After Lovemaking

by Aegis Shield

After Lovemaking

After Love

Fluttershy cried out into the night, a sliver of momentary unbridled passion. Big Macintosh’s shuddering ended, and he rested his chin on her shoulder. Panting, the two of them stayed like that for a few long moments, their bodies as one. The shy yellow Pegasus whimpered with a happy ache in her erect wings. Gasping for air, she finally fell forward onto her belly with a cute, pathetic moan. Her stallion pulled from her, collapsing at her side. His great weight send a mild shudder through the ground. The air was heavy with the musk of love, sweat, and straw. The barn, in the middle of the night, wasn’t the most discreet place for such things, but it served as well as any for a private spot.

Big Macintosh’s barrel chest heaved a few times while he rested from the powerful exertion. Fluttershy’s bangs clung to her forehead, and she shyly smiled at him. He offered an equally quiet smile, sidling over until they were pressed together. The fresh straw shuffled a little, and they sidled together until they found a nice warm corner of the stall. Tugging a blanket with his mouth, Big Mac pulled it over them. Fluttershy hid her face bashfully, still rather wracked from their lovemaking. But, her still-erect wings would not let her. Smiling gingerly, he leaned and stuck his head under the blanket to nuzzle her. She meeped quietly, but a mare-ish giggle got away from her. Nodding his head slowly up and down to play with the tip of her nose, he got a louder giggle and she finally gathered up her courage.

Gathering herself like a soft, warm puppy, the butter-colored Pegasus found her way up against Big Mac’s side and lowered herself submissively. One of his massive, dinner-plate sized hooves came over her back, and she gave a quiet yip as he pulled her to himself. He nuzzled the top of her head, snorting hot air playfully. She shivered, still very giggly. Leaning into him, she put her head under his chin. She felt safe. Heaving a great sigh, Fluttershy limpened a bit to truly relax.

Big Macintosh took a quick inventory of everything. It was his habit, being an apple farmer. Everything looked perfect this night. There was an overturned bucket of ice nearby, a half-empty bottle of fine apple cider in it. Two stemmed glasses were nearby. The half-eaten dinner had been nibbled upon, but had long gone cold. The two ponies had been more interested in each other this night. Their one night to be truly alone, just the two of them, together. The massive red stallion made a gurgling sound deep in his throat, a careful crooning that could soothe even the most frightened filly. Of course they’d taken ample advantage of their time to ensure a new generation of the Apple Family was to be started soon. He briefly entertained names like Appleshy, Fluttermac, or even Toshinshy. But eh, he’d have to see if his seed had taken first. If not, they were sure to keep trying. Quite often.

Fluttershy gave another wispy sigh, rubbing her cheek up and down his throat. Slowly, her achy little wings were relaxing down into a closed position. She ached in other places, but it was a happy ache. She cared for nothing in the world but her stallion right then. Looking up at him with great soft eyes, she blinked adorably and he murmured a quiet laugh. Ahh, he had such a way with words. She giggled quietly, settling against him to rest. His massive hoof came up, stroking her for a bit. When he was bored with that, his face came down to rest in her mane. He loved her mane so, so much. It was so soft and warm, just like the rest of her. And pink as well, pink as the perfect spring dawn.

Big Mac’s tail flicked a bit, and he finally got the bottle again. There was no alcohol in it, but it was sparkling. He didn’t have the heart to tell his new companion that he couldn’t stomach anything stronger than sparkling apple juice. Ah well, everypony had their weaknesses. He dipped into it with a stemmed glass, leaning and pouring some. It fizzled, and he sipped it gingerly. Fluttershy peeked at him, a silent question in her eyes. He lowered the glass to her lips and she daintily drank as well. A line of the drink went down the side of her mouth because of the awkward drinking position. He leaned and kissed it away, which made her squeak quietly. The red stallion knew there would be a certain awkwardness between himself and his new wife for awhile. But, they were allowed to be so close now, surely tying the knot made it okay to touch, to kiss, to… drink cider together.

The red stallion leaned, setting the glass aside and kissing her warmly upon the lips. He was pleased to see the color of his fur spreading across her cheeks. Such a cute little thing, he loved her so. She leaned up, just a little bit playful, blinking rapidly to tickle his cheek. She called them butterfly kisses. He gurgled a sort of throaty laugh, leaning against her. Their quiet chuckles and coos drifted in and around the half-lit stall like sweet, beautiful music. When two quiet lovers like they gathered, it was a soft music that even the most sensitive ear would strain to hear.

Fluttershy lay her head down at last, putting her head over his forelegs. Big Macintosh rested his chin in her mane, quietly. There was a certain understanding between them that this night needed no words. He lifted his head up briefly, huffing at the lantern. The barn’s stall went dark, and he lay his head down again. She shivered at the dark, but pressed against him and felt better.

They would, of course, have to explain to Applejack in the morning why they’d taken over one of the main stalls and there was a massive pile of tools and implements in the great area of the barn. But surely Big Mac would rise before she came sauntering outside and into the barn… right?

The End