
by Schaechterle25

Strange Events

“The moon is quite beautiful tonight,” the pony said aloud to himself, as he looked up at the thousands of sparkling stars in the nighttime sky that made it look like an exquisite piece of art. The street lamps of the outer parts of Canterlot shone a dim light, while the Nightmare Night decorations were lighting up certain areas of the streets as well. “Luna has certainly outdone herself this time. Too bad no one gives a flying feather about a poor beggar’s opinion,” he mumbled to himself. “Maybe I’ll get lucky looking through the alleys tonight and find a whole meal waiting for me with my name written all over it.”

The homeless pony had a grayish, dirty coloured coat with certain spots matted down. He obviously hadn’t had a good bath in months. He couldn’t even remember what his mane colour was anymore. It always looked brown and greasy with dirt and whatever else happened to stick to it when he slept. He had the idea of breaking the water pipes that were placed on the outside of some of the older buildings to wash himself, but thought that that would just get him into more trouble than he already was.

Beggars were looked down upon, mainly because it wasn’t that hard to find somepony that would provide work and plenty of coin to at least allow somepony like him to afford a cheap meal. It wasn’t his fault that he was just lazy and liked to get by with nopony bossing him around telling him what to do. He enjoyed other ponies doing work for him, and by that meaning, stealing other ponies’ belongings and food so he had to do less work. He also knew the alleyways like the back of his hoof, so if he got caught he could easily escape and hide in the alleyways and avoid detection.

“I bet Pony Joe has something good behind his store tonight. I think I’m going to head over there right now.” Talking to out loud was a way of making it seem like he wasn’t alone and he just liked hearing his own voice.

With Nightmare Night being only four days away, it was easy to find things amongst ponies’ trash, decorations to add to his “home”, and afterwards, scavenging all the candy that the little fillies didn’t want. Luckily he wasn’t a very picky eater.

Making his way over to Pony Joes he noticed that it was quieter than usual. Usually he could hear animals in the gardens, or ponies talking in their homes, but he heard nothing, which was quite unusual. As he made his way to over to the doughnut bar he hadn’t even bothered to notice that the moon became exceedingly brighter, but the resulting light had not brightened up anything. He had also not had the time to notice that rain clouds were starting to move in and cover up the night sky.

As he arrived at Pony Joes he could see that all the lights were turned off, except for some of the Nightmare Night decorations. “Off to the back. Then maybe I can sneak in and snatch a couple things from his storage room. Not like he’ll notice anything is missing,” the pony reassured himself with a chuckle. That’s when he noticed that a raindrop had landed on his head. “What the hay?” He looked up, now noticing that the entire night sky had vanished behind what looked like a single giant black cloud. Except for the moon, which seemed brighter than what it seemed to be? “Well is'nt that weird?” he asked himself.

It wasn’t pouring down rain, but only a single drop every now and then hitting the ground. “Going to have to speed things up a bit,” he started rummaging through the dumpster, throwing everything out of the bin all the while trying to be as quiet as possible. “What do we have here?” he asked as he pulled a paper bag out of the bin. He opened it up and emptied the contents into his right hoof. Pieces of different types of doughnuts fell out. “Jackpot!” he exclaimed happily.

He turned around to start heading back to his “home” when a horrible wave of stench hit him in the face like a ton of bricks. “Sweet Celestia, what is that horrible smell?” he said while burying his nose into his right leg while still holding the doughnut chunks in his hoof. Whatever it was, it was horrible. Other ponies often comment on how bad he smells since he hasn’t properly washed himself for a couple of months, or years, he had lost track of the date ages ago. He held the chunks of doughnut to his nose and wafted them. Nope it definitely wasn’t that. Maybe he smells worse than he thought; he began to think when he felt like somepony was watching him.

He quickly turned around and started looking around, but didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, except the moon, now even brighter than what it was two minutes ago, but still insisted on not lighting anything else around. Another raindrop landed on his head. “AHHH,” he jumped at the feeling of it. Startled, his sense of paranoia started to escalate with the fear of somepony still watching him.


