A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

Doctor Whooves and Professor Rouse Part 4

Last Time...

The Tenth Doctor and James held on to the Tardis console as The Rani shot The Tardis multiple times, aiming the Tardis to the planet.

"You again?" Five said. "It's good to see you again Doctor." Ten said. James smiled, as the Tardis doors closed, then they closed as James slammed his face into the doors.

"There's something strange with that companion of the Doctor's." The Rani said. The Rani shot her laser at the Doctor and James, who hid behind the Tardis.

"Transmatt!" James exclaimed. A glow started to outline the Doctors, then they suddenly disappeared before their eyes.

James crosses his hands behind his back. "That was very, very, unexpected. Very unexpected indeed." he said, as he heard maniacal laughter in his head.

[*Cue Theme Music*]

William Hartnell
Patrick Troughten
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davidson
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
& Matt Smith As The Doctor

And Introducing James Rouse
as Himself

Doctor Who

James Rouse and the Companions
VS The Universe
By: James Rouse

The companions of the Doctor stood there in shock, except for James who was in a Shatner state of upsetness. Susan was pacing the cave as James muttered, "How dry I am. How dry I am..." "What's the matter with him?" Barbra asked. Ian looked at James, who didn't notice him staring or didn't care anything about it. "He's cracked." Ian said, "Has completely lost his mind."

Ace who was with her Doctor, and wanted someone to do something, decided to start with helping someone snap out of it. She opened her wings, steadied herself, aiming for him. Then, she flew, full speed at him, knocking him over. This shocked everyone, except for Ace (who was disoriented) an James (who was as well disoriented and on the ground, face first). He soon pushed himself up, shaking himself off. Then looked at the pony who hit him. He smiled again, after realizing that someone finally did something to snap him out of his weird depression. "Thanks Ace, I needed that." he said.

He then looked towards the other companions, seeing that he had his own special group of specialist. People who could help him get the Doctor, defeat the Rani, and if all possible... save the universe from being rewritten. "Ace, we need you." James said. She nodded, then entered the cave, joining the rest of the companions.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Companions of the Doctor. Lend me your ears, as I ask of you to help come up with a plan to get back the Doctors you're with, Defeat the Rani and her plan, and if all possible," he paused, looking at all of who the Doctor asked to join, "Save the universe from being rewritten by a completely Mad Time Lady." They all nodded at what he mentioned as the air was tense with anticipation.

"The first thing we must do is figure out a way into the base of the Rani, and try to defeat her by out-smarting her. She may think that she's "Oh-so-clever", but I know The Doctor well enough to lead all of you to victory!" he said with a smile. "So the final question is... Who's with me?" he finally said. The companions looked at each other, trying to think about what James said.

James looked among the different faces who were with The Doctor, and had seen many things across the universe. Finally, they all started come towards James, to which Susan said, "So, what's the plan?" she said. James showed a nervous smile, followed by the fact that he chuckled nervously. "I was hoping to have a plan while giving you guys a pep-talk of sorts.

They all just groaned at exactly what happened, when suddenly a Classic Dalek appeared before them. "Where am I?" the Dalek said. James was also frightened, when he noticed what the Dalek had on. He had a black colored armor with a red bowtie on and several stickers that were familiar to him. He then realized why he looked so familar. "You wouldn't happen to be Dalek Bruce by any chance would you?" he said. The Dalek turned towards James, then said, "I am. Is this Who-Con?"

James shook his head, then said, "Friad not, you're on another planet and The Doctor is in trouble. Tell me, are you going to help us?" Dalek Bruce looked back and forth at the companions, then said, "Let's do this." He then motioned for them to gather around as he started to mention the plan he had in his head. He felt as though that it would work, but he was afraid of mentioning that 'Nothing could go wrong'. For him, it was asking Murphy to slap him upside the head.

James and his friends all pretended to get captured so Bruce could pull off the ultimate trick, getting into the base of the Rani and The Vineyard. James was slightly nervous, afraid the plan may not work, but he didn't dare say it to his friends who were equally nervous as him. Bruce, however was excited deep inside, but didn't allow himself to express the excitement out to his friends.

"HALT!" a voice said. James knew that it wasn't Bruce talking, so he knew that it was another Dalek. "YOU WILL IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING!" it said. Dalek Bruce turned towards the other Daleks that were coming towards them. James hoped that the plan would work and Dalek Bruce was Dalek enough to fool other Daleks.
"*Ahem.*I AM DALEK BRUCE, AND I FOUND THESE PRISONERS NEAR THE DOK-TOR'S TARDIS!" he exclaimed. James hoped that they would recognize a Dalek when they saw and heard one. One of them looked at the others, then back at Dalek Bruce.

