//------------------------------// // It's just one problem after the other (Corrected) // Story: The Mechanic // by Clintr //------------------------------// The sun rose high into the sky, it's radiant beams shined through a window followed by an alarm going off. *beep* *beep* *beep* The radio clicks on. "Gooooooood Morning people!!! This is your local anchorman and talk show host Kevin coming you live from the radio station." *groan* "Boy is it beautiful out there am I right-course I am, but don't let the weather fool you my friends there's suppose to be a BIG rainstorm approaching later on at night so be safe when driving back from where you were. Weather aside, hey I have another personal message to shout out to my old friend Greentits." "Kevin I don't think we'll have time for another one of your 'Special Message to Greentits' sorry Torrent." said his partner. "No this is a good one." he clears his throat "How's life being a lowly Mechanic Greentits? It must have been years hasn't it, since we seen each other? I gotta say, I feel sooooo sorry for you, what with all you the only one running that run down 'Wrench O-Rama' of yours, ha, hey remember that time I paid you a visit? I feel bad that your workshop that's going under and you getting paid little by little from your customers that's if you have any, while I-" *WHAM* The clock was smashed by a sledgehammer. "Shut it, shithead." Yep, that's me, Torrent, age 17, height at eight foot-seven, my occupation, I'ma mechanic and let's just say that I'm not really a sociable guy, both my parents are passed away, both died in a car crash. I walked to the door with my vest on then I grabbed my Duct tape then placed it around my wrist. Opening the door, the sun was bright, bright enough that I had to shield my eyes for a second for them to adjust to the light. As I walk to my motorcycle I heard laughter from the people next door. I decided to ignore it because he was listening to my so called friend's 'Special Message' so I stated up my bike and drove off. - Wrench O-Rama 5:30 pm "Another day of no customers in sight." During my "slow" day I decided to finish the works on a few side projects I've been doing. "Okay…Let's take this then duct tape to the back of here and~… done" As I started to put my projects and anything that would prove useful away in my bag I heard knocking on the door. 'That's odd, why would come by when I am about to close up shop? The knocking then turned into ferocious pounding. “Alright, Alright hold your horses I’m coming.” As I opened the door I was greeted by a figure that looks feminine in a black suit and face was covered a black mask. Said woman then looked at a clipboard that was in her hand, her eyes shifted towards whatever was on the clipboard then back at me, then repeated it for a few more seconds then spoke. “Are you Torrent James Braddock?” “Yeah, who wants to know?” “This envelope is for you.” she said pulling out an envelope and handing it to me. “What's inside?” “Open it for yourself, I must be off now, you have a safe drive home, suppose to get nasty.” she finished then she walked to her car then drove off. I shut the door then looked at the clock. 'It's only 5:50 I still have ten minutes...' With that, I grabbed a piece of shrapnel then open the envelope. I reached in pulled out a small scroll the was tied with a ribbon into a bow and at the base of the knot it had a small pin with a horseshoe engraved on it. 'This better not be another prank from that dickhead of an anchorman.' I mentally said. I prepared myself for another of that guy's prank, I untied the ribbon then set it aside, then I slowly unraveled the scroll. To my surprise, when I caught a glimpse of the first sentence the handwriting on it looked like it was done with a quill and ink bottle. I soon then unrolled the rest of the paper and it reads: 'Dear Mr. Braddock, We do apologize for this sudden inconvenience upon you, but what this letter has to say is that you've been personally invited by both me and my sister to attend the 'Summer Sun Celebration' in Canterlot. Not only will you witness my little sister lowering the moon and me raising the sun, but are newly crowned Princess Twilight will be taking part in this celebration. It will begin early before the dawn of tomorrow we hope for you to attend Mr. Braddock. Sincerely, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna' “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna” I finished. I then stared at this letter but then I crumbled it up then threw it away. “Ha, that was the dumbest prank that anchorman has ever pulled. I mean really this whole princess gig and celebration, I even remember back when he sent me that fake winning lottery ticket.” I looked back at the clock it was now 6:00 pm. “Well, time to close up shop.” as I threw the envelope away but there was a loud clunk as it hit the trash can. I picked it back up from the trash then took what looked like a key. It was a golden key with a weird looking emblem at the base. I then put the mysterious looking key in my pocket, place my sling duffel bag around my shoulder then close up shop. - On the road 9:30 pm 'Just what was that letter for? It surely didn't that anchorman's handwriting.' My thoughts on that letter were soon interrupted as felt raindrops on me. “Goddammit.” I cursed. And to make my situation worse, as I drove down the road to my house, I was soon stopped by a construction sign saying: Road in need of repairs, Please take the detour path. The bottom of the sign then showed an arrow curved to the left. “This is odd, why is this road close when it was just fine this morning? I questioned then look past the sign. I couldn't see any heavy machinery, let alone any work was done beyond the blockade, then I looked to my left the road leading to a tunnel, but what was not right was there wasn't even a tunnel there, to begin with. I hesitated for a few moments then said: “Well, I guess I don't have any other options now do I?” 