He turned around again at the sound of the noise and seen a can rolling across the alleyway. “Alright, I’m starting to get creeped out a bit. The moon is acting weird, it’s completely quiet except for cans deciding to scare me, and I feel like I’m being watched by,” he gulped, “…something.” He shook his head, angered that he was becoming scared like a little filly.

“What do I have to be scared about? I’ve lived out here in the alleys for as long as I can remember.” He assured himself.

Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what made the can move. So he decided to go give the event a closer examination to see what had caused the can to move. He started to move towards the can, his steps breaking the silence as he slowly moved along. After about fifteen steps he got to the can. He stared down at it and slowly picked it up and read the label.

It read Colt-a-Cola.

“The names they give these types of things nowadays,” he whispered while chuckling to himself. He put the can down and trotted over to the spot it rolled from. He didn’t see anything that could’ve caused it to roll. “Maybe it was just the wind.” Even though he didn’t recall any gust of wind or even the slightest breeze since he’s been here. He had decided to finally start heading back “home” when he could’ve sworn he had seen something, an obscured shadow of something moving at around twenty-five hooves down the alley, which seemed to be rummaging through something.

“What the…?” He was confused, scared, and curious at all the same time and for some reason found himself moving down the alley to find out what it was. The shadow made it seem like it was going through trash bins trying to find something in them. Maybe it was an animal or another pony just looking for some food.


He hadn’t noticed that the rain had picked up a bit and was now creating some puddles on the roads.

Whatever was down the alleyway now knew that he was there. He could sort of make out the shadows head. It some way resembled a dog’s head. It was probably a stray.

“Come here doggy,” he called to the dog. The shadow then turned and ran away from him. It obviously didn’t want anything to do with him.

“No, wait,” he called out again. He always wanted a dog since he was a filly. Something else to talk to and spend time with other then himself and that stupid volleyball he had back at his shelter. He started galloping after it, determined to catch it. “Wait,” he yelled, “I just want to be friends.” He didn’t want to lose it, so he kept on running through the alleys and across the streets until he actually lost his way and forgot were he was. He had made so many turns that he become lost. No, it wasn’t possible. He knew the all the back streets and alleys, and yet, he didn’t even notice were he was right now. Maybe he had made a wrong turn and had somehow made his way in the inner sections of Canterlot, which means that guards would be on him in a bit. He turned around to start trying to retrace his steps when the smell had hit him again.

“Not that smell again,” he muttered as he placed his hoof over his nose to try to block out the smell. The smell was so bad that it had made him vomit a bit in his mouth, but he was forced to swallow it. His eyes even started to water a bit. He knew the smell though; it smelled like a dog was drenched in water and then left out to air dry, which meant that the dog had to be close, but why did the scent of wet dog seem so strong to his nose. They usually didn’t even smell that bad.

He felt eyes watching him again and turned around again to face were he was heading to before.
Two dark yellow eyes were staring out at him from the darkness about fifteen hooves away from were he stood.
He froze were he stood and started to tremble with fear, watching, as a figure about twice his size came out of the darkness and showed a bit of itself. It had a dog type of face with a bigger snout then it should’ve had. The eyes were dark yellow except for the pupils, which were pitch black and seemed to be staring into his very soul. It started to snarl and show its teeth to him, which were all quite large and completely white. The canine teeth towards the front of the mouth looked like they could tear a pony in two.

Why am I still standing here looking at this thing, he thought. I should be running away, why am I not running away, he continued to think to himself.

Then water from an overhang that was about two stories up had finally filled up had broke and sent water barreling down towards the frightened pony, which had made him break free of his shock. He shook himself off and did a complete one-eighty and began to run as fast as he could.

He threw himself up against the walls as he made random turns through the alleys. He didn’t care which way he went as long as he could find the road and find another pony’s house and begin to beat on the door in hope they would open it and let him hide inside, but he couldn’t find the road. No matter which way he turned he just came to another T-section.

“Really!” he yelled.

