The Chronicles of No One

by Pr1me Sh0ck

Chapter 2: The screams of no one

Chapter 2

“Do not confuse bravery with stupidity, for brave actions may be stupid, but stupid actions are rarely ever brave.”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH,” the girlish scream echoed throughout the reception. Nurse Redheart narrowed her eyes and bore daggers to the mare sitting in the lounges to the left, her hooves shooting to her ears to block out the infernal screams.

Sobbing sniffles emanated from Dinky, she was trying to hold back the floodgates and avoid another moment of fear induced crying. Noticing the filly’s plight Noah hobbled over to the mare, tripping forward as he reached her seat and fell flat on his face.

The terrible scream still echoed around the room, the sobs from the filly became more noticeable and with a last course of action plotted Noah’s hoof shot forward into the open mouth of the startled mare, silencing her scream.

With the sound of screaming no longer present all that could be heard were the tears Dinky was trying desperately to hold back. Narrowing his eyes at the now thoroughly frightened mare, Noah rose to his three remaining hooves, his fourth still occupying the space between the mare’s upper and lower jaws.

Putting on a stern look, he tightened then muscles in his stomach, carefully lifted his other front hoof to his lips making a shushing sound before pointing over his shoulder to the crying filly. Carefully placing his hoof back on the ground for support he raised his brow in query, silently asking if the mare understood to keep quiet.

With fear still very much present in her eyes she nodded slowly, flicking her gaze from the stern look upon Noah’s face and the exasperated eye rolling of the nurse. With an understanding met Noah extracted his now thoroughly soaked hoof from the mare mouth, repeating his shushing sound and accompanying action.

Nurse Redheart, now happy that the situation was almost resolved turned her attention to the still sniffling Dinky. Reaching under her desk and rummaging around in a draw, she searched for an item that was sure to calm the filly.

Her tongue now poking out of the side of her muzzle in concentration, her hoof wrapped around the stem of a large lollipop. With a loud “AH-HA” she pulled the lollipop from the draw offering it to Dinky with a sweet smile on her face.

Dinky, now noticing the treat held enticingly in front of her face, eagerly wiped away her tears, the sadness on her face now replaced with a smile wider than a mile. Elsewhere in Canterlot where the party of the century was raging, a warm shiver ran down the spine of an astonishingly pink mare.

“A suitable treat for a brave little filly like you,” cooed Nurse Redheart, “Now back to the seemingly psychotic patient, care to tell me about your symptoms.”

Noah looked up and back over to the nurse, shaking his hoof of excess saliva he made his way back to the front desk. He smiled looking down on the happy and content filly suckling on the lollipop, before turning his attention back to the task at hoof.

“Well,” he began, “I can’t recalled much of my short term memory but I woke up to the hallucination of a filly asking if I was alright. She showed me to this hospital in this town that I have never seen in my life before. Where I asked the receptionist, who looks like mare wearing a most seductive nurse outfit, to admit me to the psych ward.
“And I can say that simply due to the fact that I am hallucinating right now and your image before me is a figment of my imagination. After that there was another mare, again a figment of my imagination, screaming at what I can only assume to be my appearance, I silenced her with a carefully placed imaginary hoof in her mouth and you gave the hallucination of a filly a lollipop to calm her down.”

The implications of his words had not yet registered in his own mind. Nurse Redheart looked at him with curiosity and raised an eyebrow at him in an innocent questioning manner. Noah simply stared back, not comprehending his words or her actions. The nurse then again raised her eyebrow. A puzzled look spread across Noah’s face.

Exasperated at the progress he was making the nurse gave a soft sigh. “A filly you say,” said the nurse in a most condescending manner, “That wouldn’t be the same filly standing to your left?” A nod was received in reply. “A small powder purple unicorn filly with a blonde mane and tail?” Another nod.

The nurse left out another exasperated sigh, louder this time with a bit more force behind it. Looking dead into Noah’s eyes she said, “The same filly sucking on a very large lollipop which I, the seductively dressed mare nurse, gave to her to calm her down.” A third nod was given, the nurse continued to look at Noah dead in the eyes, waiting for his brain to turn over.

“There it is again,” muttered Dinky in between licks of the lollipop, “That weird clicking sound, what is that?”

Noah’s mind finally turned over the information and registered his words for what they were. “N-not a hal-hallucination,” he stammered, a nod received in return, “So I just put my hoof in another mare’s mouth?” A second nod in agreement, his mouth slowly dropped lower to the floor, “And I called you seductive?” A third nod.