'I hope this isn't an optical illusion.' I then turned left then slowed down my engine towards the “tunnel”. As soon as I was a mere 2 feet from it I soon then stopped my bike, picked up a random stone then threw it at the tunnel. To my surprise, instead of it bouncing off, it went right through. I sighed in relief knowing that the tunnel is real. “Well, maybe this will take me to alternate route to my house.” I soon then turned my engine back on then head down the tunnel. - In the tunnel. 10:30 pm “Man this tunnel seems to go on forever,” I said As I continue to drive down this never ending tunnel the thoughts about my past came back into my mind. Flashback 12 years ago “Hey dad, what does being a mechanic mean?” “Well son, people always say that being a mechanic means you can only just fix machines right?” “Yea.” “But there's an old saying: ' We were born in a time when if something was broken, we would fix it, not throw it away'.” “What does that mean?” “It means, is that a mechanic can not only fix machinery, but they can fix anything.” “How can one do that?” he soon then placed his hand on my shoulder. “You'll find out soon it time son.” Present I soon then stopped my train of thought when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. “Finally...” I said. But I then noticed that there was a cliff side that guarded by a rail. All of a sudden, my bike started to speed up. “What the hell?” I tried to use my brakes but it wasn't working, it just makes it go even faster. “Why in the hell is it doing this?” my voice becoming more anxious. I soon then tried to turn around, but the steering was locked in place. I soon then looked back up, I was at 90 mph and it was still increasing. I soon looked ahead, with my speed still increasing and my steering rendered useless I had only but one thing to do. “I'll drive over the cliff.” Then, immediately after I said that, I was soon airborne, as I flew through the air I soon then got a good view of my surroundings. But what was not right was everything around me was brightly colored and it was day and night split in half. Before I could fully grasp the situation the forest beneath me caught my attention. It had shades of green with some kind of blackness moving within it. I soon then felt a wind current beneath my legs, it was a sure sign that I was starting to fall. I tilted my bike forward, waiting for the impact. I soon then hit the ground with a loud thud but it wasn't enough to keep my bike from stopping. As I continued to swerve pass tree after tree with strange looking black colored vines covered in thorns on them I was soon catapulted off my bike then I slammed face first into a tree. “Ugh...” I groaned from the impact. I lifted myself up off the ground then brushed some leaves and twigs off my clothes, I then checked for any damage. “Only a couple scratches on the arm.” I took some medical bandages from my bag then wrapped it around my left arm, then looked at my bike. “I think that bike is still able to start.” As I was starting to walk back, something then coiled around my ankle, causing me to trip. “Oof!!!” I landed on my hands, managing to cushion my impact. I looked back then saw those weird looking vines wrapped around my ankle. What was even more bizarre the vine slowly tugging me upwards until I was suspended upside down. “What in the living hell kind of vines are these!!!” I shouted. The vine that held me up soon then threw me making me hit another tree. I then picked myself off the ground then saw those vines coming towards me. “I don't know how I can explain this...” I soon reached into my bag then pulled out the Sledgesaw then turned it on. “BUT I'LL BE DAMMED IF I DONE IN BY WEEDS!!!” - In the forest “Damn these things just keep coming!!” it's been well over 2 hours, chopping vine after vine after vine, only to be replaced with a lot more. “AHH SCREW IT!!!” I then slid the weapon down my hand until it touched the head of the hammer end. I soon started to spin in a complete circle, with the weight of the saw increasing my momentum I then let go of the weapon, causing it to fly forward, chopping down a pathway for me to get through, it soon stopped when it came in contact with a far tree. I soon then took off in a full sprint down the path before more of those vines blocked it up. I narrowly made it through, grabbing my weapon from the tree from the process then continued sprinting. As I ran for a good 5 minutes I came to a sudden