//------------------------------// // The first battle // Story: The adventures of "Those Guys" (that no one likes) // by fieeesh //------------------------------// As Genome and the others told Celestia,Luna,and Discord about themselves a loud muffled thump was heard from the door. "And that's how we killed the mole king." Said Genome "I don't think that happ"*THUMP*"What was that?." asked Shamus. Celestia called out "Gaurds what was that?" No reply came. Oliver pulled out his weapons and crept toward the door.The others quickly formed a perimeter around the princesses and drew their weapons.Once Oliver got to the door he pulled it open revealing four Sons of Laz,zombies that were warriors while they lived,the first one swung his blade at Oliver who sidestepped and backed away. He called out "One for each of us!" All of them quickly sprang into action.Genome jumped forward and thrust his blade into the beast causing it to burst into flames and crumple to the ground.Xoxo bashed his shield into it causing it to stumble and fall he then brought his sword down on its neck severing its head.Shamus quickly rolled between its legs and brought his hammer down on the creatures spine paralzying it while while he brought his hammer down on its head.Oliver rushed forward and swung his mace into its knee twisting it into an L shape he then chopped off its sword arm finally he kicked it away and loosed three arrows into its eyes and mouth. Everyone in the room could only stare in shock as the four of them took down those creatures who had somehow gotten past the gaurds and broke into the throne room.They were also equally surprised when the warriors began to strip the creatures of whatever they deemed valuable. Applejack was the first one to speak "What do you think you're doing ya can't just kill anything that happens to walk in!What if they were friendly ya might have just started a war!" Oliver proceeded to give her a stare that once made a manticore run away with its tail between its legs.It was a stare he created at five and mastered at seven.It was a look of pure malice.Everypony in the room was horrified of what he might do.Even Applejack flinched but didn't turn away. " I'll tell you what I just did I saved your life.Those things wouldn't have shown any mercy nor kindness to you.They would have torn you limb from limb and feasted upon on the marrow in your bones.Those things would have killed you we stopped you should be thanking us Not questioning our ethics." He took a breath and said "It's late.I think I'll retire for the night."and with that he stormed off. Everyone remained silent as he left.Once he did though there was a collective sigh of relief. Celestia than sat up and said "It is late I believe sleep would be good for all of us we will reconvene in the morning.Good night."