His mouth shut with astounding speed, air rushed into his lungs through his nostrils creating a faint whistling sound. Eyes opened wide with realisation of his predicament he made to ask a question but was cut off before he had opened his mouth a fraction.

“Through the double doors in front of you, take the third corridor on your right and finally the sixth door on your left, I’ll come and check up on you in five minutes.” Noah clamped his muzzle shut again, nodded his thanks and rushed as fast as he could hobble to leave the room, “And thanks for the compliment,” shouted the nurse at his hasty departure.

Following the directions to the letter Noah found himself inside a rather spacious and comfortably padded white room. Thankful for the nurse’s precognition he quickly shut the door, breathed in the largest lungful of air possible, and proceeded to scream his heart out to the walls.

Back in the reception the muffled scream could still be heard six rooms and three corridors away, thankfully it was muted enough to allow for idle conversation. “So what was wrong with him?” asked Dinky, in between licks of her lollipop, “I asked him before but he never actually said.”

“Well if I had to guess I would say he suffered a concussion of sorts, woke up thinking everything around him was a hallucination, and is currently venting at his realisation that this is all in fact real,” answered Nurse Redheart.

“So he thought he was dreaming everything?”

“My best guess would be yes.”

“So why did he get scared then? Even if he was haluci-whatever-ing, he was startled by my appearance and his own hooves.”

“You know, I’m not quite sure about that, you may need to ask him when he finishes.”

“When do you think he’s gonna finish?” enquired Dinky.

“Well he has about three more minutes before I come and check up on him, let’s give him till then,” said the nurse reassuringly.

A moment passed before the filly spoke up again, “He called me brave, do you think I’m brave?”

“Well,” Nurse Redheart pondered for a minute, “Judging by the reactions of the weeping flower sister huddled behind her magazine, I’m assuming the townsfolk had the same reaction as Zecora?” A nod of affirmation, “Well then you faced a strange new pony that no one else had could, I would call that brave.”

“Hmmm,” the filly pondered on the nurse’s words, lapsing into silence with the occasional lick of the lollipop.

Two more minutes rolled around before the nurse decided to investigate what had happened to the strange pony screaming his head off. Trotting through the halls of the hospital she stopped in front of the door she had directed Noah to. No sound could be heard, no incessant wailing, no grief filled sobbing, nothing.

She raised her hoof and knocked four times out of politeness giving Noah some time for composure. Sounds of movement could be heard inside and a few moments later Noah’s voice was heard bidding her to enter.

Pulling the door wide open she took note of the occupant sitting in the very centre of the room, his back turned away from her. His ears tattered ears drooped down as though a sad realisation had dawned on him. Still hoarse from the shouting his voice still maintained a bug like buzz, “So not a hallucination?” he asked.

“Not a hallucination,” the nurse repeated, she added a touch of kindness to her tone in an attempt to calm his spirits.

“You’re a pony?” he asked, an unknown sadness leaking into his words.

“Yes,” she responded, “An Earth Pony to be exact.”

“And Dinky, what is she?”

“Unicorn,” she replied, matter of fact like.

“Any others?”

“Pegasi, Bat Ponies, a small number of hybrids and of course the Alicorns.”

“Huh no kidding, and what is this place called?”

“Well, currently you’re in Ponyville, which is a town in Equestria, which is a country in Equis.”

“Wow,” he said, a small whistle escaped his lips before he muttered, “Definitely not in Kansas anymore.”

“I don’t really know what that means, but… will you be alright?” she asked, a hint of concern tinged her words.

“I don’t know,” he replied, a matter of fact more than anything else, the sadness in his voice growing, “All I know is I’m lost a long way from home and I don’t know how to get back.”

Nurse Redheart looked down at the ground for a moment, her mind torn between keeping a professional demeanour and comforting the lost soul in front of her. Near silence was acknowledged for a few moments before the patter of tears shed without sound could be heard.

Her mind made its choice in an instant. She entered the room quietly, keeping the door held open a smidgen. Carefully she walked over to the figure and sat herself down in front of him. She raised her fore hoof off the ground and placed it under his chin, lifting his head until she could look up into his eyes.

“You may be lost,” she whispered, “But a good friend will always help you find your way.” With those words she wrapped her fore legs around his shoulders pulling him into warm embrace. “And I would be honoured to be your friend.”

He was silent for a minute, tears dripping from his muzzle onto her coat. He leaned further into the embrace, dropping the weight of his head onto her shoulders, and wrapped one of his own hooves around her shoulders.

Giving a strained chuckle he asked, “Just like that, you don’t even know me, I don’t even know me. If I’m happy and kind, full of joy. Or if I’m malicious, full of hatred and anger, just waiting to hurt, and you want to be my friend.”