halt as I was nearing a cliff. I removed the bag from my shoulder then I fell flat on my back from fatigue. “My heart feels like a machine gun off.” I said while inhaling deeply. All of a sudden I heard a feminine voice screaming. “A cragadile! Run for your lives!” I shot up then looked over the cliff and saw a huge gator like creature made of rock and it appeared to be cornering something. I then look directly below me and I saw two figures, I couldn't make out what they looked like because those vines were blocking my view. Regardless, I had to do something, I then reached into my bag then pulled out the Grenade Launcher. “HEY UGLY!!!” I shouted. The creature then looked up, its eyes fixated on me now. “Let's dance.” I soon then shot a few rounds of grenades which made the creature fall back to retreat. I soon then jumped down then landed on my knees. I then soon then turned around to see who I saved and then my jaw felt like it hit the ground. One was a female looking winged unicorn horse, she had purple fur, purple eyes, she had hands similar to hands but she had a finger missing, she had hooves for feet, she a crown that rested on top of her head and she was wearing a mixture on what seemed to be royal attire mixed with casual clothing. I looked to my right and saw a male dragon with purple scales, green spines, emerald eyes, unlike the girl the wasn't wearing any clothes. Both their faces had a mixture of shock and surprise, both of them remained silent, myself included, after what seemed a few minutes of awkward silence the girl then spoke. “Thank you for saving us.” I felt sweat trickling down my face, I tried to hold back my outburst, trying not to freak out in considering that a talking human-like female horse just thanked me for saving them. I took a deep breath to calm myself down then said “I-It was nothing...” "Oh… you speak Equestrian." "Equestrian, who and what are you?" I questioned. "Oh! Where are my matters," she then cleared her throat "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight. And this one here on my left," she then patted her hand on the dragon's head "is my number 1 assistance, Spike the dragon." "Hey there." Spike greeted. "It's nice to meet you both, my name is Torrent." "Maybe you can tell me what's going on here? You got any Intel on the situation happening right now?" I asked. Twilight soon told me what was going on up till this point. About she was preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration, the princesses mysterious disappearance, the day and night being cut in half and these vine things growing out of control. "So tell me why is it that you and your friends are in this forest anyway?" "Because there is something wrong with the 'Tree of Harmony'." "Tree of Harmony?" "There must be something wrong with the tree, maybe it's the reason why the Everfree forest is invading." "I see, well I still don't get why would this forest be invading just for some kind of powerful gems, but one thing for sure is that we have to find this Tree of Harmony and see what's up?" "We?" Twilight questioned. "I wish to help you if it's alright though." “Are you sure your up to it? It's pretty dangerous out here.” Spike questioned. "If I can survive a nearly 100-foot drop and these weird looking thorn vines, I'm sure that I can handle anything that this forest can throw at me." All of a sudden a vine that was knotted into a lasso was wrapped around my waist, and then I heard a woman's voice in a heavy southern drawl. "WATCH OUT TWILIGHT!!!" Before I had time to react I was jerked back to the ground. “Twilight dearie are you all right?” I heard another female in a sorta snobbish type voice. “Yeah! When we got separated by that huuuuuuuuge cragadile we were like “Oh no Twilight's in danger!” but then all of a sudden we heard multiple stuff go BOOM we soon then followed the sound of the noise to find out when you were about to be attacked by this...” I then saw a pink looking horse girl that didn't have any wings or a horn, talking at least a mile an hour looking straight at me. “Weird looking stallion and then we were like “Oh no Twilight's going to be eaten by this thing” so Applejack took a vine and-” She was soon silenced by Twilight's hand over her mouth. “Girls there's no reason to be alarmed, Torrent is going to help us to find the Tree of Harmony.” said Twilight. “Torrent?” They all said simultaneously. “That's his name. Now Applejack, can you untie him please?” I turned around to see an orange horse wearing a Stetson cowboy hat, a checkered pattern gingham shirt that was tied into knot making her belly partly visible and jean shorts. What was odd though is when I caught a glimpse of her hip there was a picture of what looks like three apples. She soon untied the knot of the vine then I let myself then brush off some dirt. “Torrent,” Twilight started “these are my friends.” “This is Applejack.” “Howdy.” she greeted “Rarity.” “Charmed I'm sure.” “Pinki-” she was soon cut off by pink blur that zoomed right pass her then the next thing I knew, my vision became pink. Pink then blue, her eyes were locked on mine and to make things more awkward her eyes were bugging out. She kept bug eyeing me for a good thirty more seconds then spoke. “Meh, I got nothing.” she then hopped backwards towards her friends. As I was saying,” Twilight continued “This is Pinkie Pie.” “HI!!!!” “This here is Rainbow Dash.” “What's up?” 