There was a dumpster and a pile of trash a little bit in front of him. He decided to hide behind it. He ran up to it and crouched down behind all the garbage and slowly peeked his head out from behind his cover, looking for any sign of the creature that he had encountered. He sat there in the same position just waiting. He would come out when he thought it was safe.

I might just stay here for the rest of the night, he thought, that sounds good, he continued in his mind. He looked around him and started setting up the trash in a shelter type of format.

The smell had hit him again and suddenly he felt dizzy. His vision blurred and he suddenly felt a weird tingling sensation in his side. He looked down at the ground below him and seen a giant red puddle beneath him that continuously crept outwards more. His whole right side was slashed and torn. He stumbled a bit and held his balance by keeping a hoof up against the wall beside him. He turned his head and seen a giant, blurry four-legged figure standing behind him.
The creature was behind me the whole time? He asked himself, “How did it get behind me?”

The whole world seemed to be spinning and turning, his vision just blurring even further. He stumbled away from the wall and fell to the ground in the pool of his own blood.

How had it gotten behind me, he continued to think, unable to think of anything else but that. That’s when he started to feel the pain, like he was on fire and he only wished to be back at his little home in his alley sound asleep.
Then a whole new pain had erupted on both sides of his head. The pain grew worse, and as he was lifted up off the ground he knew that the creature had his head in its jaw, and with the horror of that realization was followed by a final wish, for it to be all over soon. The clouds then let down a downpour of rain.

Twilight Sparkle had woken up to the scent of food. She sat up in bed and sniffed at the air. It smelled like waffles or pancakes. Spike must’ve been cooking waffles for breakfast today.

Yum, she thought. She could really use some food right now to wake herself up. She had another restless night of tossing and turning because of a nightmare. She had had the same nightmare for about three nights now, but tonight’s lasted longer and was clearer this time around.

She stood in an endless labyrinth of dark hallways, running around trying to find a way out, but to no avail never finding the exit. She would always wake up after giving up in her dream, but tonight’s she didn’t give up. She couldn’t because an unidentifiable monster with several razor teeth and sharp claws was hunting her down. She came to a dead end in the maze and then turned around to only be quickly killed by the creature.

It got so intense that she was planning on writing a letter to the princess asking her for her help. But what was important right now was getting the library cleaned up and then checking on the Nightmare Night decorations and making sure the festival was planned and ready in three days. What was even more important than all that were those waffles that Spike was making. She was hungry.

She got out of bed and headed over to the bathroom. She at least wanted to make herself look presentable. She called upon her magic abilities to open up her cupboard and took out her hairbrush while simultaneously picking up her toothbrush and toothpaste to start brushing away the grime on her teeth, the purple glow emanating from her horn and the objects she was commanding. She continued to brush her teeth for several more minutes while thinking about her nightmares.

They have to mean something. She thought.

She spit excess toothpaste into the sink and then washed her mouth out with some mouthwash.

What if they’re visions that tell my future! No, that’s not scientifically possible. There’s no way that can be true. Ponies can’t see into the future.

She began to head downstairs, still thinking about everything. I’m just going to have Spike send a letter to the princess and she’ll definitely help me. I really just want to go back to having a good nights sleep again.

“Good morning,” Spike greeted Twilight, breaking her out of her thought. Spike then showed her to the table were he set everything up. “You woke up just in time to try my new recipe."

“Waffles have recipes?” Twilight asked puzzled. She knew waffles had to have the simple batter and such, but what else do they need?

“Yeah, of course,” he answered back, “Pinkie Pie showed me it. It has chocolate chips in them.”

He sat them in front her and she began to eat them delightfully. They tasted okay, but she didn’t have the kind of sweet tooth that Pinkie had.

After taking the first bite she said, “Spike, I’m going out around Ponyville to check up on everything for the Nightmare Night festival. I want you to stay here and get everything cleaned up and start getting our decorations up too. Don’t want to be the only pony and dragon in Ponyville to not have decorations set up, do we.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, I’ll have everything set up before you get back today,” he assured her while saluting.

“Okay,” Twilight chuckled, “If you do you’ll get the day off tomorrow okay?”

