Thunder With A Splash of Color

by Viola Strings

Phase I

"Okay, so do you understand the plan?"
Midnight had taken an early nap while Thunderlane was explaining his "master plan." He had explained this to Midnight almost three times already! He started to get annoyed, so he tried one last time.
"Huh!? What, what do you want?"
"Okay, I'm going to explain this one more time." Thunderlane looked at his friend to make sure he stayed awake.
"Alright, since there is word that one of Rainbow Dash's friends is throwing you a party, we're both going."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Just hear me out. You are going to befriend Rainbow Dash, and get to know her. Then you will bring me up and say good things about me, no screwing around. You will then give me the signal. You will flare your wings and pretend to stretch. I'll come over and we'll start talking. You will leave, we'll talk more, then BOOM! She's mine."
"I see one flaw in your plan."
"And what's that."
"What if I forget to flare my wings? Or if I don't become friends with her right away? What're you going to do if that happens?"
"Don't worry none of that is going to happen."
Midnight wasn't so sure if that was true. He was often forgetful, and he wasn't the best at making friends on the spot. If he screwed this up he just knew Thunderlane would hate him forever.