'The sky.' I mentally joke. “And lastly Fluttershy.” Her friend who she called Fluttershy surely lives up to her name, I can see her hiding behind Twilight's back and I swear that I can hear some slight whimpering from her, and in complete honesty, I found it kinda cute. “You have to forgive Fluttershy she's-” “Painfully shy around newcomers.” I said, finishing Twilight's sentence. “Yes.” “Well, since that we're acquainted with each other, we got a tree to find.” I said As I soon turned around, Rainbow landed right in front of me. “Woah, woah, woah just where do you think you're going?” “He's going to help us find Tree of harmony Dash.” answered Twilight. “You sure that we can trust him Twilight? He doesn’t look like any stallion that we've seen before.” “Then if he was evil, then how would you explain he saved both me and Spike from that creature?” “Good point, welcome to the club dude.” Rainbow said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. As we ventured further into the forest I soon notice Applejack with a concerned look on her face. “Hey Applejack, is something wrong?” I questioned. “Well now that you mention it... Twilight has been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna come after us? You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her." Twilight then turned around facing us. “What? Why?” she questioned. “Well for starters, you just about got eaten by a cragadilly.” “We all did. He wasn't after just me.” “Sure, but... well, the rest of us aren't princesses.” “What's that got to do with anything?” “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone. If something happened to you, I-I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess.” “Applejack does make a valid point. Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence.” Rarity added. “But the Tree of Harmony! I'm the only one who has seen it and knows what it looks like.” Twilight argued. “Huge tree, cutie marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it.” said Rainbow Dash. “All of you feel this way? Feel like I shouldn't be here?” Twilight said as she began to tear up. “It is probably for the best.” said Fluttershy. Twilight then looked towards me. “What do you think?” she questioned. “I've been here for...” I looked at my watch but the arrows were spiraling. 'Dammit, my watch is screwing with me, time must run differently here.' “...for not so long but judging from the way your friends are acting right now, I'd it's for the best.” Twilight just said nothing then continued to walk back, as her friends departed the other way leaving only me and Spike. Spike soon then started to catch up with Twilight but was stopped by my hand colliding with his shoulder. “Hey Spike, aside from Twilight being a princess and all tell me, what is it that makes her special?” He then slid my hand off his shoulder then looked at me straight in the eyes. "Twilight has done many brave things here in Equestria. Back then, she never really thought that friendship would solve anything, that is until Princess Celestia gave Twilight a task to go to Ponyville and make friends. She really came along way, but she wouldn't be where she is now with the help of her friends, they'd vanquished Nightmare Moon and in doing so reunited Celestia's little sister Princess Luna, they defeated the god of chaos Discord not to mentioned she helped Fluttershy reformed him and they also save the crystal empire along with my help and saved her BBBFF's wedding and Twilight help saved her friends destines." "BBBFF?" "It stands for 'Big Brother Best Friend Forever'." "Oh..." "Point being, Twilight's friends will soon know that they'll need her as much as she needs them." "Heh." I chuckled. “What's so funny?” Spike questioned. “I gotta say, that girl and her friends got guts to go through hell like that, including you, point blank, Friends stick together to the end.” “Right, but that won't happen unless I convince Twilight to come back.” “One more question for you Spike.” “Yeah?” “Can you wield a weapon?” - I was walking with the rest of Twilight's friends deeper into the forest. "Excuse me, Mr. Torrent" Fluttershy asked. "Yes?" "I've been wanting to ask, but why are you helping us find the tree of harmony?" "I have to say, I'm also curious as well?" Rarity added. "Me too." said Rainbow Dash. "Me three." AppleJack said. "Me fourth!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Well, to be honest, I really don't know myself." I answered. "Then why are you willing to help if you don't really have a reason?