“Yep,” Spike replied, “Don’t worry Twilight, it’ll be done.”

Twilight picked up her plate and put it into the sink and headed out the front door to begin checking on things.
The decorations were coming along quite nicely, fake spider webs and spiders on windows and certain parts of buildings, pumpkin carvings of silly faces on ponies’ front door steps, some lights here and there that were lit up despite it being in the middle of the morning, some fillies that were running around playing in their costumes when they weren’t supposed to be in them yet. Everything was looking good. Twilight decided to head over to Sugar Cube Corner first to check on the plans for snacks and beverages and then head over to the Carousel Boutique to see if Rarity had finished her costume yet.
Some ponies looked unnerved about something though, like they were scared of something. What has everypony shook up, she thought as she trotted on down to Sugar Cube Corner.

“Extra! Extra!” the mail mare, Derpy, was shouting out while flinging newspapers in the air for everypony to catch. “Strange occurrences in Equestria last night! Read all about it! Extra! Extra!”

Twilight caught one of the new editions of the Equestria Inquirer and looked at the front page.

She read the lead story out loud. “Equestria experienced some strange events last night when the moon began to give off an extra glow type of nature and then clouds began to move all by themselves and then began to rain heavily.” She was shocked at what she was reading. The clouds don’t move by themselves, and only Pegasus ponies could make them rain. She then continued to read. “Then at around seven-fifteen, a pony came up…dead…in the alleys of…Canterlot.” She was horrified at what she read.

A pony…dead? It just wasn’t possible. Nopony had been killed in centuries, and in Canterlot of all places. The whole newspaper was about it too. All the columns were about the homicide or the weird occurrences, and some of them were about both.

“Twilight,” a voice called from behind her.

She turned to see Spike running after her holding a letter.

“Twilight, Princess Celestia sent you a letter. I think it’s important.”

“Here, let me see it,” she quickly said and snatched it from his claws.

She opened the letter up and levitated it in front of her. It read,

My most faithful student Twilight Sparkle,
Finish checking up on the Nightmare Night decorations, and then take the next train to Canterlot. I believe you could be of use here right now and I require your assistance with a very important matter. Bring no one else along with you.
Princess Celestia

It was even stamped with the Princesses mintmark. What was so important? Was it about the murder?

She face hoofed herself. Well of course it has to be stupid, she told herself. What else could it be, an exclusive tea party.
“Spike,” she said.

“Yeah,” he responded, “What is it?”

“I have no clue Spike, but there are some weird things happening right now and the Princess wants to see me up in Canterlot ASAP. So I’m going to finish my work here quickly and head on up there. You stay here, okay?”

“Alright,” Spike answered.

"Hopefully some of my other friends will be at Sugar Cube Corner too, so I don’t waste time running around Ponyville."

When she arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, both Pinkie and Applejack were there.

“Well ‘ey thar Twilight, I’m her’ deliverin’ all the apples to the Cakes so they can make all our tasty apple treats fer Nightmare Night,” said Applejack. Then her face got a little bit more serious and asked, “Did ya hear about the bad news up in Canterlot?”

“Unfortunately, yes, yes I did,” she replied. “The Princess has actually summoned me up in Canterlot so I’ll be leaving once I’m done checking up on everything.”

“Ohhhhhhh! You’regoingtoCanterlot?CanIcomeCanIcome?” Pinkie had gotten all excited and started jumping around Twilight. “Ihavn’tbeenupinCanterlotinlike…FOREVER!”

“Nope,” Twilight replied and Pinkie stopped bouncing around and asked,
“Awwww. Why nooot?”

“Because the Princess has requested that I should come alone. Sorry Pinkie, next time okay?”

“Do you Pin-“

“Yes Pinkie, I Pinkie Promise,” Twilight interrupted while she did the motions of the Pinkie Promise, pretending to shove the imaginary cupcake in her eye while smiling.

Pinkie simply smiled and then sped off somewhere to do whatever Pinkie does.

“Better keep that ther’ promise,” Applejack said. “I don’t want to see ‘er angry again.”

