//------------------------------// // My Brother // Story: My Brother // by marineproductions100 //------------------------------// My Brother By: Cameron a.k.a. marineproductions100 Ponyville school, late afternoon. A brown coated stallion pegasus is walking home from another day in school. Not flying because he wants to take his time to get home. Not wanting to enter his house to see his mother yelling at his father and a little brother crying in the corner. Not wanting to get any distress. Not wanting to end up in his bedroom crying because mom called him 'a piece of shit'. The brown coated stallion enjoying the slow walk to his house. His red mane slightly moving in waves from the cool breeze. Listening to every noise that surrounded him. The birds chirping and the sound of his hooves clamping onto the ground. But there was another noise that seemed to be getting louder while he moves forward. But he can't quite make out the noise. Curiosity gets the best of him and he is now on a mission to find the source of the noise. After about a couple of minutes of searching, Film Maker finds the source of the noise. It was coming from a.....cloud? The noise was the sound of crying. The pegasus flies up to the cloud to find his best friend-no-brother. With his head buried into the cloud and sniffling noises coming from his brother. Film lands himself right next to him and places his hoof over his back. "Shadowblaze, what's wrong?" Film asked. Shadowblaze lifted his head and looked at Film Maker in the eyes with tears streaming down both cheeks. Making his red coat damped from the salty liquid. He tried to hide himself behind his black mane but Film pushed his mane out of his eyes. "Shadowblaze, why are you crying?" Film asked, again. Shadowblaze wiped his tears away with his right hoof. But it was no use, new tears took place of the ones he wiped away. "Hey Film. I-I didn't expect to s-see you today." Shadowblaze weakly smiled. "Shadowblaze, quit the bullshit. What's wrong?" Film asked with kindness in his voice. Shadowblaze let out a long sigh. He lowered his head and refused to look up at Film's eyes. "Mom got mad again. D-Dad broke my CD p-player. But luckily he d-didn't break my Ponyville undead CDs." Shadowblaze replied. Film Maker pulled Shadowblaze into a gentle hug and started whispering, "I'm assuming you ran away yes?" "Yes." Shadowblaze said while nodding. "I didn't want to stay." "You have every right to." Film started rubbing his hoof in the back of Shadowblaze's head. "Did you cut yourself?" Film felt tears dripping onto his shoulder and trailing down his back. "Y-Yes. I'm sorry." Shadowblaze sobbed. Film sighed. I wish you'd try something else. Something less harmful, Film thought to himself. "Its okay, Shadowblaze. I think you just need to let it all out right now. Don't worry, I won't let anypony see you." Film wrapped his wings around Shadowblaze to cover him from the world. Just for as long as he needed. Film sat there, feeling every tear drip onto his shoulder and stream down his back. Making his coat damp but Film didn't care. Everytime they needed to cry, neither one of them cared if they got wet. It wouldn't be the first time for Film nor Shadowblaze, to hold each other. It certainly wasn't going to be the last either. After about ten minutes of crying, Shadowblaze's sniffling and tears have ceased. Film dared to break the silence. "You done? Are you sure?" Film asked. "Yes." Shadowblaze replied. Film Maker pulled his wings back to his sides. Shadowblaze slowly pushed himself away from Film Maker. With hesitation, Film stopped hugging Shadowblaze. Making eye contact with each other. "You can sleep at my house. If that's okay with you, I mean." "I'd like that. Better than my house at the moment." Shadowblaze smiled. "Ready to get off of this cloud, brother?" Film smiled. "Hell yeah." ................ Film Maker's house, night. Film Maker was making his bed, listening to Shadowblaze gossip about some of the mares from their school. "I'm telling you, she's a fillyfooler. There's no way you can say no to this. I caught her making out with Swirly and Swirly is bisexual." Shadowblaze said. "Maybe she was seduced. You know that Swirly is a seductress. How else does she have good grades?" Film asked. "Because she fucks everypony. I already knew that, Film." Shadowblaze replied. "Exactly! So that means that Lolly isn't a fillyfooler, she was seduced." Film pointed out. "Whatever man. You believe what you believe but think of this. Why hasn't she dated any stallions?" Shadowblaze waved a hoof in the air. "How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't know everypony's relationships like you. You little perv." Film chuckled. Film finished the bed and made eye contact with Shadowblaze. "Your bed awaits." "I don't like it when you say it like that. Its your bed and you're having me sleep in it while you sleep on the floor?" Shadowblaze lifted a brow. "Well.....your my guest." Film smiled sheepishly. "I was actually thinking that we could......you know.....sleep in the same bed this time." Shadowblaze awkwardly chuckled. "Sounds fun. Sure." Film Maker's sheepish smile turned into a normal grin. "Nevermind your making me sound like a colt cuddler." "Get your head out of the gutter. I may be bisexual but that doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you." Film playfully punched Shadowblaze in the shoulder. "Whatever. I'm hitting the hay." Shadowblaze yawned. "And I'll blow the candle out." There was a nightstand next to the bed with a lit candle on it. Film trotted over to the nightstand and blew out the candle after Shadowblaze laid down under the covers of his bed. Film Maker laid himself right next to Shadowblaze and started to yawn. Film Maker heard some sniffling coming from Shadowblaze. Film turned his attention towards his brother and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You okay Shadow? Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" Film asked. "No its just....your so nice to me. You understand me so well." Shadowblaze replied. "Why would you treat me with so much kindness?" "Just because everypony treats us with hatred doesn't mean we have to be down at their level. We may be outcasts but we're outcasts together. You understand me too. You always listened to my problems and always made me feel good about myself. And I love you like a brother." Film wrapped his hooves around Shadowblaze's stomach. "I love you too Film. Its just that I question why your even my friend sometimes." "Never question that. I'm always here to support and love you bro." "T-Thank you." Shadowblaze yawned. "I should probably get some sleep." "Yes you should. You've had a rough day and its time to throw it all away." "You rhymed." Shadowblaze and Film chuckled at the little rhyme that Film made. "Alright. Goodnight Shadow." Film yawned. "Goodnight brother." After that, both stallions fell asleep. Just so they can wake up into another day of fresh tears or (rarely) big smiles. Another day where they go to school just so they can be hated by many of their fellow students and get yelled at by their parents. But they still come out strong together. The End. Written by: Cameron a.k.a. marineproductions100 Inspired by mine and my brother's lives.