//------------------------------// // New Faith // Story: Hope and Fear: Sunset Past // by Dasher924 //------------------------------// Captain Jim Highland walked through the halls of a specialized military base which, as Captain Highland lovingly describes it as “The place in the world where all the weird stuff happens.” Most of the “weird” stuff didn't actually happen at the base though. Highland was in charge of sending people out to investigate the weird stuff. By Highland’s definition, the very technical term “weird stuff” was defined as something that happens that conventional science or even physics might condone as “impossible” or at least extremely improbable. He had always wondered what he did to deserve having to work in a place where nothing ever made sense. He’d been in the business of weird stuff for about 5 years now. Even though he liked to complain about his job, he really did enjoy it. He got to see things that nobody else sees. His most interesting case happened about two years ago. They had started research on the possibility of dimensional travel; or if other dimensions even existed at all. On his team, he had some of the best scientists in the world. He was hoping one day to be able to open doors to other dimensions, although as of yet, that day has alluded him. Two years ago was the first real positive step taken toward the theory of dimensional doors. They had been theorizing different possibilities of energy output caused by a dimensional door opening. It was a few days after investigating energy outputs, when they noticed one that was similar to one of the possible outputs they had come up with. When they went to investigate, what they found was proof that dimensional travel was indeed possible. At the site of the energy burst, Highland found what seemed to be an ordinary human male. He looked maybe 22 or 23 years old. After this male was questions Highland found out that his name was Alan. He also knew that Alan had claimed that he get sucked through some kind of doorway, and was sent to someplace that was not Earth. After Highland explained his research to Alan, he thought that maybe he was sent into another dimension. Alan had claimed that he went to a place with no humans. He said that there were things like talking unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns, whatever they are. The Captain asked if he could take him to his base for a physical examination, and some tests, and possibly a free trip to a psych ward. After all the testing was done, Highland made a most unusual discovery. He felt that Alan may have really gone to another dimension. More than that, it seems he had not returned to this dimension alone. He brought back a creature that was not from this world. This other creature was apparently living inside of Alan. Through some of the tests, Highland discovered that this other creature was somehow enhancing Alan’s abilities, or at least his senses. Alan could see and hear things that are out of Alan said that when he calls the creature Shadow. Alan explained to Highland that Shadow lives inside of him, but has the ability to leave his body, and do whatever he wants. Shadow most closely resembled a wolf of some sort. Albeit, it looked like an alien wolf, but close enough. The name Shadow fit him pretty well. When he wasn't in wolf form, he looked almost exactly like an ordinary shadow. Highland decided that it would be an excellent idea to become friends with Shadow. He really didn't want to get on his bad side. Normally, Shadow prefers to stay inside Alan, as if Shadow was just a second personality to Alan. They seemed to be pretty good friends, which Highland couldn't decide if being good friends with his second personality was creepy or not. Either way, Highland also decided that it would be an excellent idea to become friends with Shadow. He really didn’t want to get on his bad side. He looked as if he could tear him apart in seconds. Then, over the last two years, Alan has helped Highland with some of his research into dimensional portals. Alan also has been trying to help the police catch criminals whenever he can, because that’s apparently what you’re supposed to do once you find out you have some sort of superpower. He even asked me if I could get him a police radio scanner so he could know where he needed to help. “Everyone loves to see themselves as heroes.” Highland thought. Alan was different, however. It was like he did it just because he felt it was the right thing to do. He didn’t seem to demand attention or thanks. In fact, he seemed to demand to not be thanked. Highland felt that his heart was truly in the right place. Either way, Alan liked to spread Hope wherever he can. “He works hard for no reward.” Highland thought. “I’ll have to see what I can do about that.” “I’m going to go for a walk, Mom. I won’t be too long.” Alan called into the house. “Ok then. See you later.” came the reply. Alan would periodically go for a walk and come back an hour later. He would just walk through his neighborhood, back and forth. He always said that he needed to clear his head, which Alan found that he needed, or maybe rather wanted, to do a lot for the last couple of years. A couple years ago something happened to him that only a handful of people know about, and probably even fewer understand. He didn’t even fully understand what had happened. Al he knew was that he was given the opportunity to help those in need, and he couldn’t walk away from that, at least not in good conscience. Alan started his walk through his neighborhood. He was thinking about all that he did. He looked down at the necklace sitting around his neck. He was told that it represented Hope. It also represented his friends. He felt that it could bring his friends together. Right now, he felt that together with his friends, he could do anything. When he was in that other world, he had the opportunity to spread Hope to others. He felt like that was what he was there for. It was as if his whole reason for living was to give Hope to others. He seemed to be pretty good at it so far. Whether