showed no signs of life and continued to approach Matt lying on the ground unconscious. At least that's what Matt pretended, taking advantage of the little energy that recover with the rest, quickly stood up and went flying before the officials give the order to halt. Wasting no time Matt went home and gathered clothes, some valuables and a box that held money saved in case he need buy something with cash and put it in his backpack for school, he needed to think, not only had exposed to the public during the battle with Andrew, also did it the hospital when saved Andrew's father from suffering his death (you and I know he deserved it but Matt didn't mention it), also in front of Casey... “Casey…” He had forgotten, left her away from the needle of Seattle when the battle began, did not know if she was OK, if she had moved far enough or if during the fight had approached too close to Casey, to know if she was okay, she had nothing to do with this disaster caused by Andrew and him. Just a few moments since coming off the house, thinking, start to heard the police sirens approaching, 'Wha? that soon?' Matt thought, it wasn't possible that they knew him so fast, police work, but not that efficiently. Unless... 'Casey, must have told them of me, at least I know she's fine'. Relaxed, Matt retook flight and headed to the second destination he thought of the progress, the home of Andrew's parents. Upon arrival he noticed that there was something strange, there was no police surrounding the house. 'Maybe in the hospital did not know who was Andrew, but should have an ID when he was admitted, even his father was with him, Andrew, what were you doing before I saw you in the hospital?' Matt thought and decided to go to Andrew's room through the window. Entering he saw the neglected room, some dishes on the floor, his rumpled bed, his desk with the computer. 'The computer, his videos!, perhaps there is the answer' Matt with one objective, turned on the computer of Andrew, surprised that although he was shy and reserved, did not any password to protect his private documents, the surprise soon ended as I hear again the police sirens approaching the residence of the parents of Andrew. With little time, unplugged the computer and took the necessary for its operation, wrapped in a blanket and put it on a pillow cover, proceeding to go out through the window again, as fast as he could out of Seattle. ----- Vancouver, British Columbia - Present ----- After the first months in which he lived with the money saved, saw the videos of Andrew and little by little I saw someone different from who knew Andrew, and collected information from apex predators or Alphas (if I mention it again, I will write as "Alpha"), he could only feel depressed for his actions that night, everything that didn't see for believe that he kept a control on Andrew, the humiliations suffered constantly at school, Matt realized that Steve tried to get close to Andrew and support him as tried to empathize and improving as a person, even the to risk by entering a thunderstorm just to see his friend and see what was happening, rather than Matt who only ignore it, even Steve when tried to contact him, only to die by a lightning bolt. "I'm sorry Andrew ..." Matt whispered "I wanted you to stop, but I never saw since when you were asking me for help, I should have treated better as cousin ...", static in his position, took time to think the events after that night, his first days flying by the states, trying to adjust to a fugitive life, passing depression for everything that happened, the first month he decided to experience the capabilities of its powers, the events in Nevada in which had to defend himself to escape the first team of search and seizure, and the constant practices to prepare his flight to travel the Atlantic Ocean and fulfill the desire of Andrew to reach Tibet, China, the first few days in Spain, the trip on cover to pass through Russian territory. A journey to give the last goodbye to their friends from the mountains close to the Buddhist temples, and start traveling the world on, knowing him, looking for answers, avoiding teams search and seizure, Now after two years of constant search and perils, Matt is located north of Vancouver, near the city limits, in some abandoned apartment buildings, rising up early, begins to gather his things, 'next destination, Seattle, Washington. U.S.' thought excited to visit his former city. "Well, let's see that I haven't missed to pick something..." reopening his military backpack and making a mental list of your belongings, "Mmm, let's see, clothes, water bottle, instant food, basic survival kit... is all here, uh... " Matt verified the pockets of his jacket and pants "cellphone, headsets, pack of cigarettes, matches... something is missing", turning, began to scratch his head in an attempt to remember what had forgotten; while outside, a search and seizure surrounded the building. The squad leader of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM), led his group to the floor where Matt was, being a capture mission, had only allowed to use rubber bullets and gas grenades, but it was had informed the squad that the target is dangerous and may be armed, their best option was a stealthy entrance. -----Vanhoover, Equestria – on the same timeline ----- A seaside town, located southeast of the edge of Equestria, to the boundaries of Frozen Nort, is a cold city, but beautiful for his buildings, a combination of tall structures similar to Manehattan, but with the beauty of the sea and maritime ports, also the beaches and parks well maintained, clean unlike the pollution that has begun to grow in Manehattan, also an extremely touristy, especially to enjoy the events that you can choose from dozens of artists setting up their shows to captivate and amaze the desired public in place. But only on the outskirts of this city, its metropolis, far after the first suburbs, there are the forests, that although there is no direct control over them, is a relatively peaceful place, quiet enough for a mare show, in a lonely house, to prepare her next success in life of the show, but for this, she must know, she must learn, this unicorn must be taught and a teacher is what she will seek. But who has the skills that