//------------------------------// // Act 7: Two halves make a whole. // Story: A Thespian's Pride. // by Genesis Swift //------------------------------// The tension backed by excitement makes me wish today was the day of the play, yet it is not, so therefore I am forced to wait. Under this night, tomorrow is the last day the audience waits. I cannot sleep though, whats wrong? Nothing bothers me at the current time; I feel quite renewed in all honesty. The thoughts jumbled around and I tried to shew them off. Perhaps I'll take a short midnight snack break, if it even is midnight? I went down stairs and searched through the pantry, nothing just nothing; I need to go out to get some food. I turn around and see that I need to do the washing up as well for the dishes. That just gave me something to do for the night I wouldn't be out shopping for food till after work, tomorrow. Yea chores were done around the house that night due to my insomnia. All I could think about were the choices I made for the play write, how the events happened, what feelings were felt, why things stayed when they should of obviously been taken out? Well I told myself that the events happened because that is what I believe would happen, the feelings that were felt were the feelings I had when writing it, and why things stayed; because they had to or the story would be to predictable or would just seem more out of place than the audience really thought it was. Choices were made because, well it's my story, The Story of Two is an original tell tale of two siblings... At the least a week passed on with Ice in the hospital, Frost was there everyday and spent most of his time there next to his sister. They would talk the whole time about their memories together and what was on their mind during the conversations. The conditions were off and on for Ice though, some days she would be fine, others she would be to weak to even talk; but she told her brother to keep talking on those days just so she could smile, relax, and listen. "Ice, good news," Frost exclaimed bursting into the room with a smile on his face, standing within a hoof reach of his sister. "Good morning big brother. Whats the good news?" "The doctor says you'll be fine and out by the week's end, I'll have my little sister back again," he said smiling in pure joy. Icelia grabbed hold of her brother in a tight hug, "Yay, and I get to be with my big brother back home again," she said with giggles. It was a grand news to have for the siblings; that they were to be happy, healthy, and together once again. Ice's symptoms stopped popping up and she seemed to be able to go home by week's end healthier than ever. So that day was spent in high hopes of Ice's release from the hospital and she spent the day talking about what she wanted to do when she was home again. The next day was spent the same, but with Tundra there to be happy along with them; bringing up more ideas for the conversations. Nothing could of prepared them for the day after. That day was just like the ones before it, full of laughter and excitement for the week's end; conversation struck. Ice was laying in her hospital bed speaking to her brother in excited bewilderment, "So how was it big brother, did you two have a good night, was it romantic?" Frost stood there with bright red blush all across his face, "It was a great night Ice, having her parents along for dinner was a splendid idea." "Oh I wish I could of been there," Ice pouted. "I wished you were there more than anything Ice. Most the time we spent talking about you," Frost said nuzzling his little sister. Frost talked on and on; while time passed his little sister became more and more silent. It was only a couple hours passed noon that Ice concerned him. Ice's smile slowly faded into a frown, "Frost I don't feel so good." Frost instantly became extremely confused on Ice's condition, "What's wrong Ice?" Ice's body became limp and she struggled attempting to speak. "Just hold on Ice, I'll get a doctor for you," Frost said exiting the room to be heard calling for assistance then coming back to be with his sister. Ice said with the last of her conscious breath, "I love you brother," in which made him openly cry, "Don't worry about me," thus only making him worry and cry more. Doctors came to the room confused on Ice's condition as much as Frost was. They examined Ice's condition and immediately seemed to go in a red alert fashion. They worked and rushed around the building recovering different things from across the compound to aid Ice in whatever they may have thought was wrong with her. Time passed and Frost watched as they worked and worked. There were points where the doctors seemed to make a break through but it itself was then broken by it's own failure minutes later. Moments of intensity went by hours passed. A short while after the doctors receded from the room, one went up to Frost. "Your sisters RAS began to fail it's function to the reticular formation, her ascending reticular activating system functioning has stopped; meaning she is not receiving the brain neurons that are needed to stay conscious," he looks at Frost with sorrow, "She's in a coma and we don't know how long it could last, we tried the best we could but our best wasn't enough, we're truly sorry." Frost stared off to his sister passed the doctor, tears took him over. All he could feel was guilt towards himself he felt like a failure of a brother, he felt that he was the reason Ice was in the condition she was in; and he cried for her, pleaded the world to give her back to him. I should finally be able to get the rest I need for tomorrow, big day coming real fast. Treat ponies everyday as if it were their last. Act End.