//------------------------------// // Chapter 56 // Story: The Darkness in our Souls // by Black Light //------------------------------// Chapter 56 Rainbow and I sat up on the cloud a few minutes longer before returning to the ground to get ready for Flare and Cloud’s wedding. The ceremony was scheduled to begin at noon, by Celestia’s request, something about it being symbolic. On my way back to my room to get my suit I made sure to stop by the kitchen and grab something to eat before I changed. I showered and styled my mane so I was presentable before donning the suit Rarity had made me. When I was putting it on I could still see the grey aura around it that would take some time to get used to. I made my way back down towards the garden once again to satisfy my paranoia and make sure everything was still in place. I could see Applejack over by the gazebo where to reception was going to be, checking over the multitude of apple based dishes the Big Mac had brought up. Turing my attention to the stage where the ceremony was going to be I saw both Twilight and Celestia talking and looking over everything. I smiled and made my way over to them. “Ah Shadow, good you’re back.” Twilight said noticing me. “Yeah, got myself all spruced up and everything. Is everything ready to go?” I asked her. “It should be. I’ve looked over everything on my lists-” I rolled my eyes. “Hey, lists are important.” Twilight told me seeing my eyes. “Of course they are Twilight, of course they are.” I responded with a smile. I then turned to Celestia. “So, is that thing I asked you about going to work out?” I asked her. “Yes, after a short talk they agreed.” Celestia told me. “Wait, what thing?” Twilight asked looking between Celestia and me. “The thing I talked to her about yesterday, the special request I asked her for.” I answered. “You mean the thing with the brownies?” Twilight questioned. “Yeah, that was a lie.” I told her. “What?” she responded “Listen don’t tell Rainbow, but I actually asked Celestia if she would be able to convince the Wonderbolts to be the entertainment for the reception.” I told her. “And you wanted it to be a surprise for Rainbow.” Twilight said. “Exactly.” I confirmed. “So you really didn’t want to try and make brownies.” She asked me. “Twilight, you saw what happens when I try to cook. Do you really think I would willingly put myself in that situation?” I countered. “Good point… I still want to know how-” Twilight started. “For the last time, I don’t know how I managed to set the water on fire!” I interrupted. Celestia was now looking in between Twilight and me. “Wait, what happened?” she asked. “I’m a terrible cook.” I answered. “And you set water on fire?” She continued. “As well as most of the first kitchen.” I added on. Celestia’s eyes widened slightly. “Don’t worry, we put it out. I’m pretty sure it’s already been repaired too.” Celestia’s gaze seemed to soften slightly. “Very well then, onto something more important though. I’ve heard some interesting information for Twilight this morning, concerning you.” “Is it about the whole Discord thing?” I asked. Celestia gave me a nod. “Alright then, I’m sure you have some questions so ask away.” I told her. She gave me a small nod and started to think of her first question. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!” she practically shouted, it wasn’t Royal Canterlot Voice level, but it was still enough to cringe. On the plus though, it’s a lot better than I was expecting. “I was thinking ‘what did I have to lose?’.” I answered unsure of myself. Celestia took a few deep breaths and calmed herself. “I wish Discord had obeyed my telling him to not discord any more of my subjects.” She said. “With the possibility of digging myself into an even deeper hole, he only discorded my magic not me, so technically he didn’t disobey what you told him.” Celestia shot me a glare that I shrank back from and covered my mouth. “I’ll shut up now.” I said from behind my hoof. Celestia gave a small sigh. “I apologize for being so serious about this, just some bad memories coming up.” “About when he ruled over Equestria, before you overthrew him?” I questioned. “Yes…and a few more recent memories.” She answered casting a glance at Twilight. I nodded in understanding. Twilight had told me how, she and all her friends had been discorded directly, and it didn’t sound like an enjoyable day. “I’m sorry for bringing them up again.” I told her. “It’s fine, I’m just worried is all.” She told us. “I see no reason for you to not be.” I responded. “With the past you share with him I can understand that you have some ill will towards him.” I told her. Celestia gave a small sigh. “Thank you for your understanding Shadow, you of all ponies should