//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Missing Something // by GreyMelody //------------------------------// Missing Something Chapter 2 "he-hello?" The yellow pegasus said again confused at the lack of a reply. Octavia just stared, she tried to speak but no words came out, a light blush appeared on her face. Vinyl gave Octavia a confused look. "Hey Fluttershy, this is my friend Octavia; Octavia say hi." "Hello, I'm cello and I play the Octavia.", the gray mare mumbled. "Uh 'Tavi, you okay?" Vinyl said while waving a hoof in front of the gawking mare. "You think she's okay?", Pinkie, coming out of nowhere, whispered to Vinyl. "I dunno, she's usually not like this, she's normally more... proper.", Vinyl whispered back. Octavia composed herself, "I mean, I'm Octavia and I play the uh cello.", she said smiling nervously blushing even more. "Um Pinkie told me that you're Vinyl's friend that just moved here, I'm Fluttershy and I take care of animals. Nice t-to meet you.", Fluttershy stuck out her hoof. "N-nice to meet y-you too", Octavia said gently shaking Fluttershy's hoof. "I think we should go home, all this walking around must be getting to Octavia's head. Thanks again Pinkie for the cupcakes, and see you later Fluttershy", Vinyl said grabbing the grey mare's tail. "Goodbye." Octavia said waving her hoof while Vinyl dragged her out the door. "Well she was nice.", Fluttershy said "I dunno Fluttershy, she was kind of silly and I know silly; luckily for her I like silly." "Sure you do Pinkie; do you think I could buy some carrot muffins, Angel's being picky again, that's actually what I'm here for." "Sure, right here!.", Pinkie said while taking some form the counter. "Thanks Pinkie, I probably should go home too Angel's probably starving.", the yellow pegasus said while taking out some bit and handing them to Pinkie. "Well, see you later then!" "Bye Pinkie." "What was that all about?" Vinyl said walking through the door to her house. "What was what all about?" Octavia said while kicking the dirt off her hooves before walking inside. "You know at Sugarcube Corner, with Fluttershy, you were gawking at her like a school filly." "I was most certainly not!", The grey mare said face redder than a tomato. "Oh come on 'Tavi, you were practically drooling over her.", Vinyl said giggling. "Oh quiet you." the grey mare mumbled. "I know she's cute and all but I thought you didn't even like mares.", the white unicorn said while sitting down on her couch. Octavia followed suit, sitting next to her friend, "Now that is definitely not true, I never said that." "What about when you rejected me?" "Just because I didn't want to date you, does not mean I don't like mares; I'm sorry, but I only see you as a friend." "Don't worry 'Tavi, I'm over that." "Thanks goodness, you don't know how bad I felt after you left, and soon enough I really started to miss you." "I really missed you too 'Tavi, it really has been way too long.", they shared a quick hug. "Even though I really missed you, moving here was just what I needed, let just say a certain somepony has caught my attention." "How cute, have you asked her out yet?" "No, I haven't asked her out yet." "What is her name?" "Umm I'll introduce you to her later she lives just down the street, she's a friend of my friend and they've been hanging out more often lately so maybe I can introduce you to them both." "Just this about it 'Tavi, you can ask Fluttershy out and I'll ask out my filly and we can all go on a double date!" "That sounds like a terrible idea I met Fluttershy once and didn't make the best impression and from what it sounds like you hardly know this mare you like also." "Aha! So you admit it you like Fluttershy, I caught you red hooved!" "I admit nothing!", Octavia yelled while jumping off the couch and running off into another room laughing. Vinyl followed her laughing as well, "Come back here and admit you have a crush on her!" "Never, you can't make me!" "Oh you wanna bet?", the white unicorn said tackling her and immediately attacking her with the tickle hooves of death. "No, Vinyl stop! You know I'm ticklish!", the grey mare said laughing uncontrollably. "Not until you admit it!" "Never!", she said barely able breath. "Have it your way, I'll just tickle you until you say it!" Vinyl said attacking her with another onslaught of tickles. Octavia couldn't take it anymore, "Okay I admit it!" "Admit what?" Vinyl said while still ticking her but slowing down so they grey mare could speak. "I like Fluttershy!" "And?" "and I think she really cute!" Vinyl stopped her assault, "Now don't you feel better, it's always nice to get that kind of stuff out." "Don't you ever do that to me again", Octavia said catching her breath and blushing madly. "Now what about this mare you like, you never answered my question, whats her name?" "Like I said I'll introduce you to her later." Octavia pouted, "Fine" "Jeez 'Tavi sometimes you more like a kid than even me" Vinyl said looking at the clock, "Oh wow, it's already time for dinner." "How did all that time pass so quickly?" "I dunno blame the author." "What?" "Nothing, lets get some pizza!" "Isn't there something else we could have, you know something with more class?" "Nope!", Vinyl laughed. Octavia facehoofed. Auothors Note: I bet you all thought that this was gonna be a VinylTavia shipfic didn't you? NOPE Chuck Testashy. Anyway thanks to all who tracked this story hopefully you'll stick around for this crazy ship. It actually wasn't my original plan to trick you readers but i just kinda happened, and I went with it, sorry to all who are disappointed.