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I don't need a reason to help pe-ponies that is in need of help." With that, we continued our walk through the forest. "Anypony else starting to think this is a lost cause?" Rainbow started "We're almost at Celestia and Luna's old castle. Maybe whatever Twilight saw when she took that crazy potion wasn't real. Maybe there is no Tree of Harmony. Maybe–" "Maybe it's right down there." AppleJack said cutting off Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then gasped. "It can't be!" I looked over to the far end of the canyon, there was a cave giving off a bright glow. "How are we supposed to get to it?" Rarity questioned. "Whoa!" I heard Pinkie. We all turned our heads to the right to see Pinkie falling down some stairway. "Oof! Ugh! Take the stairs, silly!" she said making her voice echoed through the canyon. "Does she always seem to do this?" I questioned towards Rainbow Dash. "Yea." - Tree of Harmony. I followed Twilight's friends into the cave to see what looked like the tree with those thorn vines wrapping around it like a snake. Fluttershy then gasped, “I think it's dying!” “So let's save it already!” exclaimed Applejack then soon started yanking the vines, only to follow of her yanking too hard causing her to fall backwards. Rainbow soon then followed, only to be smacked another vine. As Rainbow got up she looked over at me sitting on a boulder, in this pose. Rainbow soon then flew up to my face with a confuse her face. "Hey?" she asked. I remained silent. She soon waved her hand in front of my face, but my eyes were shut. The rest then walked over to my position while Rainbow was trying to get my attention. "Hellooo! Anypony home?" Still silent. "Alright man, just what in the hay are you doing are you going to help us or n-" I interrupted her by raising my hand in front of her face. "If you want to know what I'm thinking of our next move." I answered. "Then what's with the pose then?" she questioned. "This pose is called "The Thinker"." "The Thinker?" Rainbow questioned "I'll explain later, no-" I then heard the sound of Spike's voice. I shot up from the boulder, then rushed outside to see Spike falling down the stairs. I then ran over to him then picked him up. "Are you all right Spike? SPEAK TO ME DAMMIT!!!!" I screamed. Spike soon then clenched my shirt "Twilight! Trouble! Help!" then he blacked out. I let him back on the ground then turned towards the group. "All of you, see if you can tend to any injuries that he's got." I demanded. "What about you?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm going to get Twilight." "We're going with you." Rainbow Dash said. "Alright." We all then ran back up the stairway then within the bushes near Twilight's position. I peaked through the the bush to see Twilight barely conscious and being bombarded by some kind of knockout gas being sprayed from a spider-like plant. I turned towards the group then said as I took out my Rocket Punch. "Alright guys, here's the plan; on the count of three, I will go and create a diversion while I'm doing so, I want the rest of you to get Twilight outta there. Sound like a plan?" They all nodded their heads. I then face back to the opening then held my left fist out ready to fire, then I started to count. "1." The plants crept closer to Twilight. "2." One of the plants soon let out a screech as it dove down on Twilight. "3!!!" then immediately after I said three my glove shot off a projectile, hitting the plant that was nearly about to attack Twilight dead center. The other plants looked over to the direction on where the shot came from, I then sprang from bushes in a full sprint towards the rest of the plants. As I was nearing the first plant it charges towards me, as soon I was within striking distance I leap from the ground then perform a Superman punch with my left, it hit with enough force for my glove to go through the head. I then saw the last plant right behind me ready to hit me with that gas. It soon then sprayed the gas, but I countered it by using the plant that was still lodged in my glove as a makeshift shield. I then flung the plant that was in my fist then I charged up my right. As the plant neared me, I then pulled an uppercut with my right then screamed. "SHORYUKEN!!!" It landed just below the head, the impact caused it to ascend a few feet in the air, then made it unconscious when it landed. I then look over towards Twilight's friends who were still in the process of getting Twilight out, had an impression of shock and amazement. "What?" I asked innocently. "What in the hay was that?" Applejack questioned. "What is what?" "Those moves man! Just where did you learn those AWESOME moves?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "That's not important right now, what is important is that we need to see if she's okay." I said pointing at Twilight beginning to stir. I placed her arm behind my shoulders to help her up. "I sure am glad you came looking for us." Applejack said in relief. "Not as glad as I am that you found me." Twilight answered. Rarity then walks towards us then said, "The truth of it is, Twilight, we're simply lost without you." "Yeah." agreed Rainbow dash "Equestria may need its princess..." "... But we need our friend." Fluttershy finished. It soon then followed by all of them embracing each other in a big group hug, I didn't know if they have noticed that I was within the embrace due to me still holding Twilight up. - Tree of Harmony. We soon then made our way back to the Tree of Harmony, Twilight then flew up closer to the tree but then a vine grabbed her hand but she cut it with a beam with her horn. She soon then hover there with a few seconds then came back down. "I know how we can save the tree. We have to give it the Elements of Harmony." she said "Whoa, whoa, whoa, heh." Rainbow said, "How are we supposed to protect Equestria?" "How are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity added. Applejack then stepped in "Twilight... The Elements of Harmony... They're what keep us connected no matter what." "You're right about one thing, Applejack. The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the Elements that will keep us connected. It's our friendship. And it's more important and more powerful than any magic. My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested, but it will never, ever be broken." 