"I NEED ASSISTANCE!" he added. "ASSISTANCE WILL BE PROVIDED, BRO-THER!" the other Dalek said. James gave a mental sigh of relief, then pretended to be afraid as one of them soon joined in helping Dalek Bruce. They soon made it to the place that they needed to be, when James turned around towards the other Dalek. "Just out of curiosity, what is your name?" he said, pointing at the other Dalek. "I AM DALEK SEC!" "Well then, sorry Dalek Sec." he said. Before he could ask, James soon smashed the eye stalk with a monkey wrench (Which he recently forgot that he was carrying several chapters ago until the plan was made off page). "AAAHHH! CAN'T SEE! CAN'T SEE!"

"Now we run!" James said, running towards a hiding place, as the others followed behind them. Dalek Bruce quickly followed, thankful that his shields were working for Dalek Sec was blasting all around. Soon, the blast bounced all around before getting destroyed by it's own laser blast. James turned towards his friends, then said, "How are all you?" he asked. They all murmered, telling him that they were all alright. He nodded in satisfaction, then turned towards Dalek Bruce. "Are you alright Dalek Bruce?" he asked. They all looked towards the Dalek, to which he replied, "I am alright. My systems are funct-ioning." he said. James smiled, knowing that he would probably have sheilds.

"Alright, this is where we split up. Ace, you, Amy, and Rory go set up explosives nearby. Jamie, you, Zoey, Ian, and Barbra will go mess with the computer systems. See what they're planning, while you Jamie deal with keeping an eye out for any Cybermen or Daleks. The rest of you, go and search for any way out and anything that could help us." "What about you?" Susan said. James stopped for a second, then said, "Well, I guess you and I are going to go stop The Rani and Vineyard. Anyone who wants to join, follow me." he said.

Rose soon followed behind James, as well as Sarah Jane, K-9, Susan, and Dalek Bruce. "Bruce, once we get to where we're needed, distract those two." James said. "I can do that." he said, heading in front of them.

The first team to make it was Jamie, Zoey, Ian, and Barbra soon made it to the computer. The computer was combination of Cybermen technology and Dalek technology. "Well, this is going to be interesting." Zoey said, "I wish I had someone to help with this." "Well, we could help. Just tell us what to do." Barbra said. "Yes, yes. It may be the way we can help, for we've never seen anything like this." Ian said.

Zoey nodded, then went back to figuring out the computer before her. She thought for a moment, then had an idea and decided to try out her idea. She quickly worked out the mathematics out in her head, then started programming the giant computer, while Ace meanwhile was busy setting up the bombs.

Meanwhile, back towards the Main Hallway...
James, Susan, Sarah Jane, and K-9 were all following way behind Dalek Bruce. Vineyard and Rani were adding the last touches to the plan of theirs, when they noticed that a Dalek had brought in some of the people (mainly the boy) to them. "I FOUND THEM WANDERING THE BASE. SHALL I DISPOSE OF THEM?" Dalek Bruce said. Both being looked at each other, then back at Dalek Bruce (although they didn't know that). "No," Rani said, staring at James, "Leave them here." she added.

'Bad move lady.' James thought, although he didn't exactly show it. "VERY WELL! I SHALL LOOK FOR OTHERS!" Dalek Bruce replied, heading out the door. The four companions looked before them seeing the Doctors all restrained to a table, hooked up to a machine. Sarah and Susan were worried, K-9 was calculating on the escape plan but said nothing. James, however, was a bit worried. He still had hope and prayed to God that he would help the one man who could get him back to Equestria.

"So, how does it feel to be helpless, Doctor?" Rani said, looking at all of them. "How does it feel, not being able to help anyone?" The Doctors, all Eleven of them, gave her a look that would be menacing, if he wasn't a pony per se. The Rani and Vineyard then turned towards the four companions. "And how does it feel to fail at rescuing the Doctor?"

"I don't know? How does it feel to fail so many times by a man who's as mad as a hatter, and as harmless as a bunny?" James replied with a smirk. The Rani nor the Vineyard were impressed by what he just said. "Have you got a death wish young man?" The Vineyard said. James shrugged at this, then said, "What exactly are you going to do, tickle them?"

The two of them looked at each other again, then turned towards The Doctors. He soon started setting up the control panel, preparing to activate it. “Well Doctor, this looks to be the end of your lives. Soon, I will suck all of your life force in one go and remove you from history altogether. This will make Rani, the most powerful Time Lady in all of history and me, the most powerful Time Lord in the entire UNIVERSE!” he exclaimed with a deep roaring laugh. People swear that there was thunder and lightning when he did that.

“And there’s nothing, no one in the entire universe that could stop me and The Rani.” “There’s just one snag to your plan Vineyard.” James said. This took both villains by surprise, causing them to quickly turn around to James. “What?!” they replied. “Yes, you have forgotten something. Try to guess what it is?” he said with a smile. The Vineyard and Rani tried to calculate what that was that they forgot, trying to figure out what he knew that they didn’t.

