//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: A Nightmare Undercover // by ace122 //------------------------------// "Princess Luna... who are you talking too?" Twilight asked, wide eyed and curious. Luna popped her eyes and gave a slightly nervous giggle. "Why whatever do you mean Twilight? I was simply sitting here enjoying the quiet." Luna chimed with a nervous smile plastered onto her face. She bit her lip as the two stared at her with confused expressions. "You mean you were here alone... by yourself... in the dark... just standing here?" Twilight asked with her head tilted slightly. "Yup!" Luna stated quickly. Twilight and Celestia stood there quietly staring at Luna. Both were at a loss for words. Twilight coughed, trying to clear the air then returned her head to it's upright position. "Well... okay." Twilight started. "Um... I wanted to come and find you to say that the ponies of Ponyville welcome you back with open arms Princess. We all missed you very much..." Twilight said smiling. Luna smiled as well, then walked over to Twilight and bowed her head. "Thank you Twilight Sparkle. We- I mean I am truly proud that the people of Equastria welcome me back happily. After the whole... nightmare moon attack-" Luna stopped and shivered. She looked away for a quick moment, then back to Twilight with a smile. "We-I was worried that the people might still be a bit fearful of us... me." Luna giggled nervously. Twilight looked at Luna cautiously for a moment, then backed away slightly. "Um... some of the ponies are a bit suspicious still, but for the most part everypony is just happy to have you back Princess." Twilight tiled her head once more, and so did Luna. "Are you feeling alright Princess?" Twilight asked. Luna nodded and chuckled. "Why of course! I'm feeling wonderful..." Luna said. "But you're acting kind of funn-" "No I'm not.." Luna interrupted. Celestia's smile faded as she looked at her clearly flustered sister. She then walked over to Luna and placed a hoof on Luna's forehead. Luna backed away, that same strained smile still very apparent on her face. "Please both of you I'm perfectly fine. In fact I'm feeling better than I ever have. Now Twilight Sparkle... I know you think I'm acting strangely, but you have to understand. We've... I've been gone for a thousand years. We're... I'm not very accustomed to this time period's culture yet. So... in general... I've got a pretty bad case of culture sock." Luna stated to the both of them. Celestia's smile returned once again, as she patted Luna on the back. "Don't worry Luna... you'll get used to this age in no time." Celestia said gently to the flushed blue Alicorn next to her. Luna sighed quietly to herself. Maybe they'll finally back of the questions now... I don't need them feeling suspicious. Luna thought to herself. Celestia the looked over to Twilight who was still standing there will a cautious look on her face. "Twilight..." Celestia started. Twilight looked at up at Celestia, then to Luna for a moment, then back to Celestia. "I'd like to speak to you alone for a moment." Twilight looked to Luna for a moment, then to Celestia. She stared into Celestia, popped her eyes then nodded. Celestia waved to her sister, then walked (at a pretty fast pace) out of the room, leaving Luna once again alone. "Boy was that close..." Luna sighed.