is was Hope or faith, he was willing to believe that he could help others. While in the other dimension, he helped save the world one time, and he made several friends over the course of a week or so. Friends that he was losing hope that he would ever see again. “Humph,” Alan thought, “I’m losing hope in something. How ironic.” Sunset Shimmer walked down the hallways of Canterlot Castle. Usually she saw guards at pretty much every corridor. Right now, though, she saw none. Whatever sort of situation the guards had called Princess Celestia to it had to be something big. However, her mind was too much on attempting to find the spell book to really think too much about it. Sunset knew this castle pretty well at this point, and was able to travel its halls with ease. She was at first worried about getting into the Starswirl the Bearded section. Only the guards know the magic to access that portion of the castle, and she wasn’t sure that they would let her in without some good reason. When she reached her target section in the Canterlot archives, she realized that there were no guards stationed here either. That would make it easier for her to sneak in. A simple teleporting spell should do the trick, and in a few seconds she was successfully into the Starswirl section. She would have to work fast. The last thing she wanted to do was to get caught and have Celestia find out she’s been sneaking around a section she wasn’t sure she was really allowed in. She worked her around the room. “Celestia probably would put this kind of power near the back, away from peering eyes. She looked at the hundreds upon hundreds of books and scrolls lying at the shelves of the room. Most, probably untouched since the day they were placed here. For no reason in particular, at least no reason Sunset could figure out, her body wandered over to a bookcase that was probably filled up the least. It was probably a newer bookcase that they had yet been able to fill up all the way. She went right to the 2nd shelf from the bottom, and grabbed a book with her magic. She had no idea why she chose this book instead of one of the others in the room. It was as if it were calling out to her. She opened up the giant tome. The table of contents in the front of the book read off every spell that was listed in the book. Sunset looked through the table of contents. The book numbered off all the spells it contained with their names. Sunset did a double take as she looked the contents up and down. There were 50 spells listed, each with the same name: “Dimensional Portals” She flipped though the rest of the book. As far as she could tell every single page looked exactly like the others. They each contained the exact same spell. She looked closer at one of the pages. She examined the spell. “I’ve never seen a spell like this. I don’t know if I have what it takes to learn this spell.” Sunset thought for a minute then looked up with a determined look on her face. “I’m going to prove to Celestia that I don’t need friends in order to become stronger. I’ll show her that I’m going to become one of the highest level unicorns, and I’ll do it quicker than she could imagine. This spell should be enough proof. If I can make this work, Celestia will have to accept that I don’t need to waste my time with the Magic of Friendship.” Sunset looked over it one more time until she was sure she understood the spell. She then gathered all of her energy, both magical and otherwise. She took a deep breath and activated her magic. Even as her magic just started she could feel her energy slipping away. The spell was sucking an enormous amount of power from her. She could already feel her body protesting under the strain. He legs felt like rubber. She could feel herself about ready to collapse. She forced herself to stand strong. She wanted to at least be able to cast it once. A few seconds later, her endurance paid off. An extremely bright light penetrated Sunset’s closed eyes. She opened her eyes. She tried to look past the dots dancing in front of them, and saw that her spell had succeeded. She had opened a door to what she presumed, according to the title of the spell, was a different dimension. She only caught a brief glimpse of her success for a few seconds. Sunset started to sway for a second as darkness overcame Sunset, as she fainted from the strain. “Do you think we will ever get the opportunity to see Equestria ever again?” Alan asked out loud. Nobody seemed to be around, yet Alan heard an answer in reply. “I’m sure, if we’re needed again, we will be called. I think you need to just take a few days off and relax. You’ve been under a lot of pressure lately” If anyone would have looked down at Alan’s shadow at the moment would have noticed something strange, namely the fact that he had two of them. The second shadow released itself from Alan’s feet and actually created a solid form. “I know Shadow, but we don’t have too much chance to relax. “ “I know I know. We’ve got a job to do. I just wish we could take a day off every once in a while.” “I’m sorry, Shadow. You’re right. I--- A huge blast of light blew up right in front of them. Alan looked at what it was, and saw something he recognized. He saw a door that Alan remembered seeing two years ago. Wherever this door went, he had to let Highland know. Highland could trace Alan, and map out his destination. Hopefully, soon, Highland will be able to put together some sort of map of dimensions. Alan pulled a Bluetooth headset from his pocket and called Caption Highland. “Hi Captain. It’s Alan. I think I may have found some sort of dimensional door. I’ll go investigate as soon as you give me the green light.” Alan listened for the reply. “Of course, sir, I’m always careful. No Jim. That was not supposed to be sarcastic. Oh please, it’s been months since I accidentally almost blew myself up. Yeah yeah yeah, Whatever, Jim. I’m going in whether you’re ready to trace or not." Another pause "Alright then, here I go.” With that, Alan walked through the portal, and disappeared in a flash of light, as the door closed behind him.