'That has got to be the cheesiest and yet moving speech I have ever hear in my life.' I mentally stated. "There's no time to lose. Everypony ready?" Twilight questioned. "Ready!" they agreed. Twilight then Illuminated then took the gems that were within the necklaces of her friends then she took the gem that was within her crown. Those vines then took hold of Twilight but then I soon cut them off. "What are you waiting for? Put'em in the tree!" I said She then put the gems in a specific order with the gem that was in her crown in the center. The gaps in where they were placed in closed then unleashed a bright light. I shielded my eyes with my arm considering how bright it was, I then notice the vines starting to disintegrate. I then noticed two peculiar mounds of those vines next to the tree starting to disappear, on the right side of the tree it revealed snow white colored winged unicorn with rainbow colored hair that was swaying in the non-existent wind. The one on the left also revealed a winged unicorn but was a tad smaller, with dark blue colors and had a starry night-colored hair and like the first one it too was swaying the non-existent wind. Twilight then ran up towards them, then wrapped both her arms around there necks. "We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them." the white one spoke on who I'm thinking is Celestia. But the hug was soon cut off by the centerpiece of the tree glowing, the color's of each gem on tree's branches traveled towards the center, then down the trunk coloring in a sun and a moon, then the root of the tree. A flower then grew from it, the bulb then opened revealing a box with six keyholes. "What's inside it? How am I supposed to open it?" Twilight questioned. "Six locks, six keys." the other princess said on who I assumed is Luna. Twilight then look at Celestia. "I do not know where they are. But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone." she said. "Excuse me?" They turned around including Twilight and her friends and looked at me. Celestia and Luna then smiled then walk towards me. "Ahh yes," Celestia started "You must be Torrent James Braddock, It's a pleasure to meet you." "Likewise, and you must be Princess Celestia correct?" "Yes, and this here is-" "Your little sister Princess Luna." I finished her sentence. "A smart one he is sister." Luna said to Celestia. "I agree, since that you are here Mr. Braddock I'm assuming you received our letter we have sent to you." "Both of you sent that letter?" I questioned. "Why yes, who else could have sent a royal message?" Luna questioned. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." With that, the princesses took their leave, they told me that I will be partaking within the event as well. - Timeskip Canterlot I stood behind the stage with Twilight while the royal guards blew the trumpets Celestia and Luna walk ahead of us, Celestia then looked back towards me. "After Twilight dose her part I will then announce you to come forth to introduce you to Equestria" she said. They then walk a little further for them to be seen by the huge crowd, Celestia then spoke. "Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna." The crowd then started cheering as Luna flew into the air, her serrated horn then glowed an aqua blue hue, I looked behind me and I saw the moon began to set. I turned around to see that Celestia was aligned with her sister in the air, her horn giving off a yellow hue. I notice my shadow was starting to form, I looked up to see that the sun was rising. When the sun and the moon were aligned in the sky Twilight's horn glowed then took off. When she went through the sun and moon an explosion happened revealing an image of a purple star, then the sun rose higher into the sky. Both the Princesses and Twilight landed right next to each other. "Now then..." Celestia started "...Citizens of Equestria, it also with great pleasure that I introduce a new face here in Equestria. Do not be warned my subject this man is nothing for you to be afraid of. To what Twilight has informed us, this man has helped save Equestria during its time of great peril so without further ado: I humbly introduce Mr. Torrent James Braddock!" That was a signal for me to present myself. I walked forward until I was in full view, the crowd then cheered but I remained silent. Twilight then nudged my arm. "Go on say something." she said as she levitated a microphone in front of me. I hesitated for a few seconds but then I cleared my throat then said. "...Glad to be here..."