Finally, after calculating all possible outcomes, they asked, “What is it?” “Well, I shouldn’t tell you this, but here goes.” He said. James took a long deep breath, as he prepared to explain what happened. In a way, he was about to do a Jim Carrey.

“November 23rd, 1963 was the most important event in all of history, although the Doctor had a life before that on a beautiful planet of Gallifrey, he landed in London on that exact date before when he took a broken down Tardis and flew to explore the entire Space-time Continuum long ago in his life, although he was just a mere 100 years old when he took the Tardis. In that set of events over the course of his Twelve regenerations, his live has been more complicated, more complex and more insane than the most complex knot on earth or in the entire universe and on that note,” he paused for a moment, taking a look at them. “Have you ever considered what impact the Doctor has had on the universe you live in? Have you ever considered what impact The Doctor has on say my planet, on my existence?” he said. The two beings looked at the boy before them, confused on what he meant.

“This man is the ultimate hero. He doesn’t use a laser pistol, he has a screwdriver to fix things. His machine is shaped like a Police Box because the universe calls for help. And he has not one, but two hearts. As someone once said, I don’t think there will be a time when we don’t need The Doctor.” He turned back to them, and I don’t think there will ever be a time or place that doesn’t need The Doctor.”

James then smiled as he pressed the release button, then the button with black and yellow caution stripes. “NO!” both Rani and Vineyard said. With a click, the Doctors were released. They suddenly heard blaster noises coming from outside the door, when the door collapsed, revealing a blonde pony, with a wild blonde mane. “Hello sweetie.”

“I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. How are you doing River?” James said. River though was thrown by this question. She turned towards The Eleventh Doctor who shrugged at her by this. Suddenly they heard a loud voice say,

THANK YOU FOR USING James’ Lab Technologies.

Everyone looked back towards James, to which he replied calmly, “That actually makes sense now.” He soon quickly ran out the blast door, which confused everyone, until he came back and said, “Last one to their Tardis is a loser for all of eternity.”

They all looked at each other, then started to run out of the base. As James ran, he yelled for others to follow him out. The Doctors, Companions of the Doctors, and James all ran to their respected Tardis. Strangely enough, they knew which box was theirs. The Vineyard and The Rani quickly ran to theirs, but made it to theirs last, even though they were closest to their Tardis.
Dalek Bruce who appeared on the planet for mysterious reasons, left under those same reasons. James quickly jumped in after the Tenth Doctor who quickly tried to fly his version of the Tardis, but for some reason, it wouldn’t go.

“Come on old girl. Why aren’t you moving?” he asked, giving the console a light tap with a hammer causing it to go ding. Just when he was about to try something, James said, "Wait. I think that we’re about to leave.”
At that exact moment that he said that, there was a powerful explosion, followed by the Tardis being activated with a *VWOORP! VWOORP!*.

The other Tardises activated at that exact same moment, returning them to their proper times and places. The Rani and Vineyard however, rode their Tardises out of the explosion into other places. The Vineyard’s destionation was randomized and unknown, but the Rani’s Tardis took her to a place where she was planning on defeating The Doctor in a place in London allowing her to defeat The Doctor, although she had forgotten of the strange boy and the future regenerations of the Doctor.

James groaned, as The Doctor activated the auto-pilot. He suddenly realized that they were returning to Equestria. “Well, if that isn’t a coincidence I don’t know what is.” He said. James soon felt the pain subside away from him for now as he tried to get up. “The devices in their lab was invented by me. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was done on purpose just so you and I would know each other in time.” James said.

Everything was quiet at the house of James Rouse when suddenly, there was a noise, like an old machine breathing, as if it was alive. Soon, a Police Public Call Box started to appear in the front lawn of the house, landing with a thud.

James stepped out, seeing the familiar settings of life as he knew it. He took a deep breath allowing his mind to take in what had happened. James then turned back towards The Doctor who was leaning on his Tardis. He then said, “Thank you Doctor. Thank you for everything and for the adventure. The Doctor smiled a little, then started to frown.

“Something is wrong, isn’t it?” James said. The Doctor replied by nodding, slowly. He then added, “James, there will come a time when you need to defeat the darkness that is trying to defeat you and possibly take over this world.”
“The good news is that it was weak when it first entered your body.” he said. “The bad news is that it’s getting stronger.” James nodded when he heard this. “I understand. I can feel it getting stronger.”

The Doctor and James looked at each other, then they both took a manly hug. They took another look at each other, not wanting to face the challenge, but he needed to. He felt that others may be hurt by this unexpected creature that is trying to take over the world.

They both gave a unsaid good luck, then went on their way. James went to his bike and rode to a nearby bar in Equestria, while The Doctor was getting involved with meeting Queen Elizabeth the First.