Living Flame

by Random Gamer

Vivax Flamma

Scared and unable to think straight, she woke up Spike from his slumber.

"What... mommy?" he said, half-asleep but after seeing Twilight, his eyes opened wide. "You're not mommy." He rolled to the side of his bed and covered himself in the blanket again.

"Spike, I need you help!" said Twilight, in an effort to get him out of his bed.

"My help?" he asked, apparently still angry after yesterday. "When were you when I needed yours?"

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday, but you know me and my books." she replied, trying to calm him down. "I just don't know where to stop. That's why I have you." Spike pretended he didn't hear her but eventually got out of bed and they shared a hug.

"But I won't be your assistant forever, I-" he said, but was cut off by Twilight.

"have a crush on Rarity?" she said with a smile. "Oh come on, Spike. I already know that." Spike blushed and smiled.

"So.. what do you need help with?" he asked. Something akin to an explosion happened inside Twilight's head and she immediately remember why she woke him up. It drove her completely crazy and speechless, so instead of telling him what happened, she grabbed him using her magic and ran downstairs. Spike immediately noticed what was wrong but only after a small piece of wood fell on his head he noticed that there's a fiery hole in the ceiling.

"Ow... what... what happened?" he asked, unable to comprehend what he saw. "Twilight, what did you do?"

"I... I did something I wasn't supposed to!" she said, running amok. "She lied to me, SHE LIED TO ME!!!" Spike waited a couple of minutes before instantly calming her down with another hug.

"Calm down." he said. "Now, tell me what happened. Slowly." One does not simple get "fixed" after a mental breakdown and Twilight was the perfect example of someone trying and failing.

"I had a dream. A mare in the dream convinced me that she's trapped in the book and I agreed to help her." she said, somehow calmed down. "I did as she told me, used the spells to summon her but..."

"What happened after that?" asked Spike, worried that Twilight did something very wrong. "Hmm?"

"She lied to me... She wasn't an innocent trapped in the book." said Twilight. "She was a demon. The book was her prison and I sent her free..." Spike's heart stopped after she made the last sentance.

"What now, WHAT NOW WHAT NOW WHAT NOW?!" shouted Twilight, once again losing her mind. Spike kept his presence of mind and begun writing a letter to Celestia herself and soon after sending it, the Princess herself flew down into the library through the hole the demon had created.

"Twilight, is this-?" she asked. Twilight, who was running around like a scared chicken stopped and didn't say a word. "Did this really happen?"

"Y-yes..." stuttered Twilight and lowered her head in shame. A concerned look appeared on Celestia's face, as she was worried about her student.

"Spike sent a letter to me that said how it happened," said the Princess, softly lifting Twilight's head with her hoove. "but I want to hear it from you."

"A mare appeared in my dream and convinced me to free her." said Twilight, tears rolling down her cheeks since she knew would be punished. "I did as I was told but the mare was a demon in disguise. She tricked me."

"A demon?" asked the Princess. "In a book?" She looked around and saw the very book Twilight used. She recognised it and the book did too, since she had no problem handling it with her magic.

"My old spellbook..." she said. "I though it was long lost."

"You... you used a spellbook?" asked Twilight, curious as to why someone as gifted in magic would neen one.

"It was a backup plan in case the Elements of Harmony would fail against Discord." she lectured her and turned the pages of the book once again to the summoning spell. "This demon, the same one you released, cannot be stopped by conventional means. That is why I though it would work agaings the draconequus."

"How can it be banished or defeated then?" asked Twilight.

"A bond with a demon can be broken, but the chains on both the caster and the summoned remain." said the Princess, pointing to Twilight's left front hoove. "In other words, they can be rejuvenated and that is the only way a demon can be banished. However, a special object is required for this procedure and acquiring it is almost impossible."

"I'll do it." Twilight responded, knowing that she was the one who was responsible for the whole situation.

"Have you lost your mind?!" said Spike, not believing she volunteered on something that sounded like a one-way trip.

"I'll be fine Spike, I promise." replied Twilight and smiled at him.

"Very well." said the Princess. "I can take you there right away, but there's no guarantee you'll get back. Not even I can safely travel through that place. Be careful, Twilight."

"I have to do it. If I won't, who will?" said Twilight and the Princess started casting a spell that lifted her off the ground.

"Of all the promises, please keep this one. Please..." Spike said worryingly and she disappeared.