//------------------------------// // A New Filly // Story: The Story of Sun Drifter // by SunDrifter //------------------------------// Chapter 3 A New Filly “I got five minutes to deliver this last package. I’ve got to hurry. Ditzy’s job is harder than I thought.” Sun Drifter said to himself as he took off down the road. “Let’s see. This package is to Celestial Orphanage? Alright, I didn’t know Ponyville had an orphanage.” Sun Drifter approached the two large doors of the orphanage and knocked on them as he took out the small package from his mail pouch. One of the doors creaked open with a little filly eyeing the blue pegasus trying to catch his breath. “You aren’t Ditzy. Where is she and why are you wearing her mail bag?” The little unicorn asked. Sun looked at the adorable grayish violet filly and began to explain “My name is Sun Drifter. I’m Ditzy’s friend and I am going to be temporarily doing her job. She got into an accident and had to go to the hospital. She will be all better very soon. I promise. Could I ask your name?” “My name is Dinky Doo. I’m Ditzy’s niece. Are you a nice stallion Sun Drifter?” The curious filly asked waiting for a response. “I do my best to be. Could I ask you to get an adult so they can sign for this package? If you could, I may have an extra muffin in here for you.” Sun said shifting through his pouch. The little filly gasped as she ran to get somepony from another part of the orphanage. Sun Drifter was soon met with a ruby colored earth pony with an honest smile. “I understand there is a package I need to sign for? “Yes ma’am. Just sign here and here and here. Then this will be all yours.” Sun Drifter requested as he held out a pen and clipboard. “Thank you mister?” “Sun Drifter ma’am.” He finished as he shoved the clipboard and pen into the mail bag. “Thank you Sun Drifter. I heard Ditzy had an accident. What happened?” The ruby pony asked sincerely. “She was helping with some clouds and something happened with a lighting cloud. She got shocked and I carried her to the hospital.” Sun explained. “Well I hope she is okay and why is your wing bandaged?” “I had to get under her to break the fall and it broke my wing.” Sun told the mare as he pointed at his delicately wrapped wing. “That is a very admiral act and along with you taking over her job I assume?” The mare asked as Dinky came up beside her. “Only until she gets better and Dinky, I have something.” Sun said as he rummaged through his bag and pulling out a paper bag. “I believe this is for you.” handing the bag over with a smile across his face. “Oh thank you so much mister Sun Drifter! Thank you, thank you, and thank you! The ecstatic pony shouted as she ran up and hugged Sun Drifter. “It’s my pleasure dear. I better be off before I’m late. I will tell Ditzy you said hi. Have a good day now.” He said as he waved his hoof at the two and took off down the road. “Why do they leave me these magazines? There all about farming equipment and the latest fashion. Bleh, I don’t understand them.” Ditzy said to herself as a knock came upon the door. “Come in.” “Hey Ditzy, you have a hard job especially since I can’t fly.” Sun Drifter said with a relieving tone as he sat at the head of Ditzy’s bed. “I told you that there would be a lot of ground to cover. You should listen more often.” Ditzy said with a chuckle. “Yea, I should. Also, I met a little filly named Dinky today. She was very nice and she says hi. I’m curious though, why is she in the orphanage?” Sun asked while he handed a white bag of muffins over to Ditzy. “You met my niece? Alright, what happened is my brother was in the guard and he had to go fight the changelings. One of them hit him with a spell while he was protecting his wife and Dinky. He fell down and didn’t get back up. His wife grabbed Dinky and ran. She didn’t get far, but Dinky managed to escape down here to Ponyville. I wanted to take her in but I couldn’t afford to feed another mouth. I love her so much and I thought it would be best for her if she stayed at the orphanage until I could get a job to pay for her to be here. I haven’t been able to get one though.” Ditzy explained to her close friend with tears falling off her face. “I miss them Sun. I miss them so much.” “Come here Ditzy.” Sun said holding the mare tight while her tears ran down his back and landing on his bandages. “I will adopt Dinky.” Ditzy pushed back on Sun Drifter in disbelief. “Are you serious? You would do that? You don’t have enough bits to support that filly.” With a blush turning him as red as an apple “I would if you were to be my special somepony. What do you say?” Ditzy paused at the question then spoke “Sun Drifter, I don’t know what to say. You are just so great. Of course I will be!” Ditzy squealed as she pulled Sun close to her hugging him tight as can be. “Ditzy! I can’t breathe! Loosen up a bit please.” Sun Drifter said forcing the words out of his mouth. She then relaxed her grip of her friend. “My bad Sun, I’m just so happy right now. I have you and I may be getting Dinky back soon too. We will need to save some money. Can we move in together, to save money and all that?” The mare said with a blush enveloping her. “Of course we can. Do you have an idea were? It would have to be on the ground because unicorns can’t walk on clouds.” Sun Drifter asked the ecstatic mare. Ditzy tapped her chin pondering on a thought “I had one place in mind, but we will have to wait till we are both working before we can adopt Dinky. Oh no! I just realized you can’t fly! What about the clouds for the sunset?” Sun looked at the mare with an assured smile “Don’t worry Ditzy, my friend Blazing Furnace is taking care of that. You know him right? He’s the royal blacksmith.” “How did you meet him? I wouldn’t expect you to be meeting anypony like that. No offense intended.” Ditzy asked in confusion. “It was about a week after we met and it turns out we get our baked goods at the same place. I was going in to get you some muffins and then I ran into him on my way out. As an apology, I bought him lunch. We talked for a bit and got to know each other. He is a great guy and apparently his favorite food is anything with dandelions in it.” Sun Drifter finished chuckling. “Wow. That is amazing. I have another question. Why did you bring me eleven muffins? You always bring me a dozen. You didn’t eat one did you?” Ditzy said pointing into the bag. “Yes. I ate one. What are you going to do about it?” Sun joked. “I’m going to nom on you! Om nom nom nom! Ditzy said grabbing the blue pegasus nibbling on his good wing. “Uh Ditzy please don. . .” There was a sudden pomf of air. Ditzy was pushed back by the wing and Sun Drifter was redder than a tomato. “Oh my, I think I found one of your turn ons. I will have to keep wing nibbling in mind. Wait until we go to the store together.” The grey mare teased. “You can be really evil sometimes you know.” Sun said as his wing was coming out of its pomf. “It’s just so cute to see you blush like that and this seems to be the easiest way to do it.” Ditzy squealed as she finished her sentence lost in thought. “I’m going to get you back you know.” Sun said pointing at Ditzy who was just laughing about it all. “How are gonna do tha. . .” Ditzy was cut off by Sun Drifter, but not with words. With a swift and sudden movement, Ditzy was wrapped up in Sun Drifters hooves. She felt the soft and delicate feel of Sun Drifter’s lips against hers. Ditzy was caught off guard, unsure what to do. She decided to close her eyes and enjoy ‘Sun getting her back’. Both Ditzy’s and Sun’s wings pomfed up as their lips tingled and a spark of passion that ignited the flames of their hearts ablaze. Sun left Ditzy’s lips as gently as he had embraced them. Ditzy was speechless. Sun looked at the blushing mare and chuckled. “My special somepony alright.”