She flinched at his last words, apprehension filled the air for a split second, and then she relaxed, breathed out softly and said, “Of course, if a small filly can be brave enough to befriend you, why can’t I.”

“Huh,” he muttered, mulling over the nurse’s words, “If I am truly lost, I will need some friends, I would be glad to count you among the first.”

“Well then as your friend I should advise you that you may want to freshen up before heading out, come on I’ll show you to the wash room.”

Nurse Redheart led Noah out of the padded room and back down the hall towards the main corridor. Stopping at the second door on from the end of the hallway she pointed him into the restroom, allowing him some time to freshen up before showing him back to the reception.

“So I didn’t see any other patients at this hospital, or staff for that matter, what’s up with that,” he remarked.

“Well the wards where the patients sleep is on the second floor while this first floor is all operating theatres and such. As for other doctors and nurses we run a fairly small workforce and they were probably checking up on the other patients.” She finished speaking as they re-entered the front reception.

“So I don’t suppose you have a full length mirror around, the one in the bathroom was a little small to check out my new body.”

The nurse and the filly both look up at him with intrigue in their eyes, “New body?” the nurse asked.

“Well yes new body, this certainly isn’t my regular self, and I was barely able to check out my head with the mirror in the bathroom.”

“Oh sorry, no,” the nurse replied, “However, I know that Carousel Boutique has a full length mirror, oh but the owner is away for the royal wedding, she won’t be getting back for some time. Hmmm, Oh I know, you could try the spa they have also have a full sized mirror.”

She giggled at him before continuing, “Only if you’re brave enough though, not many stallions I know can handle a trip to the spa.”

“Well I could definitely take a page from Dinky’s book and be a little brave. Also I may be requiring a lot of information, does Ponyville have a library.”

This time Dinky piped up, “Ooh, OOH I know where the library is I could take you there.”

“You could but Twilight isn’t here right now, I don’t think the library’s open,” Nurse Redheart commented.

“Of course it is,” beamed Dinky happily, “Ms. Cheerilee our school teacher is looking after it while Twilight is away. She was so happy to be able to work at the library, even if it is temporary. Oh but she’ll probably make you take a test on the stuff you learnt.”

“Test,” Noah rolled the word over in his mouth a few times, “Teesstt,” It clicked, “Oh Jesus, my exam, I’ve missed my exam. All that study, all that work, all for nothing.” He broke down slightly, bottom lip quivering a little as tears began to pool in his eyes.

“I’m sure they’ll let you retake the test, when you get back, everything will be fine,” the nurse said quickly, attempting to lift his spirits before depression set in.

Noah still looked downturned until Nurse Redheart laid a hoof across his shoulders in a reassuring manner, the frown from Noah’s face brightening into a smile to match her own. “Yeah,” he replied, a little more upbeat, “I think they would. I mean I would need to redo all that study, but my notes were rather comprehensive. If I just review them from time to time I should do fine.”

“There’s that clicking sound again,” mentioned Dinky, “Really what is that.”

Noah’s face had frozen in a look of near horror, “MY BAG,” he exclaimed loudly, “Where is my bag, it has all my notes, my project, it has everything in it.”

“Oh this bag,” Dinky said, rather nonchalantly, “It fell of your back when you rushed over to shove your hoof in that mare’s mouth.”

Noah’s eyes slowly returned to a normal-ish state from one of abject terror, “Oh you really are a life saver Dinky, thank you.”

“It was nothing,” the filly replied bashfully, scuffing her hoof against the ground.

“In any case, thank you,” praised Noah, “Now I’m going to need a friend to show me around, you wouldn’t happen to have the day free and want to spend time with me?”

Dinky looked up at Noah, the implications of being a friend realised, her smile shone like a beacon to the sad and disheartened. Bouncing in place she eagerly replied, “Of course, I thought I was going to be bored today, but now I get to spend it showing a new friend around town, this is great.”

Looking upwards for a moment he spied a smirk spreading across the nurses muzzle, returning the smile in earnest he looked back down saying, “Well then time is wasting, how about you show me to the spa so I can really see what I am.”

Noah gathered up his bag in his mouth, tossing it over and unfortunately over his shoulders a couple of times before managing to land it in a stable position on his back. The filly at his hooves tugging him towards the door and the big wide world awaiting them, he turned back at the sound of the nurse’s voice.

“But wait, you never said who you were.”

“New face, new body, I don’t know what I am let alone who I am, right now, I’m No One.”

“No One,” she repeated, “Mysterious.”

And with that the party of two were off, in search of the spa, and the wonders of the town around them.