“Didn’t plan on breaking it,” Twilight reassured.

“So is everything on schedule?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we’re a little behind with the apple deliveries and the weird rain last night left our orchard a disaster, so all in all, we’ll be behind a day er so on account of havin’ to sort through even more bad apples now.” Applejack still sounded confident that she could get everything done.

“Alright, just a minor setback,” Twilight noted. “Just pick up the pace a bit, okay A.J.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout it Twi. I’ve got Big Mac and AppleBloom helping me out too, so it’ll be done.”

“All right, good,” Twilight nodded. “Well, I’m going to head over to the Carousel Boutique to see how my costume is coming along.”

“‘Kay. I’ll see when ya get on the train,” Applejack waved goodbye as Twilight left through the front door.

After hearing more about the incident on her way to Rarity’s shop she was slightly disappointed.

“But why do I have to wait to see it Rarity?” Twilight asked. “Nightmare Night is only three nights away and I’m going to be spending some time in Canterlot before that, so…”

“You’re going up to Canterlot?” Rarity interrupted. Usually she always got so excited when Twilight mentioned that she was going to Canterlot. She would start packing her bags and then insist on going with her, but right now she seemed almost upset at the statement. “You do know that there’s something creepy going on up there darling?”

“Trust me, I know.” Twilight replied. “Princess Celestia has invited me herself. I think it probably has something to do with all this craziness.”

All right, well you better be careful up there anyway. Need any help packing your bags or anything? It’d be my pleasure to help you.”

“No, sorry Rarity, but I’m already packed.” She nodded her head to her satchel she had hung over her back. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”

“Well let me at least carry that for you to your ride. Taking the train?” Rarity already had Twilights satchel on her back and ready to go.

“Well hold on, we haven’t even finished our discussion about my costume yet.” Twilight had to remind her that she came hear for a certain reason.

“I already told you that it was going to be a surprise when you get back from your duties,” Rarity told her as she was walking out the door with Twilight’s satchel.

Twilight was slightly upset, but Rarity was only being generous in helping her getting ready to leave, so she quickly forgot about it.

The next train for Canterlot was leaving in around fifteen minutes, so she finished everything just in time. All of her friends were at the train station to bid her a farewell and a safe return, except Rainbow Dash. She hadn’t even seen her yet today which was odd because usually she was out practicing her flight skills to impress the Wonderbolts. Maybe she was just deciding to sleep in and be lazy today.

Rarity gave Twilight her satchel as she stepped onto the loading platform and she set it on her back. She had packed an apple for the train ride, some paper, two inkwells, a quill, and a book to read for the ride as well. She hoped she hadn’t forgotten anything.

“Willyoubringmesomethingfromyourtrip?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “I’dreallylikeasouvenir.”

“Sure, I’ll bring you all something okay.” Twilight said.

“You be careful ‘kay,” Applejack said.

“Yes, we will all be awaiting your return darling,” Rarity added.

Twilight gave them all a hug and boarded the train. She turned around to see them all waving, she waved back and gave a smile. The train blew its whistle and started to move. Twilight gave a final wave and they waved back while Pinkie was bouncing up and down. She let out a giggle at her friend being silly like always.

The train was now moving at full speed and Ponyville was starting to become smaller and smaller. She went into the main cabin to find a seat. She took a seat that didn’t have anypony else sitting in it. She sat down and looked out the window. The beautiful landscape quickly going by as the train kept moving along.

It was going to be a six-hour ride so she decided to get comfortable and find something to do. She started to name off certain plants and animals she seen in the fields, using all the knowledge she had learned out of the books that Fluttershy had let her borrow. She hadn’t seen her either, probably to frightened to come out of her cottage with all the scary things going on. She thought of getting her some kind of new friend for Angel Bunny to play with. She continued to look out the window and admire the scenery as she slowly dozed off to take a nap.

This is my first fanfic about ponies so I would enjoy constructive feedback.
Comment in the below section for questions or comments.
I would also like to thank Rush Swipas for proofreading my story. Thanks for the support Rush.