understand the difficulties with these type of things.” She said. I nodded. “Before he was overthrown you lived in constant fear of him, nopony can blame you for having some of that left over.” I said. Celestia started to smile. “Let us move on to more cheery topics now.” She said. “The Wonderbolts are currently staying in some of the guest rooms in the castle. They said they wanted to speak with you about how the performance should go.” She told me. “I’ll get right on that.” I said with a small bow before starting towards the gardens exit. I however paused in thought for a moment. I turned around to face Twilight and the Princess. “The exit is the other way isn’t it?” I asked them sheepishly. Both Twilight and Celestia rolled their eyes and nodded. “You may want to have a doctor look at you if you’re really this bad with directions.” Twilight told me. “Hey I can find the exact tree in a forest that I slept under five years ago, I’m just… not good with civilized directions.” I told them. “You could really find that tree?” Celestia asked me. “Of course” I answered. “It’s a fair ways into the forest, head south by south-west from the entrance in Ponyville. When you reach the small brook you need to start heading east until you run into the side of a mountain. Fourth tree from the opening of the small cave in the mountain. It was an elm tree I believe, quite unusual to be there actually.” I responded remembering the way. “…Or was that the tree from three years ago? No, no definitely five years, I remember the squirrels living in the tree weren’t very fond of me.” I looked up and saw Twilight and the princess staring at me in awe. “What? Oh right, I need to go meet the Wonderbolts.” I said turning around and starting to walk. “We just told you the exit was the other way.” I heard Twilight say. I turned around and continued walking. The Wonderbolts weren’t that hard to find once I got into the castle. I just had to follow one of the guards to their room. I knocked on the door to get their attention. “Who is it?” I heard Spitfire call out from inside. “It’s Shadow.” I called back. “The princess said you wanted to talk.” I heard a few hoofsteps and the door opened. Spitfire was in the door over her shoulder I could see Soarin. “Yeah, we wanted to discuss what routine we wanted to do for the reception.” Spitfire said as she ushered me in. “Well, why do you need me for that though?” I asked. “Shadow, how many times have you helped us with a practice course or plan out a routine?” Spitfire questioned me in response. “Uh, I don’t know ten, twelve times maybe.” I answered. “Alright now allow me to tell you a little trivia fact. Out of all our performances we’ve done. About ten or twelve of them have been rated by our fans as the best show we’ve put on.” Spitfire told me. “Why wouldn’t we invite the teams greatest unofficial manager to a planning meeting?” she continued. “I-uh-well, thank you, I guess.” I said unsure how to respond. “Good, now what’s your opinion?” I heard Rapidfire ask as he stepped up to a chalkboard in the room. “Hmm…” I started to think what would be the best show to put on for a reception. “I think it might be a good idea to do something a bit more slow paced, centralizing over precision instead of pure speed.” I answered. “Like the show we did in Las Pegasus a few years back?” Soarin asked. “Exactly, maybe a few less tricks. Just doing some skywriting, or some loops and spins at the most. It should be a longer performance so you wouldn’t want to do anything too strenuous.” I told him. “Oh, and also… no getting drunk after the show is over.” I said looking at Soarin. “Well what else was I going to do in Las Pegasus?” He tried to counter me. “You just need to lose all your bits just like everypony else.” I told him. After a small stare down the room erupted in laughter. I had forgotten just how much fun these pones got themselves into. Soon enough we had worked out a good routine for the Wonderbolts to do at the reception. I looked at the clock. There was still about two and a half hours before the ceremony began. I sighed looking down at the drink I had in my hooves. It was only Spitfire, Soarin and me left in the room. Spitfire seemed to notice and proceeded to ask me about it. “Yo Mere, why do you look so down all of a sudden.” “One, don’t call me Mere, two… It- it’s nothing just got some stuff on my mind is all.” I told her. “Now that’s no answer.” Soarin said. “Come on you can tell us, we’re your friends.” He told me. I started to think, then with a sigh. “Alright, it’s just… this whole wedding and everything has got me thinking. And I think-” I started but stopped about halfway through. Taking a deep breath and continuing. “-I think I want to ask Rainbow to marry me.”