can exceed her?, at least two individuals who knows can surpass her... The Princess Celestia, which can not ask her to be her teacher, because she prefers to impress her and the other fellow... would never demean herself such humiliation for learning, no... the alternative option is to look elsewhere, but she can not travel, for this bits are needed, and for that must win bits with their shows, which despite giving a good profit, most are directed to her magic acts and the rest for personal care. No, the best option was to invoke, by magic one can bring anypony to her presence and she knew where choose from, the planet was large but not too much and it is common knowledge that the most powerful beings in the magic found in Equestria, but there are other realms, realms with powerful magical beings capable of defeating a dragon with a simple twist of hooves, beings who despite not being unicorns, pegasi or earth ponies, dominated all fields of the three races, even to match the alicorns, now the ultimately goal was to bring a master of the kingdom "Hamonis" the name was strange but based on storytellers and their tales, this kingdom is dominated by powerful creatures, but of all of them, the most powerful creature was something called Magister Magi, a being even though it is mentioned as someone miniscule compared to the beasts lurking in the kingdom, they were considered the alphas of life in the kingdom; if she could summon one, she might will learn their magic and so would be the most powerful unicorn in Equestria. "Hahahahah, the ritual is ready and just had to scratch some scribbles on the floor for my summoned can appear, but something doesn't make sense ...", she looked again at the book that strongly recommended follow the steps without error, "Why, in the name of Celestia, a book with which you can summon dangerous creatures of Tartarus, was available in a simple bookstore, on sale with DISCOUNTS!, This should be locked in the library of Cancerlot or something! ", exasperated shouting "AND WHO NAMED A BOOK 'Invocations 101', WHY IS SUCH A FOOL AND SIMPLON NAME!" (HEY, I thought a lot about the book's title, even meditated for half an hour, jerk) Recovering his composure, continued talking "Ehh, doesn't matter" without thinking and carelessly, throw the book her telekinesis to the wall, that bounced it and dragged on the floor, scrubbing part of chalk that controlled the direction to aim. Recalling the last steps in the book, dictated the prompts to begin. "Now focus magic to the crystal suspended over the scribbles that will receive the teach-" looking at the ground, she see the book on one of the empty spaces in the charted"oh, the book" she took the book and deposit it in one corner of the room. "Aaannd... focusing magic on the crystal" thereupon, fired a continuous beam of mana, while holding the concentration, the lines on the floor began to glow in a bluish tone, implying that it was channeling a bridge to the dimension desired. ----- Vancouver, British Columbia - Present ----- Matt knew he could have difficult days when he decided to live as nomadic and stay away from the authorities, but did not expect to take his time and look for a camera that almost had forgotten it, and just try to go out the door of the room , it was expecting a smoke grenade, courtesy of the squadron of search and seizure, , and just for trying run to the windows, would be waiting a group of men on rappel and opened fire to bring him down, yet he had no problems since had developed the ability to instinctively create a barrier of force on the edge of your body, which protected him from the bullets, even safeguarding the integrity of their belongings, but if pressed to find a solution, and immediately, take the first available door... driving him to the bathroom. Cornered in a room without windows, the option was to break through the soldiers, that probably have not told them what he's capable of. An alternative was to break through the wall, weakening the structure of the building and in the worst case, collapse the building and injure or kill those who were looking for him. "I want to leave the building as I found, the soldiers will suffer a shock but they live" muttered to himself, decided to surprise them and leave a smoke screen so I could get out as fast as he could, mentalizing where was the window of the room, ready when try to enter through the door unlocked, just wait for them to enter. FLASH Matt took the initiative, drive a burst of telekinesis forward, heard something crackling, the room was full of smoke, but the window should be on the right, he rushed to the direction that should be the window, but only felt wood getting in the way, 'Seems weak, I can break it and should not affect the building' Matt thought, and began to push without difficulty the piece of wood that obstructed without any delay began to fly, with the piece of wood that interfered with the view, but since knowing he was a good altitude, removed wood in front of him and went flying to find the railroads to continue his route to Seattle. While Matt was flying, in the room, which he left so fast, the groans of a female voice could be heard in the mess of the room. “Nrrhhgg... the invocation took more energy that it should, but never mind, now let's see who teaches the most powerful magic that exists in all kingdoms", yet the smoke blocked the view, but a hole in the wall, began to ventilate the room, clearing the field of vision, she didn't see the crystal anywhere, the ground was scorched leaving slits where the layouts was from the invocation. "What is the meaning of this?!", shouted the unicorn "someone explain to the Great and Powerful Trixie why there isn't any creature inside these fools doodles!" Stormed, (delayed entry of top title >w< -----Vanhoover, Equestria – Present-----) Trixie looked the invocations book, seeing below of a broken table, discharge her storm of anger over the poor book, page by page tearing it to pieces, "This book is a scam, all they brought was the absurd waste of his purchase, damaged property of Trixie, and to give a headache to the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!" and continued yelling everything that it would make the seller for daring to swindle her. Welcome to Equestria Matt